Willingness to isolate oneself: what does this signal?

George Alvarez 17-06-2023
George Alvarez

After all, why would a the person feels like isolating himself Understand the reasons that lead a person to isolate himself from the world and from others. When is this a solution and when is it a problem?

Isolate yourself from the world

Nowadays, the word "isolation" has been seen frequently all over social media. The pandemic of the new coronavirus has brought to the surface what for many people was already a routine thing.

But what does "isolate" mean? According to the Oxford Languages Dictionary it would be the condition of the person who has been or was set aside .

When someone chooses to isolate himself, it means that he doesn't want to be noticed or seen.

It's like a hiding place. You see a lot of people who have different lifestyles and choose to live in secluded places far away from the population centers and away from everything that can take away their peace of mind. But as I said, it's really a lifestyle.

Is the will to isolate oneself really a decision?

But what about when the isolation is the result of a decision in which the person wants to be alone, dispensing with any kind of company and/or contact?

In this case, not taking into consideration the pandemic and looking at the situation from the perspective of when the coronavirus pandemic declaration did not yet exist, in which isolation was determined as a way to safeguard one's life and also on behalf of the community It should be noted that isolation can even be the result of pathologies.

Pathologies cause a desire to isolate

Let's look at some pathologies that may be behind the urge to isolate oneself.


The most common pathology of all, and that brings as one of the symptoms the fact that the person wants to isolate himself is depression. The individual who suffers from depression, in theory, feels like to be alone, not to talk, not to talk, and thereby isolate yourself from the world .

It is as if the person is looking for a way to feel safe, away from judgments, ironies, inappropriate talk, or even by sheer unwillingness to maintain any kind of contact Many depressed people report depression as a "big nothingness"/lack of willpower.

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Bipolar Disorder

Another very common disorder that also causes isolation is the bipolar disorder, in which the individual alternates periods of great euphoria and depressive periods. Because it is known as a manic depressive crisis, it is not uncommon to find people who isolate themselves as a result of the disorder.

The behavioral change occurs in an intense manner and those who live with him/her sometimes don't even understand the reason for the behavior. Sometimes the person with the disorder is well and sometimes he/she is depressed, reclusive, and sometimes in a good mood, euphoric and intense.

Borderline Disorder

Borderline disorder is a personality disorder in which there is a lack of behavioral control in the face of a frustrating situation. Shouting, cursing, rude attitudes and even physical aggression are part of the cycle of symptoms caused in the moment of rage.

The first author to use the term was the American psychoanalyst Adolph Stern As the carrier of the disorder also presents as a symptom the fear of being abandoned, it is not rare that he seeks isolation before this happens. There is a distancing from relationships.

Panic syndrome

The trigger may be agoraphobia, a disorder in which the person may suffer bouts of fear, desperation and insecurity, and may have palpitations, intense sweating and trembling.The individual will develop panic syndrome.

Other types of insulation

Isolation for religious reasons

There are religions that place isolation as a way to reach a level of spirituality and that makes the individual start to make reflections about himself and the world, without any intervention from the external world.

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Voluntary Isolation

There are many causes for someone to choose voluntary isolation. It could be someone who doesn't want to deal with the complex issues that come with any kind of relationship. It could be escape due to a lack of patience with others.

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Someone who doesn't want to be bored, or stressed, or someone who simply doesn't feel like being with other people out of sheer deliberation or the need to be with herself.

The obsessional neurosis as the basis of the will to isolate oneself

For Psychoanalysis, isolation is nothing more than an obsessive neurosis mechanism. The symptoms of the neuroses are anxiety, phobias, paranoia, feelings of emptiness, the desire to isolate oneself, and apathy, among others.

A feeling of isolation arises from this disorder that causes intense psychic suffering to the point that a form of protection of the individuality is sought in an extreme way.

Man is a social being by nature. The rule is that bonds are formed, and relationships are established throughout life. There is a maxim that says that no one is happy alone. On the other hand, there is also the saying " better alone than in bad company ".

However, one must consider what brings more sense of well-being according to the moment. We are not always willing to talk, to talk. In this case, isolation imposes itself as a defense mechanism.

The important thing is always to evaluate the condition that is causing the isolation If it is pathological, seek the help of the indicated professional. If it is lifestyle, follow your will, if possible.

This content about desire to isolate explaining why people isolate themselves and what this behavior indicates was written by Elen Lins ([email protected]yahoo.com.br), student of the practical stage of the Clinical Psychoanalysis Training Course, Procedural Analyst, Postgraduate in Private Law.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.