Oral Phase: Meaning in Freud and Psychology

George Alvarez 07-10-2023
George Alvarez

It is natural for any child to have the habit of putting objects in his mouth, as this is his way of getting to know the world. Within Psychoanalysis there is a way to explain this, so that his personality is molded from this apparently simple action. From here on we will talk about the meaning of oral phase and how all the little ones settle into it.

What is the oral phase?

The oral stage is a stage in the child's development when he takes everything into his mouth The term was created by Freud to name the stage of discovery of the world by oral means. Through this, the little one becomes capable of satisfaction and joy in performing such actions.

This period usually begins at birth and lasts until the child is approximately 2 years old. Bringing it to the outside world, this is why there are recommendations regarding specific toys for children under 3. This is because they can put them in their mouths and swallow small parts, causing internal damage and serious risks.

From a young age we already have a natural impulse to move our hands and the mother's breast into our mouths. Melanie Klein named this stage the oral sadistic stage, while Freud called it cannibalistic as well.

Libidinal drive for pleasure

As opened above, oral sadism and cannibalism come from research regarding the pleasure felt in the oral phase of the baby. The desire for sucking, for biting the mother's breast and emptying it arises with a desire to destroy the object. Individuals who exhibit harmful adult behavior of this nature may have this period poorly developed .

The libido manifests itself here first, seeking the desire for life through oral feeding in the child. Going further, the child's brain understands that all the pleasure that can be felt comes from the mouth. Consequently, the skin and intestinal tract gradually gain relevance.

Since the pleasure is concentrated there, he will take everything into his mouth besides sucking his thumb, crying, sucking... Etc. In a few words, here the child learns what is the door to understand and enjoy the world around him. Through this, he will acquire mental and physical security, as well as the security referentials in his life.

The Personality Principle

In the oral phase of the child, we have the first mold from which its emotional structure is built. Through the mother's physical contact, and the care provided by her, that its internal development is formulated. Even though he is dependent and has a very pure instinct, his personality here already begins to show .

The breast is the child's first and main reference of pleasure, and the suckling is the primary satisfaction to be experienced. Although not realizing it, the child ends up conceiving the existence of what the desire is and already assimilates its essence. With this, he may wish to suckle frequently to repeat the sensorial gain received.

This kind of contact helps him to directly fix what can be pleasurable or not for him as he connects to his mother. As his experience grows, he already starts to create an idealization and to understand what he needs or desires. As he sucks milk, he performs both physical and symbolic embodiment of it.

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Mirror phase

The oral phase in Freud is a delicate process and deserves a lot of attention from adults, especially from the mother. This is because we are in the mirror phase in which the little ones, even though they are young, already recognize their own identity Besides creating bonds with others, he becomes more aware of himself.

Modern times have brought some complications to this, as mothers have more independence than ever before. It is not uncommon to find families who interchange in the care of the child, including breastfeeding. A minimal change of caregiver is recommended so that this does not reverberate negatively on the child's composition.

The consequences of good and bad phases

When the oral phase is built up properly, this is reflected in the individual's posture throughout life. Family care, contact worked on in interaction with others, and family assistance all contribute to the person reaching an internal and interpersonal solidity. With this, he/she becomes able to work and deal properly with:

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Even though you may suffer, you will know how to face it properly without getting down or despairing.

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Emotional dependence

You show yourself to be more independent, so that you manage your relationships very well.


You won't always get what you want, but your emotions will be very well worked out so that you don't get frustrated.

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We deal here especially with other people or personal goals.

Anxiety and so on

Instead of feeding improbable unrealities, you will build the security of certainty about your thoughts and emotions.

Regarding bad phase, when this does not develop well in the child, we have:

  • Abandonment tendencies;
  • Constant desire for approval;
  • Need to be loved constantly;
  • Overeating as a way of coping with addiction;
  • Difficulties in relationships with other people;
  • In more severe cases, bipolar disorders and schizophrenia.


The mastery of the mouth and tongue during the oral stage determines how the child receives the world around him. As we commented lines above, depending on what you put between your lips, this can pose a risk to him. Thus:

  • Prevent him from putting small objects in his mouth that could be swallowed and cause obstruction. Prevention is better than luck;
  • Never let it get close to sharp things;
  • Objects that are toxic or that the composition may negatively affect the child;
  • If you have older children, instruct them to prevent minors from reaching for toys and objects without necessary accompaniment.

Final remarks about the oral phase

The oral phase is the first of many that we all go through to achieve our existential formation Even if the child doesn't consciously realize it, it will use this as a basis to structure itself in the future.

Being the bridge of discovery, one has to be careful about expanding this so that the child does not get hurt. Unfortunately, it is common for babies to choke and not receive help in time, including while breastfeeding. In any case, this is one of the first pillars for the maximum expression of their capacity to understand life.

This journey can be best constructed through our online course in Clinical Psychoanalysis, which proposes that you revisit your essence, understanding yourself through well-polished self-knowledge. The oral phase or any other, at any time, will be very well constructed to reach its potential .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.