What is the meaning of life? The 6 ideas of Psychoanalysis

George Alvarez 23-10-2023
George Alvarez

Maybe you have already stopped to reflect and think what is the meaning of life After all, we can consider that humanity is not a coincidence and that we have some purpose, even if it is individual. We will get to know six ideas from Psychoanalysis on the subject and give you tips on how you can find your purpose in life.

1.happiness is not conditioned to youth

For Contardo Calligaris, age does not determine whether people know the meaning of life and whether they are happy The psychoanalyst talked a lot about the behavior of younger people and adolescents. According to Calligaris, being young does not mean that you are someone who knows how to be happy and knows life.

In other words, Calligaris stated that senior citizens are not more unhappy as some believe. In addition, he said, senior citizens live better because they are able to pay more attention to themselves. Therefore, the elderly suffer less from the problems of contemporary dissatisfaction, something common for those who live inattentive.

2.Studying should not be the only importance of the meaning of life

Contardo Calligaris was a therapist for adolescents and criticized the way families deal with the vestibular. According to the psychoanalyst, parents must rethink their obsession with the annual university exam. For Contardo, many families put pressure on their children by showing that the vestibular must be their life's goal.

Although Calligaris valued education, his criticism is directed at the excesses committed by the family. According to him teenagers should feel that their life is worthwhile Thus, the psychoanalyst argued that the importance of the meaning of life was, in fact, to live it.

3.happiness is not all that matters

Although it sounds absurd, although some people think otherwise, humanity should not just be happy. That is, people need to find the balance between being happy or not in order to live better. While we seek to understand what the meaning of life is, it is necessary to know how to deal with the misfortunes along the way.

Some psychoanalysts say that suffering begins:

In the body

We all grow old and feel the natural cycle of life affecting our vitality. However, many people feel terrified because they anxiously imagine their own suffering in old age. For some people, growing old is a testament to gradual uselessness.

In the outside world

We are constantly threatened by the forces of the outside world. Many of us are not taught how to deal with problems.

Our relations

It is likely that, for many people, the relationship with other people is the most difficult grief to deal with.

See_also: The Human Condition: a concept in philosophy and in Hannah Arendt

4. maybe life has no meaning at all

With the help of Psychoanalysis many people have asked themselves what the meaning of life is. The answer is surprising because, for some of them, life may not have any meaning at all.

However, those same people can answer that same question differently whenever they are asked. So, they themselves can give themselves a different purpose and find their reasons for living .

5.the meaning of life is to follow its natural flow

In order to better understand what the meaning of life is, we will consider three statements that complement each other:


People's lives are naturally destined to die. Even if we take it as an astonishing answer, death is an unpleasant truth. For many people it is death that makes life worth living .


Like other animals, life makes sense to humans when it is necessary to perpetuate it through descendants. In other words, people must live and reproduce, preserve their own existence through their descendants. Furthermore, we must escape pain by seeking the pleasures that life offers while we experience it.

Build yourself

As we live we can give purpose to our lives on an individual basis, that is, each person will understand the meaning that is his or her own and will live according to his or her individual construction Therefore, people must make sense of their own lives and live them in a particular way.

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6.the meaning of life is life

Contardo Calligaris stated that each person should pay more attention to their own daily life. However, valuing your life does not mean that you should be a full-time hero. According to Calligaris, we should make every personal experience an opportunity to make discoveries about ourselves.

Contardo said that the meaning of life is life itself, the opportunity to experience it We need to pay attention to the details in order to understand how unique this opportunity is.


In the following we will give you five tips on how you can discover what the meaning of life is for you:

1. what are you good at?

You, no doubt, possess qualities that if well used can make a difference in the world If possible, question the people close to you by asking them about their qualities. Try not to sound narcissistic and always develop your self-knowledge to find the answer.

2.What is your purpose?

For what reasons do you want to transform the life you have? Don't be intimidated by asking yourself what your purpose in life is. Write down on a sheet of paper why you want to transform yours and people's worlds.

3. develop new perspectives

Perhaps you have already believed that some aspect of your life will never be changed. However, you should consider that many things change over time, including your opinion. The advice we give you is to explore all possibilities to transform your life.

4. challenge yourself

You should never be satisfied with the achievements you have already made in life. Sometimes it is necessary for you to take risks in order to experience new realities and find opportunities for growth. Therefore, never get stuck in your comfort zone and allow yourself to take risks .

5 Reflect

If possible, you should take a moment to reflect on your life. Think about what makes you happy, what saddens you, or what you want to change. In this way, reflection will help you define your priorities and you will seek the tools you need to meet them .

Final considerations about the meaning of life

For a person to understand the meaning of life, he must think about his own needs After all, no one can determine the general meaning of all people's lives. What a person can do is to shape his own destiny and live according to it.

However, we must all consider the greater good: to help create a more harmonious society. We must transform the world we know so that the next generations will discover their purpose in life.

After understanding the possibilities of what is the meaning of life With our course you will have the support you need to develop your self-knowledge and find your answer. Our Psychoanalysis course will be essential for you to answer these doubts and transform your life.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.