Aggressiveness: concept and causes of aggressive behavior

George Alvarez 30-10-2023
George Alvarez

A aggressiveness is a term used to designate certain behaviors and habits aggressive To understand more about this word and the causes of this attitude, we have developed a post, so read it now.

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What is aggressiveness?

Generally speaking, and even something that is common sense, aggressiveness is a way that certain people behave. Whether in a physical or verbal way, these individuals direct such actions toward the subjects around them. As a matter of fact, the origin of these impulses are, in general, a response to frustration over a certain situation.

However, at certain times, aggression is a way of social interaction that can be useful. For example, when people need to be more direct or to conquer something difficult and important, they can use this aggressiveness to their advantage. It is worth pointing out that this term is very different from assertiveness, even though they are used in a similar way.

This term comes from a Latin word aggressio The father of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, used the term aggressiveness to mean "hostile or destructive behavior.

What is an aggressive person?

Now that we know meaning of aggressiveness So, in general, these individuals have the tendency to "explode" in certain situations, especially when they are stressed. In fact, these "explosions" come without any kind of warning.

The characteristics of an aggressive person are:

  • tend to blame external factors;
  • have a great gift for social manipulation;
  • postpone their obligations or forget them
  • perform the activities inefficiently;
  • act in a hostile or cynical way;
  • are quite obstinate;
  • complain that they feel a lack of recognition;
  • show resentment for the demands of others
  • use sarcasm on a regular basis;
  • have a lack of empathy.

What are the causes of aggressiveness?

Now let's take a look at what are the possible causes of aggressiveness. So, check it out in the next topics:

Low frustration tolerance

One of the first causes is not knowing how to deal with frustration, since this feeling is so present in our lives and is quite unpleasant. Because of this, a person is more likely to "snap" when he feels frustrated.

After all, not everyone is able to tolerate such feelings, especially children and teenagers who are still learning to control such sensations.

A learned behavior

Some authors argue that aggressiveness is a behavior that a person learns. In other words, a child who has parents who are aggressive, there is a good chance that he will be like that when he is older. This process is called modeling or observation.

An innate behavior

This cause, on the other hand, argues that there are mechanisms that are innate at the basis of aggression and would explain these aggressive behaviors. Many people end up realizing that these offensive or defensive actions can have a cost-benefit.

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With this, such a cause suggests that this aggressiveness is associated with offensive and defensive attack:

  • Rabies: offensive attack in which a person invades another person's territory;
  • fear: defensive attack, in which the subject already gives a response to a previous attack by another individual.

An instinct

Freud has his share in the elaboration of this cause of aggressiveness. For the father of psychoanalysis, the conception of aggression is as a servant of the "pleasure principle". This instinct is a reaction to the frustration experienced in the quest to satisfy the libido.

Furthermore, Freud believed that human aggression is inevitable because there is only one solution to self-regulation Because of this, aggressive people discharge small amounts of energy in a continuous and controlled manner. This occurs through aggression that can be accepted, such as participation in competitive sports.

What are the types of aggressiveness?

Generally speaking, aggressiveness is classified into:

  • direct;
  • indirect.

The former is characterized by both physical and verbal behavior that is intended to bring harm to a person, while the latter aims to damage the social relations of a subject or a group.

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Furthermore, there are two subtypes of human aggression:

  • intentional;
  • reactive-impulsive.

How to deal with aggressive people?

We know how difficult it is to live with aggressive people, after all, this subject brings an uncomfortable air. Therefore, here are some tips for dealing with these types of individuals:

  • Don't retaliate against the person, because they don't know when they reach the limit;
  • Help the aggressive person to feel more understood;
  • say that her aggressive behavior is intolerable;
  • use reason instead of emotion;
  • try not to interrupt her when she is in the middle of an aggressive outburst;
  • Keep a cool head and ask objective questions, such as "what is going on here?"
  • keep your gaze steady;
  • don't raise your tone of voice;
  • Create opportunities for a frank conversation.

Always make it clear that you have noticed the person's aggressive behavior Finally, don't forget to ask her what she attributes to having these types of attitudes.

Aggressive children and adolescents: what to do?

When this aggressive person is a child or teenager, it is important that the adult is aware of his/her place, since an adult has more experience and authority to teach this youngster how to deal with the feelings that cause this aggressiveness.

However, this adult will not always be able to exercise his educating role at the moment of the youngster's aggressiveness. So in these cases it is important to "let the dust settle" in order to find a future opportunity to resolve the situation.

Finally, it is fundamental to encourage this young person to talk about what he is feeling, so that he can find out more about himself and his emotions.

After all, if I am an aggressive person?

And if I am an aggressive person, what to do? So, the path is very similar to the one mentioned before. But first it is necessary to understand the emotions that culminate in this aggressiveness.

In fact, each person will have a different trajectory for this self-knowledge, while some will find it easier and others more difficult For those in the latter group, it is advisable to seek help from a specialized professional: a psychologist or psychoanalyst.

They will give all the tools and the ways to help them take a deep breath in aggressive moments and think rationally. Furthermore, these professionals will help that these "outburst" situations can diminish.

Final considerations about aggressiveness

To understand more about this subject, it is necessary to have a good theoretical base, with excellent teachers who have a great recognition. Then, we have a perfect invitation!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.