Behavior change: life, work, and family

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Have you ever thought of doing any behavior change Because we often need to change our attitude in order to achieve our goals, as well as for a better relationship with the people around us. So, check out our article to learn more about this subject.

Why is it necessary to make a change in behavior?

When we think about behavior change many things can go through our minds. After all, many people adopt the Gabriela Syndrome, that is, they keep saying that "I was born like this, I will die like this". Therefore, they miss great opportunities in life.

Furthermore, many others believe that they should be accepted just the way they are. However, since we live in a society, it is necessary to think about the relationship with those around us, if only for a healthy coexistence.

Besides, we live in a world in constant transformation. In this way, we as human beings must always adapt, for if human beings had not changed over time, they would not survive. So here are some other reasons to think about behavioral change:

  • sense of well-being;
  • peace of mind;
  • quality of life;
  • self-knowledge;
  • critical reflection on oneself;
  • maturation;
  • empathy;
  • humility;
  • respect;
  • improvement in relationships with other people;
  • harmony in the family;
  • professional success.

How does psychoanalysis understand barriers to change?

For Psychoanalysis, the ego is a part of our psychic functioning that functions to:

  • self-identification Who am I?
  • dealing with the tasks of the world: relationship, work, etc.

The ego puts on a protective coat, which is a barrier to change. This in a way is natural, so that we don't have to "start over" every day.

Then, ego defense mechanisms and the resistances in therapy are examples of tools the ego uses to avoid being questioned. comfort zone" brings about many losses, the more these mechanisms are reinforced by the ego.

Thus, the absence of change in behavior and thinking brings damages to the cognitive, psychic, and social development, such as the loss of the ability to learn, change, and self-knowledge. It is necessary to be open to change in order to break with an often painful psychic functioning, which leads to fears, anxieties, and anguish.

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So, what is behavior change in psychology?

In this sense, psychology has some bases regarding behavior change. The theory of behaviorism, for example, tells how the environment stimulates a person. Therefore, it is from the external factors that we change. In this way, it is possible to find the roots of the problems that affect us.

However, there are internal factors that also drive our behaviors, so the construction of identity is linked to our attitudes. Furthermore, social and cultural values also shape our experiences, stimulating the way we act.

In this way, if we were raised one way by our family, maybe a different upbringing will cause strangeness. Thus, we tend to believe that our way is right, while the other's is wrong. However, we never stop to reflect on the why of things.

Why do we find it difficult to change?

Therefore, because these values are so present, we find it difficult to understand that some changes need to be made. In addition, other feelings can interfere with change, such as:

  • fear of experiencing new things because I have no control over what is to come;
  • accommodation because he doesn't want to take the trouble to change, staying in his comfort zone;
  • shame by putting himself in a position of "being wrong," which reveals a position of arrogance.

Furthermore, change requires changing habits, which can become an even greater challenge, since it is often difficult to break a cycle of doing the same thing for years. So it is no wonder that many people find it difficult to give up harmful habits, such as smoking, for example.

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In other words, the attitude needs to come from within. For, even knowing the risks she runs by staying with the same behaviors may not be enough.

Furthermore, external factors can stimulate changes, such as traumatic experiences, health problems, and environmental awareness can cause changes. In this way, we can highlight the vegan movement that has been gaining more and more supporters, because the discussions about animal cruelty have been on the agenda in several spaces.

So, how to change behavior?

1. seek professional help

In this sense, know that changing behavior is difficult, but not impossible. So the person needs to be determined to change. In addition, he also needs to be willing to hear negative criticism about himself. In this way, she will better understand what needs to be changed.

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This is why we recommend therapy to help you on this journey, because it is important to have an outsider's view, that is, to be assessed by a professional who does not know you, such as friends and family. This way, he or she will be an impartial person listening to your complaints.

Furthermore, with the help of a professional, he will help you with specific treatments, so the change in behavior will be more effective. So remember that we all have issues that need to be worked through, and seeking help is not an act of weakness. On the contrary, this attitude shows courage by opening up to deal with your feelings.

2. reflect on what and why you need to change

Another important step is to reflect on the change you need to make. In other words, to take a critical look at yourself and all areas of your life. Therefore, we will list some questions below to help you:

  • how is your relationship with your family members?
  • are you impatient and stressed?
  • how is your sleep routine?
  • when was the last time you had fun?
  • how is your diet?
  • How often do you do physical activity?
  • do you seek to isolate yourself from people very often?
  • are you satisfied with your professional life?
  • what is your goal for this year?
  • what do you expect from the future?
  • what is your definition of happiness?
  • what are your hobbies?
  • What makes you sad? Does it happen often?

So now try to identify the reasons to change. For, many times we change to please others, however the change has to be something that makes sense to you.

For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds, why is this important to you? This is because many times we want to change in order to follow some trend. Or because the media indicates that only the thin body is beautiful and acceptable. Thinking like this will make it more difficult to achieve your goal.

3. set small goals

To help you change, make small goals to accomplish your big objectives. So if you are dissatisfied and want to change jobs you should:

  • Talk to your boss and ask for feedback on your performance;
  • to hear from other colleagues about their work and living with them;
  • to take improvement courses;
  • seek out professionals in your field to build your networking network.

Now if your goal is to buy your own home, you must:

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  • if you have debts, pay them all off first;
  • research and compare different financing;
  • save money;
  • researching places where you want to live.

These are just a few examples, but each step generates even more small goals, so that you feel motivated and fulfilled as you accomplish each one.

4. have patience and believe in the process

Many people get discouraged because they expect quick results and get frustrated. However, every change process takes time and discipline, so it is necessary to stay focused and not get discouraged when something goes wrong.

So don't expect that after the first therapy session all your problems will be solved, or that in a week you will lose weight in a healthy way.

However, if after a while your attitudes have not achieved the expected result, reassess and try other possibilities.

Final thoughts on behavior change

In this article, we talk about behavior change So, if you want to know more about it, take our online Psychoanalysis course. This way, you will develop your self-knowledge and will know how to transform your life and the world around you. So, enroll right now!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.