Aristotle's phrases on life, education, and happiness

George Alvarez 15-07-2023
George Alvarez

Aristotle is known as one of the greatest philosophers in the history of the world. Although he was part of ancient philosophy, his thoughts built the pillars of knowledge that are still discussed today in the various areas of life. Aristotle's phrases to this day part of world philosophy.

The thinker was born in Greece and is an important reference for Western knowledge, since his reflections were responsible for grounding the sciences and philosophy.

Aristotle's History

It is dated in universal history that the Greek philosopher Aristotle was born 322 years before Christ, and was one of the first thinkers in the West during the classical period. Aristotle was born in Stagira, Macedonia, and was a disciple of Plato, taking classes with the master until his death.

During his journey, besides being Plato's pupil, he was also Alexander the Great's teacher and master. His writings cover many different fields of knowledge, being a reference to both the humanities and the exact sciences.

At the age of 16, he moved to Athens, the capital of Greece, which was considered the greatest intellectual center of the time, both for culture and academic directions. Aristotle had preferences in the sphere of biology, and for this reason he devoted himself to the study of science, the episteme He was a student at Plato's school, where he remained for 20 years.

As far as his path is concerned, after the death of his Master, Aristotle, a while later, founded his own school in the year 335 B.C. At that same time, during the founding of his school, the philosopher originated what is known today as the Lyceum . The members of his Lyceum aimed to conduct research in a wide range of knowledge, some of them being:

  • botany;
  • biology;
  • logic;
  • math;
  • medicine;
  • physics;
  • ethics;
  • metaphysics;
  • politics etc.

Best Phrases by Aristotle

Aristotle left a large collection of writings that is still read by many people today. His phrases are related to unrestricted knowledge, having been realized under various approaches to the studies of science and life. Here, we will bring you the best ones Aristotle's phrases of its trajectory.

"The ignorant asserts, the wise man doubts, the wise man reflects"

This is perhaps one of his best known and most disseminated thoughts, mainly because it is extremely timeless. It brings the idea that wisdom is only acquired when questioned and reflected upon.

"There has never been a great intelligence without a vein of madness"

Here, it is understood that Aristotle intended to say that the best discoveries and ideas come from minds that are not "normal", i.e. singular, exceptional and miraculous minds. Above all, eccentric minds, which are capable of creating great intelligence from their differential.

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"The wise man never says everything he thinks, but always thinks everything he says"

The wise man is not the one who is always transparent with others about what he thinks, but whenever he is going to communicate something or share his wisdom, he ponders his words, that is, he thinks before he says them.

Aristotle's Phrases about life

Besides having written maxims about science, mathematics, biology, philosophy, politics, etc., Aristotle also wrote about life. Many of these phrases are present in our daily life, becoming even "slogans" or sayings. Here are some Aristotle's phrases in that sense:

"Our character is the result of our conduct"

This phrase is very pertinent to our daily actions. It can be understood that Aristotle's objective was to show that our actions, our conduct, result in our character, that is, the way we position ourselves configures who we are.

"To have many friends is to have none"

It is more important to have few, but good and reliable friends, than to have many and at the same time all these friendships are superficial relationships.

"You will never do anything in this world without courage. It is the best quality of mind next to honor"

Courage is an essential point in the individual, because it is necessary to have it inside for great things to happen and great things to be done and created. Without courage, we cannot make anything happen.

Aristotle's phrases on education

Aristotle made many quotes about the area of education, much because he was not only a philosopher but also a great mentor and teacher in ancient Greece.

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"Education has bitter roots, but its fruits are sweet"

It is understood in this sentence that even though education is arduous, it has great rewards. Therefore, it is necessary to go through this laborious process, because it brings great victories and achievements.

"Educating the mind without educating the heart is not education"

More than equipping oneself with intellectual knowledge, it is necessary to educate the heart to sensitivity. That is, it is fundamental to educate both the mind and the heart.

"The joy you get from thinking and learning makes you think and learn even more"

Having joy in producing thoughts and learning things makes us think and learn even more. For this reason, being happy with the process bears quantitative fruit in education.

Messages from Aristotle

There are messages that we carry with us for our entire lives. Many of them come from great sages that have helped us and continue to help us reflect on the issues present in our daily lives. Below are some important messages from Aristotle:

"At the bottom of a hole or a well, one happens to discover the stars"

One discovers important and valuable things in forgotten or distant, deep and even difficult places.

"Greatness does not consist in receiving honors, but in deserving them"

Deserving an achievement is more important than just receiving it.

"As for virtue, it is not enough to know it, we must also try to possess it and put it into practice"

Virtue is only enough when we come to possess it and put it into practice in our actions.

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Aristotle's phrases about love

A good sage is one who can also write or speak about matters of the heart, and love is a topic that is always present in our lives. Since before the birth of Christ, love was already being debated in the minds of people. polis Aristotle, in turn, left us a legacy of messages about this feeling that is, more than ever, timeless. Here is a list of those messages:

  • "Love is the feeling of imperfect beings, since the function of love is to lead the human being to perfection."
  • "The good thing is not to love, but to love the right object, at the right time, and to the right degree."
  • "Love only happens between virtuous people."
  • "Love is formed of one soul, dwelling in two bodies."

Aristotle's legacy in our lives

From all these phrases, quotes, and messages presented above, one can see that Aristotle left an important legacy in our lives, even if it is many centuries old. This legacy consists of several pillars, namely the importance of virtue, wisdom, education, honor, and love.

In short, exploring the wisdom of the philosophers contributes greatly to our self-knowledge, providing us with material to rethink ourselves and our relationships.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.