Arrogant: what it is, full meaning

George Alvarez 03-06-2023
George Alvarez

Surely you have met someone who thinks he or she is superior to others, even though they are not. If so, you know how complicated a relationship with a person who behaves this way can be. That is why today we are going to talk about what is arrogant and how to deal with it.

Arrogant: meaning

Arrogant is the name we give to a person who behaves superior to others The individual acts insolently, so that he feels free to humiliate those around him. His presumption makes him believe that he is better than everyone else, when in fact he is not.

A person's arrogance leads him to believe that he is an expert in many everyday matters, so he has no interest in hearing other people's opinions because he considers them irrelevant.

An individual with arrogance is quite proud and conceited, with his or her only companion being vanity. As you can imagine, this kind of behavior is not well regarded by society.


According to scholars, the word "arrogant" originated from the Latin term adrogare The translation means something like "to demand", more specifically from other people, in other words, someone who thinks he has the right to demand recognition he doesn't really deserve.

The lack of humility

If we evaluate well, an arrogant person totally lacks the meaning of humility in his life. He is a very negative person with a constant need to keep himself high and above others socially .

However, not every person with arrogance acts this way because they consciously want to be arrogant. We all have a duality, something that we really are and something that we want to show to the world. However, many people end up focusing more on their idealized image, and in this case it is not something positive as they imagine.

Characteristics of Arrogance

If you have ever met an arrogant person you know exactly how this individual acts in everyday life. The presence of this person usually causes some conflicts, because of the way he sees the position of everyone in the same environment. As for his characteristics, they can be summarized as follows:

  • believe they know it all, as well as in their ability to argue about any topic;
  • He thinks he is superior to others, so that no one can be equal to him;
  • misplaced pride;
  • authoritarianism, giving orders and aggressively imposing himself on others;
  • prepotency, believing that he possesses power and is therefore above everyone else;
  • He thinks he is always right about everything;
  • often treats others badly for no reason;
  • likes to attract attention.

Avoid competitions

Something that usually provokes the feeling of arrogance in a person at work is competition. An arrogant person likes to feel valued and believes that every place is a permanent stage for competition. This is an extremely toxic person in many ways.

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If you know someone with this kind of attitude while they are working avoid competing with her Besides seeing you as a rival, this individual will make the environment worse and cause colleagues a lot of stress.

As much as possible, keep your cool by thinking through your decisions before you act. Surely you don't want to damage your work because of someone with such a childish attitude, right?

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"It's the stars' fault, not mine"

You can see the lack of team spirit in the arrogant one, because he always disrupts the work environment. And if the team doesn't achieve good results, this overbearing one will blame his colleagues in order to get away with it. Not only will he shirk blame, but he will also point the finger at the faults of others as a way to appear perfect.

The truth is that arrogant people do not deal well with their insecurities and have problems with low self-esteem In order to mask their fear and self-doubt, they constantly seek self-affirmation. To do this, they can take the responsibility off their own shoulders, since this makes it easier to deal with reality.

At first we have the impulse to try to isolate this individual so that greater damage can be avoided. As incredible as it may seem, this is not the solution that everyone needs in order to be reassured. Below we will explain why.

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How to deal with an arrogant person?

Dealing with arrogant people is never easy, and yet it is doable. The first step you must take is:

Choose to be happy

While it may seem like a silly tip, remember how the arrogant person is a toxic person who can often cause stress, if you allow them to. So that his negativity doesn't get to you, avoid bumping into each other or getting into games of contention If the other does not want pacification, you should never give up your happiness to support his pride.

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Change the focus

Maybe this person is not just arrogant as they make it seem. If possible, try to see some positive quality in them that helps you change your focus when you meet them.

Embrace the differences

Never expect people to act and be like you. We all have our particularities and, despite the differences, sometimes it is possible to find something good in those who think differently .


Whenever possible, help this individual by having a serious conversation, but without being critical. Emphasize that he is not right all the time as you believe, but he is also special. Show the importance of respect between opinions without giving up your own perspective on any subject.


Indicating which points a person can improve usually works in a feedback In short, it is possible to talk about how this individual's attitude is hindering the group's performance and that it needs to be improved.


Through compassion we can better think in what life context someone with arrogance developed his values. Knowing the other's story allows us to better understand his behavior and not just judge it.

Have emotional intelligence

Finally, it is part of the exercise of coexistence to deal with diverse profiles of people. When you improve your emotional intelligence you will understand how to shape more positive relationships Therefore, you will better deal with any individual that can cause problems for you or for the collective.

Final Thoughts on the Arrogant

An arrogant person acts in this way because he has serious problems with his own self-esteem, which is why he often diminishes others so that he can feel better. However, this kind of behavior often makes the environment toxic, especially for other individuals.

One of the most important things to do is to avoid disputes so that this person does not start competing. Even if it is difficult, it is possible to create an environment to expose the damage that their attitude has brought to everyone. Furthermore, Try to think of this individual as someone who needs support in getting rid of destructive behavior.

And did you know that our online Psychoanalysis course can help you if you are dealing with an arrogant person? Not only can you accurately assess the causes of the other person's behavior, but you can also assist them in changing their perspective and maturing personally. Not only them, but you too will find your inner potential through well-developed self-knowledge.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.