What is Alterity: definition in linguistics and psychology

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

At first it can be said that every human being is a unique creature in his or her own way, so it is important for us to recognize the individuality of people. So we will talk about what is otherness and its definitions in Linguistics and Psychology.

What is Otherness in Linguistics?

Scholars say that the meaning of otherness is to recognize that people are different from each other In this way, each person thinks, understands, and acts in the world differently from the other. In this sense, when all people understand and apply this idea in their lives, it will be possible to build a more just society.

Thus, we need to respect what is different without hurting people, so we live in harmony in the world. Furthermore, linguists point out that this expression influences us to put ourselves in the other's shoes, that is, through empathy we realize that the other is someone unique in essence.

According to philosopher and linguist Mikhail Bakhtin, we constitute ourselves as we relate to the difference of others. In other words, in Bakhtin's alterity we can see and reflect ourselves in other people as we interact with them.

Otherness in Psychology

The definition of otherness in psychology is quite similar to that of linguistics. Moreover, psychologists say the term refers to one's ability to recognize difference in others While alterity proposes that we recognize the collective, the ego makes us observe only our own instance.

Therefore, psychologists have looked to anthropological studies for references to connect the meaning of this term to culture. For a person to recognize that the other is unique, he must understand that both are different from each other From this recognition, we can be more respectful people, because if we want respect, we must also respect.

As a result, we:

  1. We will achieve social cohesion, so that society will be more united;
  2. We will fight ethnocentrism and the exploitation of peoples with their own culture and resources;
  3. We will recognize the diverse cultures that exist, respecting and valuing their specificities.

Alterity in Ethnocentrism

At first, anthropology was a science developed from an ethnocentric perspective. Thus, the English anthropologists Herbert Spencer and Edward Burnett Taylor developed the racist theory of "classification of races". According to them, the culture and skin color of a race determined how evolved it was.

Therefore, light-skinned people were more developed. However, dark-skinned people formed inferior societies. Thus, these anthropologists developed a theory that was very opposite to what otherness is. Only when Franz Boas, an American anthropologist and geographer, intervened that the concept of race was detached from culture.

According to Boas, for us to understand a society we must learn its language, live with its natives and let go of our prejudices Otherwise, we will perceive cultures different from ours as inferior.

Ideas in Philosophy

When we understand what otherness is in Philosophy we realize that it is the opposite of identity. For the philosopher Plato, it is one of the "supreme genera", which refuses the identification of a being as its unique identity. Furthermore, Plato understands that having multiple ideas is an advantage of being. Thus, reciprocal otherness is present.

According to the German philosopher Hegel, a being that has been determined by its qualities is limited because it relates in a negative way to the other. However, this same being is destined to change in order to transform itself into the other and change its own qualities.

Otherness in Anthropology

Many anthropologists consider anthropology to be a science built on otherness. With this science they aim to study the human being as a whole, as well as the phenomena that surround him. Thus, experts say that the human being is a very complex and vast object of study.

Therefore, it is important that we study ethnic and cultural differences in order to understand the human being In this way, we understand what alterity is in practice and its importance.

The concept of otherness and empathy

For many people, understanding what otherness is also involves understanding empathy, for the two are synonymous. Although these terms may connect at some point, they carry different ideas.

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Empathy is when a person is able to put himself in other people's shoes. In this way, he becomes able to feel other people's pains and understand someone's reasons for being or acting.

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Otherness, on the other hand, is when we learn to recognize the difference in others, taking into account that they are unique and different from us, otherness makes us respect ethnic and cultural differences that exist among people Although we should not use this term to refer to the differences between people, otherness influences the emergence of tolerance.

Examples of otherness

According to Zygmunt Bauman, a Polish sociologist, society is increasingly divided. As relationships grow more distant, people become increasingly individualistic and selfish As we learn what otherness is, we rediscover how to be more compassionate individuals. From this principle, we bring some examples of otherness.

Venezuelan immigrants

With the crisis in Venezuela, Venezuelans have taken the difficult decision of leaving the country. However, it was quite common for many Brazilians to receive a negative reception when they entered the country. So, if only the Brazilians who harassed these immigrants knew what otherness is:

  1. They would understand that immigration happens because people want a dignified life;
  2. You would understand that many people were forced to leave the country;
  3. would recognize the suffering of these people in a strange land.

Religious Intolerance

It is very frequent that religions of African origin are attacked by religious intolerants. Since they do not practice otherness, the prejudiced invalidate the individuality and history of many religions. Thus, some even attack the practitioners.

This was the case of the attack that took place in a cemetery where a group of Christians harassed a candomblé group.

Final considerations

We can be better people once we understand what otherness is Through it, we perceive the differences that exist between people and respect the essence of each one.

Although it may seem like a fantasy, we will only move forward when we find a common goal that favors a more just society. Although it may seem difficult, we must not give up on creating a better tomorrow for everyone.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.