Is the psychological certificate recognized? Who can issue it?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

In some cases, a person may need external psychological help to work through his inner obstacles. However, getting a psychological certificate is not something that should be done trivially and it should not be used improperly. Understand better who can actually issue it and in which situations you should request it!

Who can issue the psychological certificate?

Only psychologists with active CRP can issue a psychological certificate to patients after an analysis of their situation To attest means to validate something in a more formal way and following rules. Therefore, the document aims at proving a challenge experienced by the patient in question.

In general, the certificate is validated and issued while the patient is undergoing psychological treatment, which is the proof of this phase. However, irresponsibly, many people request the certificate with the aim of presenting it at the workplace. However, the evaluation and opinion of the professional can frustrate plans if this is the intention.

However, the application need not only be made in difficult or tragic times. It can happen, for example, to attest to someone's ability to drive any vehicle. In addition, it is possible to add a new person to a company through such an examination.

All baggage matters

Throughout their lives, psychologists face a long journey of learning and improvement, starting with 5 years of preparation in college, followed by 2 more years of specializations, which do not stop there. Since they deal with the complexity of the human mind, they need to focus on polishing their knowledge continuously .

The idea is that each person can be served in an appropriate way, with a dynamic and functional approach. Through a repertoire that mixes theory and practice, the individual can be analyzed in a complete way.

In this way, Psychology can carry out its work, for example, as:

  • the psychodiagnosis;
  • the psychological tests;
  • and the evaluations.

As for the latter two, only the psychologist can issue them, and they are exclusive to his or her area of practice.

In what situations is the psychological certificate valid?

One must keep in mind that a psychological certificate is a document used in specific situations after a careful analysis We get into this point because some people, without concrete information about the subject, are in doubt about in which moments it is valid.

Certificates are issued when a health treatment for psychological problems begins and requires a break from work, as well as when mental conditions expose the individual, or other people, as well as their environment.

Thus, the certificate is a way to ensure the necessary time that the patient needs to recover. The justified break will help to rebalance his mind so that he recovers with a healthier quality of life. It is a right of the worker, so that he can recover to return to his full activities.

What is the validity of the psychological certificate?

According to the CFP resolution nº 015 of 1996 and the 1st article 13 of Law nº 4.119 of 27th August 1962, the psychologist can issue a psychological certificate for a maximum of 15 days. However, if the break is prolonged, the company may send its employee to the Social Security expertise .

It is worth pointing out that the Federal Council of Psychology says that the certificate justifies the absence, as described in Article 4. However, this does not apply to excuse the absence. In other words, even if the absence is justified, the company does not have to disregard or excuse it.

In addition, companies can ask for a 2nd opinion when it comes to medical certificates, so they can put the worker through an evaluation with a professional from their own company, regardless of who signed the certificate beforehand.

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Balanced judgment

Psychologists make use of the subjectivity of the patients themselves for their work. It is through their individual actions that the guidelines for psychological assistance will be established.

So, to improve the condition of the service, psychologists avoid getting attached to ready-made images of their patients. The proposal here is to assist, joining key points for the adequate assistance of the individual Here, therapists try:

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  • to get away from standardized labels;
  • not overuse medical language;
  • avoid personal approaches.

If you are a psychologist, learn to say "no

One of the most common mistakes people make is to go to the doctor's office and ask the psychologist for a psychological certificate to hand in at work. However, the professional should refuse if the person does not indicate any damage in his/her psychological state that requires attention .

The psychologist should not grant this kind of request because he doesn't really need a certificate. In this case, the training and ethical principles of his profession need to analyze the situation after hearing the request. Then it is necessary to indicate the correct document.

A certificate made by a psychologist is not meant to validate the patient's presence at the appointment. In this case, it is possible to request a statement and then send it to the company to prove the presence, and it is up to the company to decide about the absence. The professional needs to explain to the client about this information and issue it at the right time.

Other important information

Before we go to the end, here is some relevant information about the psychological certificate:

Which certificate can be used as an excuse for absence?

According to TST administrative resolution/92 (81), it is clear that a medical or dental certificate can excuse absences .

Does a psychologist use ICD?

The resolution nº 015/96 of the Federal Council of Psychology indicates that the professional can use ICD to make the certificate. However, this is up to the professional's choice and this action only aims to clarify points between the health areas.

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Can a psychologist issue the INSS report?

Not at all! The Social Security Law (L.8.212/91) in its articles 42, 59, 70, and 151 makes it clear that medical certificates and medical examinations are restricted to certain professionals, which does not include psychologists.

Final considerations about the psychological certificate

A psychologist has the appropriate, necessary and sufficient training to issue a psychological certificate when needed However, the documents are not useful in the matter of a work break, which exempts the companies from excusing absences.

Finally, it should be made clear that professionals in this field have extensive criteria when it comes to evaluating their patients, so if an individual has the intention of using the document for personal purposes that have nothing to do with his health, he will be frustrated along the way. A psychologist will know precisely what feedback a patient needs.

In short, another way to evaluate yourself in a correct way and reach understanding is with our 100% EAD course on Clinical Psychoanalysis. The purpose of the course is for you to work on your challenges, skills, and paths in a very well structured knowledge process. Although you do not need a psychological certificate here, our course is a sure bet for your personal growth .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.