Puppy Afraid of Rain or Thunder: 7 Tips for Calming Down

George Alvarez 03-10-2023
George Alvarez

Puppy Afraid of Rain The noise of the rain and the danger it represents can result in moments of terror for the dog, resulting in a phobia.

First of all, it is worth emphasizing that the lack of care for the pet with phobia can cause him several behavioral and emotional problems. Worse for the older dogs, who may suffer more serious problems, such as cardiorespiratory arrest. Therefore, We've separated some tips on how to take care of your dog with fear of rain and ease its terrifying moments.

Why is a dog afraid of rain?

In general, dogs are afraid of rain because of the acute hearing they have, so they face the noise of the rain as a threat, because for them it is something unknown, just as it happens with dogs afraid of fireworks. In addition, the phobia can come from traumas suffered because of abandonment and mistreatment.

With overdeveloped instinct and hearing, the characteristics of rainfall are hyper-scaled for dogs. And unlike us humans, they cannot assimilate whether or not they are in a dangerous situation, so the unknown is scary for them.

How do I know if my dog is afraid of thunder?

Now that you know the main reasons why a dog is afraid of thunder, it is important to know if your pet suffers from this phobia and find ways to help him, you should analyze the dog's behavior on rainy and stormy days .

Among the main behaviors of a dog afraid of rain are:

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  • Gasping for breath;
  • Ears and muzzle lowered;
  • Heartbeat;
  • Dilated pupils;
  • Attempting to hide, such as under the bed;
  • Tail between the legs;
  • Excessive saliva;
  • Hot nose;
  • Tremors.

In this situation, it is essential that you take steps to calm your dog that is afraid of rain.

7 Tips on how to calm a dog with fear of thunder

If you don't know what to do to help your dog overcome rain phobia, know that there are some effective techniques that will help you. Check out 7 tips on how to calm a dog afraid of rain :

1. do not despair

Dogs are sociable animals that pick up on previous feelings and stimuli, so the first tip is not to despair, because they will feel it and the fear can become even greater; they need to feel protected by your side, to understand that there is nothing to be afraid of.

Your attitudes during the rain will be crucial in showing your pet that there is no danger at all. If possible, continue with your normal activities, so your dog will understand that everything is okay.

2. distraction

Do everything possible to remove the dog from the phobic stimulus, such as, for example, taking him to a place in the house where the noise of the rain is less and he can rest. Beforehand, experts warn that it is not recommended to hug or put him in your lap, because the dog must understand that there is no danger.

Stimulating activities can contribute to the release of substances and hormones that will bring a sense of tranquility to the dog, so try to distract him in such a way that he won't notice the rain.

3. systematic desensitization

Systematic desensitization is one of the most effective techniques for calming a dog with fear of rain.

You can do this by using YouTube rain videos, starting with a low volume and gradually increasing the volume to stimulate his courage to face the situation.

4. tranquilizer for puppy with fear of rain in the most severe cases

For cases of severe phobias, it is important to seek a veterinarian, who will prescribe some calming medication for the dog afraid of rain. In addition, therapeutic techniques can also help to reduce your pet's terror.

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5. music to calm down

During the rain you can play music to calm the dog, to distract him from the noise of the rain and thunder. Put relaxing sounds at a higher volume than the noise caused by the rain, this will bring more tranquility to your dog. dog afraid of rain .

6. don't give excessive affection

Because of the love we feel for our pets it is common that our first reaction, when we see them afraid, is to take them into our arms, giving them lots of affection, to protect them. But be aware that this is not an effective way to make your pet braver to face its fears.

This doesn't mean that you can't give him your lap, but wait until he does, and then you can use other techniques to calm him down.

7. prevent yourself from leaks

When you have a dog that is afraid of rain, you must pay extra attention to avoid escapes. Sometimes we believe that our pet is in a safe place, but, in his desperation, he may find ways to escape and, in the end, get lost.

Therefore, it is necessary to implement security measures to prevent these escapes, making the environment safer. It is also important that your pet always has a collar, with its identification. Today microchips are even used, applied by a veterinarian, with an insertion similar to a vaccine.

In short, follow these steps to take care of your pet, eliminating his suffering caused by rain phobia:

  • don't despair;
  • distract your pet;
  • use systematic desensitization technique;
  • if necessary and with a doctor's recommendation, give tranquilizers;
  • put on some music to relax;
  • don't overdo it on the cuddling;
  • prevent yourself from leaks

Why do pets develop phobias?

When fear of dogs or cats becomes exaggerated, it is important to pay attention. This can be a sign of a phobia, which is a irrational and uncontrollable fear Such disturbances can endanger the lives of animals and strain their bonds with humans and other animals.

Animals suffering from a phobia usually exhibit an excessive and persistent fear that causes them to react in an instinctive and aggressive manner, so these behaviors can include running away and hiding in unlikely places, as well as a reaction of desperation.

Therefore, it is important to remember that phobia is something serious and that animals, just like us, react with despair when under pressure. Therefore, it is important to treat these cases with care and understanding, seeking appropriate solutions and preventing the condition from worsening.

How can you prevent pets from developing phobias?

From an early age, it is essential that dogs and cats are exposed to different sounds, environments, light, etc. In this way, they can get used to these new situations, always associating them with something positive.

In this sense, to ensure that they do not develop fears or phobias, it is important to consult a pet behaviorist to help you. If your pet already has traumas, fears or phobias, the behaviorist will be able to help you with stress reduction and desensitization exercises.

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However, it is worth reiterating the importance of special care for dog afraid of rain If not properly cared for, pets can develop trauma and stress, so it is necessary to observe their behavior in order to provide the appropriate help.

So by following these simple tips, you can help your dog become even braver. After all, our dogs give us a lot of love and joy, especially in difficult times. It's a way of giving back the love and affection they offer us.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.