Obsession: meaning in psychoanalysis

George Alvarez 04-10-2023
George Alvarez

It is common for all of us to have some kind of attachment to objects, people, or even a moment in life. However, for some people, the barrier of healthy affection is overcome and they end up obsessed with a fixed idea. With this in mind, let's better understand the meaning of obsession and how it has impacted human life!

What is obsession?

Obsession is a fixed idea about something, showing an exaggerated attachment to that object . derived from Latin obsessĭo Despite the annoyance it causes, the obsessive does not believe he is doing anyone any harm.

It must be clear that this kind of tendency ends up opening the way for some kind of aggression to arise. Thoughts and feelings are transformed, so that the real perception of the world is clouded. In other words, everything harmful that the person does, for him/her is not condemnable or held back thanks to his/her impulses.

There is a compulsive character that, given its nature, ends up harming the obsessive himself, even if he knows it. Many cases prove to be so serious that this opens the door for it to turn into a neurosis.

Types of obsession

There are several types of obsession, both by their origin and by their purpose. For example, food can be the target of an obsessive habit, changing the way someone relates to food In this case, as a consequence, it can result in anorexia and/or bulimia, affecting the way you eat.

Some of the obsessions are directly linked to one's way of life, with its daily rituals and manias. Here we mention OCD, which is broken down into other varied manifestations of excessive attachment to behaviors. Some genetic, neurobiological, and social factors also influence the deformation of this path.

Physically speaking, there is increased blood flow in areas that work on emotions, environmental responses, and planning .


According to a compilation of research, 1 in 4 people will develop some type of obsession during their lifetime. 365 types of mental disorders have been catalogued so far. With that, in addition to developing varying levels, they can direct their obsessions to various objects .

In Brazil even about 12% of the population needs medical assistance regarding mental health. This amounts to 23 million people with some kind of mental decline and who are not adequately followed up.

Worldwide, the percentage of cases involving mental illness is as high as 13%. As some countries have a better health structure than others, the way of dealing with it counts a lot in the treatment. While some regions have easy access to follow-up, others do not even have an efficient health system.

See_also: Fear of the dark: myctophobia, nictophobia, ligophobia, scotophobia, or acluophobia


If you are in doubt about the manifestation of obsession, keeping an eye out for some signs is very helpful. Obsessives usually have some linearity, something that makes it easier to recognize them:

Aggressive thoughts toward yourself or other people

The violence contained in his way of reflecting on some things is uncomfortable Although this most violent emotion does not often overcome the barrier of thought, you can see the way obsessives behave toward that which they hold onto.

Thoughts of attraction and repulsion, generating a certain guilt

Obsessives constantly fight against themselves because of the way they think and act. It is quite common that they try to repress thoughts linked to perversion, violence, and sex, and try to embrace religiosity.


Symmetry plays an important role for these individuals because, apart from anything else, it gives them a sense of control. Because of this it is not uncommon to find their personal belongings in the highest organization. If you know someone with this characteristic, avoid any conflict arising from misalignment of their things, thus avoiding unnecessary fights.


Obsession is seen in many different ways, especially when we look at it from a religious point of view. This is because some religions describe the existence of spirits who attach themselves to the earthly plane and the people on it As a result, they are stuck on this plane when they should, of course, be making their way through, something that is denied them.

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For Spiritism, for example, there are no demons, but rather inferior spirits that influence people to evil. This happens when they attach themselves to the victim and send negative thoughts all the time. On the other hand, superior spirits are immune to this temptation of control because they have learned their role in the universe.

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In this case, Spiritism holds that moral education and sentimental work prevents obsessors from returning. Both those who live here and those who have already crossed over need help. Love, attention, education, and affection help to reformulate any posture in need.

The obsession in art

Cinema constantly works with the theme of obsession as a backdrop for its productions. In general, is associated with the villains of the movies, serving as fuel to fight the protagonists Of course, there are the "benign" manifestations, but the darker side of this stance ends up yielding material for discussion over time.

In 1990 comes to theaters Crazy obsession James plays a writer in trouble in an isolated region, who is saved by Annie, his biggest fan, but when he learns that his favorite character will die, his obsessive and deranged side comes to the surface, threatening his life.

In 2009 we have Obsessive Idris plays an executive who becomes the target of his new intern, who is obsessed with him, and how this woman's intervention radically changes the scheme of his marriage and his own life.

Treatment for obsession

Dealing with obsession is not such an easy task when it is done in isolation. Without adequate accompaniment from a professional and people close to him, the individual will continue to face the blockages that his life carries. That is why it is fundamentally recommended:

Behavioral Therapy

This type of therapy is able to reorganize the harmful behavior that the individual has presented so far This is because you are able to change your perception and clarify the problem in a more conscious way. Gradually you understand how your harmful behavior affects the lives of anyone connected to you.

Controlled Drugs

If necessary, medication will be prescribed to help recondition the individual. Antidepressants and anxiety medication help regulate the sensations resulting from your poor posture. Only a licensed psychiatrist can prescribe and write a personalized prescription.

Final thoughts on obsession

The negative charge that the word obsession has extends to the presence of your name, regardless of the intention. Clinging too tightly to anything is a sign that your internal structure needs to be revised. Gradually, for sure, any relationship you have built will be deeply affected.

Because of this, revisiting your posture and understanding its causes is vital to your development. Keep in mind that excessive fixation on any one idea does little for your life journey. Free yourself by taking the initiative to expose the need to recondition this uncontrolled, destructive impulse.

To help yourself in this conquest and deal properly with obsession, enroll in our online Psychoanalysis course Through it, you will have the tools you need to adequately deal with your inner layers and reach your potential. With a well built self-knowledge, you will only keep in your life that which is beneficial to your development. Register now!

See_also: To dream of kissing on the lips of a known person

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.