Being impulsive or impulsive: how to identify?

George Alvarez 23-10-2023
George Alvarez

The path that leads from thought to action works differently from person to person. While some calculate well what they think or do, others don't even pay attention to it. So find out what it means to be a impulsive person and what signs denounce such behavior.

What is impulsiveness

According to Psychology, an impulsive person is one with a natural tendency not to think before acting In other words, instead of minimally calculating the weight of each action he takes, an individual goes straight to the point. He does the opposite way from the others, since he doesn't think about how his attitudes affect himself and others.

In other words, the load he accumulates, the adrenaline, creates a kind of blindness to the moment. Thus, his mind is incapable of making connections and co-relationships to evaluate reality. Even if he feels he has a full right to the world, he is subject to its rules, just like the others.

Psychology also associates that impulsiveness and the way it manifests itself depends exclusively on the individual. This is because not every impulsive person reaches the point of doing some action. With this, someone may feel the impulse to do something, but stop and not react .

Why are some people like that?

An impulsive individual seeks to satisfy its desire for immediate rewards immediately However, this can have serious consequences in your life. Since you cannot see so clearly, you are at the mercy of your actions.

We can associate part of this to the social upbringing this individual must have gone through in his youth. Perhaps he has become accustomed to receiving things because he has easy access to them. His experience counts for a lot here, since impulsiveness ends up being part of his common behavior.

In addition, the psychic makeup of this individual also comes in for observation. Apparently, your mind cannot keep up with the building blocks of any decision This person cannot associate values of responsibility, consequences, and guilt like the others. If they don't pay attention to this, they will have a very complicated life.

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An impulsive person, as can be expected, suffers greatly because of this behavior. Even if you don't want to, you end up putting yourself at risk by not weighing your choices carefully. This allows the relationship with people and with your own projects to decline easily. This starts in:

Unexpected Adversities

Since they do not think ahead of their actions, they do not properly weigh the risks involved. This does not allow for adequate preparation to face deviations in the paths they choose For example, by saying "yes" to a distant job opportunity without knowing the conditions of the position, you put yourself at risk.

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They live on the edge

Almost everything in their lives is driven by immediacy and in the blocking of thinking about choices Tomorrow cannot wait, and every desire it possesses must be satisfied now. Many impulsive people show themselves as inconsequential people.

They end up on the defensive

More specifically at work, impulsives don't agree when they are contradicted or warned. Even a simple feedback can affect them in a big way. With that, many decide to verbally attack their superiors and co-workers to make their point His opinions are not guarded by filters and are delivered in the rawest form possible.

There is its good side

Even though the text has worked to show how bad impulsiveness can be, we should point out some positive aspects. Just like any individual, an impulsive person has his existential duality. With that, we need to be aware of when this happens and that it can be exploited positively .

For example, an impulsive person expresses his sincere opinion in an audacious way, contradicting others. They can channel your negative emotions and feelings, keeping your emotional flow going positively Companies pay a lot of attention to these professionals.

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Again, their boldness motivates them to go beyond and seek new things in their lives. If well focused, it can achieve gains that contribute positively to the impulsive one and to others. They show themselves as achievers and want to see things happening .

Signs of an impulsive person

It is not that difficult to identify someone who possesses impulsive behavior. In general, they tend to be more energetic than the others, drawing attention wherever they go and whatever they do We can better see their social identity in the:


An impulsive person does not want to be contradicted by others as soon as he makes his decisions. In response to any negative, he demonstrates more aggressive and repulsive behavior. Regardless of who he speaks to, his body and mind will demonstrate a greater negative charge regarding his behavior.

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Emotional uncontrol made easy

Continuing on, as he gets easily excited, he soon loses control of his emotions. Just as you don't think before you act, you also don't think about how to feel This can come through anger, sadness, isolation, and aggressiveness. They go from 0 to 100 in a few seconds.

Doesn't think about consequences

Being the clearest sign, everything he does seems to be priceless and escapes the law of action and reaction. As seen above, this can put his own life at risk. Imagine someone who drinks and decides to drive home? This is a clear example of how his life and the lives of others can be affected by his irresponsibility.

Considerations about an impulsive person

Basically, the impulsive is the one who gives in to his instincts without any fear In his mind, nothing he does negatively affects his life and the lives of others, but it doesn't really work that way, since unthinking attitudes are very dangerous. Whether at home, on the street, or at work, in the same way that you act without thinking, you can also be a victim yourself.

If you fit into the picture above, try to review the way you act in the outside world and within yourself. You have to keep in mind that things take time and energy to get done. Analyze how you can use this inner charge for something constructive and thoughtful As seen above, not everything is as bad as it seems.

Get to know our Clinical Psychoanalysis course

To build this analysis, enroll in our online Clinical Psychoanalysis course. Through it, you find the tools you need to build an understanding of yourself and others. With this, you understand your motivations, control them, and direct them to good use.

Our course is online, making life easier for those whose time is precious. You can study when and where you find it most convenient, building your own schedule. Even with such a flexible load, you will always have the help of qualified teachers to help you in your personal growth.

Contact us now and enroll in our Psychoanalysis course. After all, it will help you a lot if you are a impulsive person or someone who deals with an individual impulsive .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.