Decoding: concept and 4 tips for doing it

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

If you have come this far, you must have come across the term decode and want to know more about it. You may have seen this term in many different contexts. For example, you may have heard about decoding at the technological level. Or you may have heard the word in a movie, read it on a social network... But what decode really is?

In this post, we want to talk with you to help you with that. Therefore, we will talk about the definition of decode In addition, we will discuss how decoding can be used. Finally, we will give you tips for understanding the messages from your body, and we will also tell you what a decoder is.


To start this conversation we thought it was important to talk about the meaning of decode Here we will talk about the definition of the word and also about the concept that the term assumes in general:

According to the dictionary

If we look up the word decode In addition, the origin of the word is: De + codificar, where "codificar" comes from French codification .

Among the definitions presented in the dictionary we can read:

  • write sth. down in a clear language ;
  • transfer a message to a understandable code ;
  • decipher something;
  • interpret the meaning of a word or phrase expressed in a language made of codes;
  • for computing, decode is the data conversion to the original format, that is, decode.


If we think about the concept that decode is, we will see that it is the transcription, interpretation or translation of a code. As we saw before, it can also be called cryptography.

It is a data or set of data in an unknown format that is decoded into a known, or readable, format.

Decoding can be used for decipher classified messages. It can also be used to deal more easily with certain media. In addition, it can also be a term used within literacy.

That is, the concept of decode is to be able to read something that is apparently unreadable.

What is a decoder

In the decoding process a specific tool can be used for this. This tool is decoder .

A decoder is a combinational circuit that plays the opposite role of the encoder. In this case, it must convert a binary code of N input bits into M output line. And each output line will be activated by a single combination of the possible inputs.

In digital electronics, a decoder can take the form of a multiple-input, multiple-output logic circuit. These convert the coded inputs into decoded outputs, where the input and output codes are different.

In the school environment

Bringing the term decode to the school context, we can see that literacy is decoding. After all, nobody is born reading.

Therefore, letters are very strange and meaningless codes for children. And not only for them, because some people never had the opportunity to learn to read and write. So words to them are just little scratches that say nothing.

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With this in mind, it is interesting to think about how the process of decode Speaking of which, we need to understand that the school environment is more than teaching to read and write.

Children are learning to codify and decode the world around them. This includes literacy, but not only. Today there is great concern in preparing the student to be a citizen. And that is what we want to talk about here.

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Paulo Freire

For Paulo Freire, the coding and decoding of borderline situations is a pedagogical resource that enables the problematization of the relationship between culture and education. This problematization is seen as learning.

In this way we can offer processes for the development of a critical culture. All this in view of the fact that globalized society has been a uncritical cultural system, that is, one that does not criticize .

Therefore, this training results in personal citizens This is because the school is not an independent environment, immune to interference.

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Also, There is interference from family, community, management, government, and investors as well, so the school has to know how to deal with this and prepare its students to deal with this.

With experiences and stimuli that can be controversial, the child needs decode The school needs to help the student to do this process.

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Furthermore, the school needs to learn to understand the world around it. After all, outside messages do not always come across clearly. The school, as a social environment, needs to learn to deal with this, for example, cases in which the child does not verbalize, but shows abnormal behavior. Moreover, this can be a sign that something is not right.

That is, considering that the child does not yet know how to understand some things, This is why the decoding process at school is so important.

How to decode our body's signals

In the physiological context, that is, our body, we can also have access to messages that are not very clear. Many pains can be related to emotional aspects. You have to try understand Therefore, we will list here 5 pains that may be messages from your body:

  • muscles: is the change difficulties ;
  • in the lumbar region: is the economic crisis or need for support .
  • throat: is the difficulties in forgiving oneself ;
  • stomach: is the difficulty in accepting sth. ;
  • and lastly, on the shoulders and back: it is the emotional overload ;

In the communication process

Finally, we will talk about decoding in human communication. Within human communication there are elements such as verbal and non-verbal language. So let's comment on how decoding difficulty can occur at these two levels:

In verbal language:

Difficulties occur when words have variations in meaning. I This is because the meaning of words is not in themselves, but in people. What do you mean? Each person's repertoire allows understand the words. But they did not always succeed understand in the same way.

In nonverbal language:

People do not communicate only in words, communication between people relies on much more than that. Facial and body movements, gestures, looks, and intonation are very important. These are non-verbal elements of communication. And the difficulty of this level is because the meanings of these "gestures" are not always shared by everyone.

After all, gestures and behavior take on different meanings depending on the culture and time.

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For some psychologists the nonverbal signs have the specific functions. They would regulate and chain social interactions and express interpersonal emotions and attitudes. We will list some interpretations here to help you decode some behaviors:

  • Eye movement: Averting your eyes is the submission or disinterest. Staring, on the other hand, shows interest, At another time, the fixed look is a threat, or a provocation.
  • Head movements: It is the acceptance of a message that is being conveyed to him. Or signaling to say that he has understood what is being sent.
  • Nonverbal voice behaviors: intonation is important when you want decode a message. A calm voice often shows clearer messages than an agitated voice, and an agitated, fast-talking voice indicates nervousness and discomfort.

In the sentimental and behavioral field

As we have seen so far, it is necessary to go beyond the obvious to achieve decode In the same way, we need to understand our feelings and behavior. Psychoanalysis shows that many of our behaviors are results of traumas in our unconscious.

You know when we don't understand why we do certain things? Or we don't understand why we submit to certain situations? Maybe this is just a reflection of experiences that you have lived through and don't even consciously remember.

With this in mind, we brought 4 tips to help you decode their feelings and behavior:

  1. Look for a psychoanalyst: Professionals in the field have a way to help you see the deeper memories. They help you express how everything interferes in your life;
  2. Let it out with the people you trust: Getting it off your chest helps you understand what is happening to you. Seek out people you trust and who will not judge you;
  3. Get to know yourself: It is with self-knowledge that you will be able to recognize behavioral patterns. These patterns may be signals that you are missing, but that need to be understood;
  4. Finally, go to written records: Register behaviors and processes This gives you a more detailed view of what is going on, and also a way to access it quickly.
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We hope this post has helped you understand a little more about what is decode If you are interested in learning more about this topic, our online Clinical Psychoanalysis course can help you. Check it out!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.