Solitude and Loneliness: Differences in the Dictionary and in Psychology

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Do you know the difference between loneliness and solitude Being alone is a characteristic that can be defined by two terms, so surely you have heard of both words, or at least know the word loneliness. This is because both words characterize a form of isolation.

However, one of them being voluntary and the other not. Thus, the two collocations are different both in their grammatical meaning and in their meaning within psychology. So, the two aspects represent states of the human spirit, one of them being something good and the other something rather bad.

Therefore, follow what we have brought about loneliness and solitude and understand more about these two processes!

Table of Contents

  • Meaning of loneliness, according to the dictionary
  • Meaning of solitude, according to the dictionary
  • What is loneliness for Psychology?
  • What is aloneness for Psychology?
  • Causes of loneliness and solitude
  • Understand why being alone is good
  • So when is it not good to be alone?
    • Loneliness and solitude: it is always good to get expert help
  • Why shouldn't we meddle in the choices of others?
  • Conclusion on loneliness and solitude
    • To learn more

Meaning of loneliness, according to the dictionary

Also in grammar, solitude and loneliness have different meanings. In this sense, the dictionary classifies the word "loneliness" as a state of being lonely Furthermore, it characterizes, geographically, distant places that are difficult to access or places that have not been explored by human beings.

Meaning of solitude, according to the dictionary

Solitude, on the other hand, according to the dictionary, represents loneliness. But this is a chosen, desired or even planned loneliness. As such, it is a characteristic inherent to people and not to geographical spaces, like the word loneliness.

What is loneliness for Psychology?

Loneliness is an aspect related to sadness, an isolation that can be either voluntary or involuntary This is because the main characteristic of loneliness is feeling sad, down, and unimportant.

Thus, the problem with loneliness is that in some cases it can turn into depression. Moreover, it can be a condition for the development of psychosis and other mental disorders. However, some people can cope with this condition on their own.

What is aloneness for Psychology?

Solitude, on the other hand, represents voluntary isolation. This is something positive and even healthy, because to be in solitude means to go into seclusion for a period of time. That is why it is said that it is a voluntary isolation, it is the result of a personal decision.

Unlike loneliness, aloneness is healthy because it represents the pleasure of being alone. The person, in general, enjoys his or her own company. Thus, he or she is not dependent on anyone and does not expect to have someone to accompany him or her in everything.

So this is a way to get in touch with your inner self and improve self-knowledge. It is also a way to work on self-confidence and self-love.

Causes of loneliness and solitude

The causes that lead to loneliness and solitude are widespread. Thus, loneliness can originate because of trauma. That is, it can arise because of the loss of a loved one or the end of a relationship. P or this, it is possible for a person to feel lonely even in the presence of others.

On the other hand, aloneness can represent a person's search for self-knowledge. It is a time when she wants to be alone to find her way or to start life over in a new place.

Understand why being alone is good

The good thing about wanting to be alone is that we get to know ourselves better, we prioritize our decisions and put ourselves first in our choices Thus, we learn to enjoy our own company without depending on anyone else to travel or go to the movies, for example.

However, choosing to isolate oneself does not mean giving up on life and society. In fact, it is a choice for self-knowledge and developing self-confidence. And this happens even if we do not realize at the time that the choice of isolation has this positive impact.

But because we are social beings by nature, we cannot completely disengage ourselves from human company. So understand that choosing to be alone does not mean isolating yourself. When we isolate ourselves from other people, we can open the door to loneliness.

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So when is it not good to be alone?

It is not good to be alone when we are burdened by feelings of loneliness. As we have already mentioned, loneliness can be a trigger for other problems of a psychological nature. And in more serious cases, it can be the starting point for a suicide attempt.

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Therefore, it is necessary to understand the difference between loneliness and solitude. Therefore, being alone is good and positive. Being alone and feeling lonely, can mean the need to have help or to have someone to talk to.

Also, being alone can negatively influence memory and increases stress levels. Furthermore, it can be a condition for the onset of antisocial behavior.

Loneliness and solitude: it is always good to get expert help

Considering the differences between loneliness and solitude, we need to understand that expert help is always welcome. For we are not always able to fight our battles alone, or to walk the path of self-knowledge.

Thus, professionals in the field of psychology are essential in the treatment of loneliness. Just as for the process of aloneness, we can count on the help of coaches, for example.

Why shouldn't we meddle in the choices of others?

If you want to help a lonely person, or want to understand what makes a person choose to be alone, first of all, don't meddle! Human beings have a tendency - a bad one, by the way - of having the need to control the lives of others. Understand: don't do it!

This is because a single person, who is bombarded by people meddling in his choices, can feel pressured. And, adding the pressure to meet other people's expectations to the feeling of loneliness, can trigger a lot of negative things for that person.

So if a person chooses to be alone, understand that they have their reasons. In other words, their life is not your life and neither are your choices. Therefore, we need to make room for the other to get to know himself and to walk the path to his own happiness. We can try to understand the other, but never meddle!

Conclusion on loneliness and solitude

Being alone is good. In fact, it is always good. We challenge ourselves not to depend on anyone. We trust our intuition and our choices to make the best of our lives. Being alone is a way to be independent.

But not always, being alone means feeling lonely. So we need to understand that lonely people can very well feel full and happy. Therefore, it is not for us to judge your reasons for making the decision to be alone.

Therefore, a person who is lonely needs our trust and love. When we are lonely we need to know that we have people in our lives who care for us. So instead of criticizing a person's loneliness, why not try to understand and help?

To learn more

If you like this topic and are interested in learning more about loneliness and solitude Discover how to deal with these moments and transform your life and your journey of self-knowledge.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.