Interpreting Children's Drawings in Psychology

George Alvarez 28-10-2023
George Alvarez

Contrary to what many people think, the act of drawing in childhood reveals much more than simple messages. interpretation of children's drawings in the field of Psychology.

Interpretation by the hands of a professional

It should be made clear that interpretation of children's drawings should only be done with qualified professionals We touch on this point because many adults make the mistake of doing this work alone, which is why they end up pre-judging and misinterpreting their children.

There are specific protocols that protect and guide the accomplishment of this work. Not to mention that it is necessary to evaluate the child's family and regional condition, as well as the child's life story until then, since it serves as a backdrop for what he feels and draws.

Finally, we need to understand that the drawing itself is relevant, but it doesn't define everything he lives. It works as a materialized expression of desires and feelings that show the child's current flow. Psychology drawings serve as one of the guides to understand how the youngster feels in relation to the world.

What are the most common designs?

It is difficult to gather precise data about the most common drawings in a doctor's office. Children have a rich vision of the world around them, and this reflects directly on their work. It is because of this that the traces vary in the localities, since culture also influences the interpretation of children's design. .

Even so, it is quite common to see drawings of people, especially family members. This is because children have the closest adults as references, highlighting their feelings about them. Even if they have simple strokes, the expressions of the figures represented must be taken into account.

In addition to people, it is also common to find drawings of places and the way children see them, not to mention abstract figures, such as animals from the imagination or curious shapes, toys, cartoon characters, and food.

Ways to interpret

Child drawing interpretation generates details about the child's communication with its external environment Although the parents may stick to a few details, it is the psychotherapist who will make a more detailed observation of the work. For this, he will study:


Colors show non-verbal messages and without realizing it the child exudes his or her emotions through them. However, it must be made clear that the use of a single color can show a lack of creativity or laziness. Moreover, colors end up being used with this meaning:

  • Brown: planning and security;
  • Black: unconscious;
  • Blue: tranquility;
  • Green: maturity, intuition, and sensitivity;
  • Yellow: Joy, curiosity;
  • Orange: need for social contact
  • Red: burning, which is active or strong.

Design dimensions

In general, large drawings indicate that children feel safe and comfortable On the other hand, drawings with small shapes indicate young people with low confidence, very reflective, or who need a small space to express themselves.

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Sheet pressure

The harder the pressure on the sheet, the more aggressive the child is. Likewise, shallower strokes show fatigue or unwillingness.


The strokes of the faint or erased drawing show signs of a child with insecurity and impulsiveness, while the continuous strokes show a docile and more comfortable side.


You have to observe the position of the drawing and its natural correspondences:

  • Drawings on top show imagination, intelligence, and curiosity.
  • Drawings at the bottom show material and physical needs.
  • Drawings on the left show the past.
  • While on the right it is connected to the future and the middle represents the present.

How can the professional use this technique to identify the child's thoughts and feelings?

The nuances of the work can help with the meaning of child drawing in Psychology. Lines above we have commented on the basic structure of children's projection in drawings. Although these are not concrete things, because each child is unique, they serve as a guide for working with the little ones .

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For example, children who draw pictures with firm marking on the sheet are aggressive, very energetic or distressed. It is possible to deduce that the strength they use comes from some stress they face in their daily life. If so, developing the activity with them may provide some answers if the session is well conducted.

Children who are withdrawn, for example, tend to make smaller drawings. Perhaps they may feel intimidated, so that they cannot express themselves beyond small strokes. You must find a way to make them express themselves in a comfortable way and understand why they cannot make spontaneous emissions.

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Design Phases

Jean Piaget is known around the world for his work on child development based also on child drawing interpretation. According to him, the child makes knowledge spontaneously and that learning is connected with his development In this, the interpretation of children's drawings occurs in phases:


Even though the human figure is barely seen through the doodles, the child loves to draw. It starts in the sensory motor phase, from 0 to 2 years old, and then in the pre-operational phase, from 2 to 7.


It begins in the middle of the preoperative stage, continuing until age 7. It is at this point that drawing is associated with thinking and reality.


It is the phase where there is a representation of more concrete forms, being more focused on the construction of the human figure Here there may be omission of parts or exaggeration of others around the age of 7 to 10.

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It occurs at the end of concrete operations where geometric shapes appear more mature. At this point, self-criticism and greater awareness of gender begins.

Pseudo naturalism

Finally, spontaneous art comes to an end, as the child begins to investigate his or her own personality. This gives rise to abstract operations when the child transfers his or her anxieties and restlessness to paper.

Repeated drawings

It is quite common for the child to repeat himself in his artistic productions, drawing attention in the interpretation of children's drawings. It is certain that there is a message there that is not being conveyed in words. That is why adults must keep an eye out for and never fail to appreciate previous works .

There are a few factors for the child to persist in drawing the same scenario. For example, she may feel satisfied with the praise received and invest in the same drawing with little change. On the other hand, this may indicate a scenario where she has been impacted in an emotional way.

In the second case, she tries to reproduce the emotions she felt in order to relive that moment. Still, the repeated drawing also shows that there is something in her head that may bother her on some level.


It is not always easy to get meaning from drawings in Psychology in an accessible way. This is because some children can work on a wide variety of topics. In this way, the evaluation needs to be done with the elements used, such as:

  • colors;
  • positions;
  • sizes.

These little ones are usually very influenced by their environment and the people around them. It is common for them to have a stable mood and to frequently transmit their mood to the drawings. However, this has nothing to do with their affective or social side, but is only a part of their temperament.

Final considerations on interpretation of children's drawings

Despite being something simple, drawing works as a form of learning and development for the child. P that's why interpretation of children's drawings shows how the child can be internally. More than ever, art serves as a communicative mechanism for the study of the structure of behavior and the mind.

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Even though they are effective, these types of interpretations work on the child in a superficial way. Since each child has its own individuality, all perceptions should not be generalized. Use the drawing to understand him better, but always seek specialized help.

But if you want to better understand your child, enroll in our online course on Clinical Psychoanalysis. With its help, you will be well qualified to better understand the artistic manifestations of the little ones. The interpretation of children's drawings will be one more way to understand those we love the most .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.