The 4 types of human temperament

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Temperament is a trait of our personality that points out which particularities are present in our behavior. From this, the work of perception about them is divided into four different types, being enough to justify a social diversity. On this path, we will introduce you to the four temperament types so that you can identify yours.

Choleric Temperament

Among the temperament types, the choleric is the wildest In short, it is the most explosive and aggressive temperament. This points directly to the individual's character, so that you can trace his or her behavior in advance.

Not to mention that people with this temperament are usually domineering and ambitious. Although they are also energetic, plan and have determination, they are impulsive in the way they act. Thus, they need to work on aspects such as

  • Intolerance

Unfortunately, choleric people are very limited with some ideas and customs around them. They have difficulty accepting novelty and introducing what is different from their way of being and thinking. In more serious cases, they have difficulty establishing relationships and are offensive, attacking the morals and ethics of others.

  • Egocentrism

There is a fairly consensual idea that choleric people are the center of the universe, which is true. Choleric people believe that everything must revolve around them, so that only they matter Therefore, it is not difficult to infer that their posture ends up hindering interpersonal relationships with friends and coworkers.

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  • Impatience

Patience is a virtue that proves to be foreign to this group, because they are not so comfortable with a more delicate, sensitive, and time-consuming work. Thus, they may compromise their daily activities and under-deliver results.

Phlegmatic Temperament

Among the temperament types, the phlegmatic is the most docile of all. This is because he is very peaceful, dreamy, and sees life in a more positive way Thus, it is reliable and balanced as is expected from its behavior.

An important part of his temperament is to be adept at a more rigid routine regarding his tasks. The overvaluation of silence gives him enough space to think about his actions. Therefore, it is difficult to see a phlegmatic losing control. Other characteristics he brings in his personality are:

  • Patience

Patience is not a virtue for everyone, but fortunately the phlegmatic exercises it with ease. This is a natural movement of their temperament, so that it puts them in a quick learning position. No wonder they manage to accomplish difficult and important things in their life.

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  • Discipline

The phlegmatic only gets to the place he wants to be because he is very disciplined with his routine. He easily sets goals so that he quickly reaches his objectives in life. For this reason, most become successful personalities or, not infrequently, have a prominent position.

  • Resistance to change

Despite all the qualities they bring, they are quite resistant to change. This can take away their control over things, making them more indecisive at times, and also slower, resisting can mean delay or late adaptations .

Melancholic Temperament

Melancholics are very sensitive with their emotions and have one of the deepest temperament types. They are detail-oriented thanks to their introverted side, but they have great difficulties in exposing their emotions and feelings to others. This makes them more distant in the relationships they establish socially.

Although they are cautious, they are usually faithful to those they believe in or to the ideas they defend. This does not mean that they cannot exercise their distrustful side and be cautious when necessary. As for the professional side, the melancholic individual usually chooses professions that he or she can do alone, because they feel freer without partnership or orders from someone else.

Although they can appear selfish, inflexible, and often pessimistic, melancholic people have their positive side. Their greatest qualities are:

  • loyalty;
  • sensitivity; and
  • dedication.
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In addition, he is able to care and dedicate himself to others when necessary .

Sanguine Temperament

Unlike the melancholic, the sanguine has one of the most optimistic temperament types in the picture. He is very expansive, so that his presence is contagious in the environment where he is, so that he does not pass by without being noticed. However, he can be impulsive, taking ill-considered actions in important moments of his life.

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Spontaneity makes you want to interact with as many people as possible, because that is your place. For example, you are used to making flashy gestures and feel very comfortable in public. You are adaptable, enthusiastic, and resilient, so you bounce back easily from difficult situations and learn from your experiences.

However, sanguine people need to work on their impulsiveness so that they do not regret their actions. needs to improve his superficiality, inattention and exaggeration in his behavior .

The types of human temperaments bear no direct relation to their destiny

The writer, psychologist, and Ph.D. from Harvard University, Daniel Goleman, popularized the concept of emotional intelligence. According to him, there are different points that determine the human temperament, and many of them are flexible. Therefore, some aspects can be modified and transformed.

In this, it is evident that temperament types do not define a person's destiny. If you have healthy control, change your habits, and channel your emotions correctly, you can change some aspects of your temperament. Emotional intelligence is a valuable artifice that can leverage the potential of your positions and expand them.

The types of temperaments in the labor market

Companies often assess types of behavior to predetermine an employee's posture in the work environment. This is important to identify your profile and collaborate in your hiring process Depending on your performance, this means that you will either be employed or dismissed from the hiring process.

Not only companies are using this assessment when hiring, but entrepreneurs are looking for other ways to find the ideal business that matches their personal qualities. Their career is a vital element of their life, and any tool that helps them with this is very welcome.

Even if you don't want to start a business right away, the tests also serve to get to know yourself better. The future in general can be planned with more self-knowledge. So it matters a lot:

  • know yourself;
  • its qualities;
  • skills;
  • and motivations.

About the test to find out where you fit into the temperament types

The identification of personality types can be done through tests. In short, consist of a game of questions with predetermined alternatives that the user chooses He will do this by answering honestly which alternative best fits his profile.

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As for the content of the tests, it is important to point out that each one has its own structure. You can take the tests available for free on the Internet so you can get an idea of your temperamental guidelines, or, if necessary, consult a therapist so you can evaluate this issue personally.

Final considerations on the human temperament

The temperament types properly classify the psychic structures of each one of us We can easily understand who we are based on the observation of the characteristics described in each of them. This provides a sufficient approximation to get you started on your quest to know more.

However, it is valid to clarify that even though it has predominant characteristics of one specific type, it may contain traits of another. Thus, it may have a more dominant temperament and a more secondary one, so as to merge several traits.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.