Inferiority Complex: Online Test

George Alvarez 06-06-2023
George Alvarez

We all work daily to be better, more productive and even more necessary. However, some people cross a certain line, hiding their flaws and trying to be the best at any cost, making it an obsession. For this reason, many search for ' inferiority complex test'.

If you are someone who is wondering about this, take our test. The way to do it is simple: just mark positive if you identify with some of the questions.

Table of Contents

  • Inferiority Complex: Test
    • Do you constantly compare yourself with other people?
    • Do you often seek recognition?
    • Do you care about the opinions of others?
    • Do you have a habit of pointing out faults in others?
    • Do you tend to be overly perfectionist?
    • You don't get along so well with people?
    • Feelings of helplessness
  • For you who searched for 'test inferiority complex' and got this far
    • Clinical Psychoanalysis Online Course

Inferiority Complex: Test

Do you constantly compare yourself with other people?

Individuals with an inferiority complex measure the extent of their achievements based on the accomplishments of others In their minds, they idealize the target of their inspirations as a goal to be reached, but no matter what movement they make, they believe that their own achievements fall far short of the desired target.

As a direct consequence, they feel diminished and intimidated by the figure they admire. It is worth pointing out that all this movement happens unconsciously where the individual is not fully aware of the situation.

Do you often seek recognition?

People with inferiority complex try to be seen all the time. They believe that other individuals are capable of achieving great things with extreme ease. Because of this, are immersed in the shadows of these people, believing that they do not have an adequate space to show themselves .

In this way, constantly work to prove values and competencies They worry excessively about showing that they are willing, able and present for some task. The very fact that they search for 'inferiority complex testing' is already an indication that they are aware of this.

Do you care about the opinions of others?

Do you believe that the approach of third parties in your tasks or life is a risk factor? This happens because outside eyes thoroughly analyze your choices, exposing points on which you may disagree In this way, someone with a complex sees this contact with:

Fear of being judged

The idea of an evaluation, even a constructive one, is almost like a razor on your skin. The feeling of having swum as far as you could and being hit by a wave is painful. Going through a trial, in your mind, is like walking down a hallway ready to be stoned Therefore, they prefer to understand more about themselves by taking an online test than by exposing themselves to the critical eye of a person.

That is why they search for 'inferiority complex test' in search engines.


There is little difference between constructive criticism or not. Individuals with complexes are very sensitive to them, feeling each one as a pointed error Because of this, they prefer seclusion at certain times.


View the opinions of others as a trigger to humiliation Depending on their rank and personality, they believe that they will be humiliated for any eventual mistake.

Do you have a habit of pointing out faults in others?

Know that this is a declared attempt to divert any attention away from you Thanks to the inferiority complex, you are driven to expose the faults of others. In this way, you believe that their mistakes and hindrances are more relevant than your own. This results in a constant exposure of these faults to anyone else.

However, it is worth noting the saying "when John speaks more of Peter, we know more of John than of Peter". Frequently pointing out the faults of others to cover up your own shows a behavioral deviation At the same time that you try to protect yourself, you end up condemning yourself. Nobody likes to keep an executioner around.

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Do you tend to be overly perfectionist?

As human beings with limited consciousness, we all make mistakes, and this is normal. However, not everyone obeys this logic and tries to go in the opposite direction. The excessive effort you employ serves to put yourself ahead of everyone else. It is a way of showing everyone that you are above and beyond any fault. If you are looking for 'inferiority complex testing', you will not reveal this to anyone as a weakness.

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It is normal to want everything you do to come out right, but the problem is when it takes over His goal is not to grow with the object in question, but to show that he can and does do more than others.

You don't get along so well with people?

The inferiority complex puts him in an eternal position on the team of sufferers. Progressively, you believe that your contacts are far ahead of you in anything For whatever reason, he puts himself below the achievements of his peers, showing himself how incapable he is.

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A practical example for those who have read the article so far: someone who wants to know more about 'test inferiority complex' thinks he is the only one in his group of acquaintances wanting to know about it.

Seeing yourself in someone's shadow ends up pushing you away from anyone. The problem is not her, and even less you, but the way you see yourself in that contact. Even if it doesn't seem like it, this can suck the patience out of anyone, since it will be a recurring cause for your complaints.

Feelings of helplessness

Because they feel so beneath themselves, people with inferiority complex bring themselves down more than they should. Thanks to this, they are even capable of boycotting themselves, believing that everything will go wrong. As a consequence, they end up entering a state of:

Low self-esteem

Everything in your life loses its taste. You don't think you are capable, your appearance is commonplace and unattractive, and you are unable to see your qualities. Thanks to the feeling of incapacity, you enter a picture of low self-esteem. Before others, you belittle yourself .


At some point, we have blamed external causes to justify our failures. However, someone with the complex often uses this. Everything or almost everything bad that happens to him is pointed out by external factors, exempting him from any blame .


For fear of having his faults pointed out, isolation becomes a weapon at hand. Because of this, he becomes more reclusive and develops antisocial behavior. Even though it is bad for him, loneliness inhibits any attempt at a moral process, according to their beliefs .

For you who searched for 'test inferiority complex' and got this far

The inferiority complex can be an inherent object in the life of any individual at any given time This is because we become more aware of what others and we can do, but always putting others ahead of us. Giving in to the temptation to constantly compare oneself opens a path to a spiral of decline and with difficult consequences.

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The symptoms of inferiority complex are vast, but the list above is enough to detect the problem. Do you identify yourself with four or more symptoms? If so, you need to work on the problem, paying attention to how it declines in your life .

Therefore, try to work on and strengthen the beneficial and relevant aspects of your essence. Never compare yourself to anyone else, since everyone has their own personal tools. Recognize your value, get rid of negative thoughts, and value every achievement you have. Even if you are not the most extraordinary person in the world, you certainly must be the most important to yourself.

Clinical Psychoanalysis Online Course

One way to better understand how this mechanics of imagery works is through our online course on Psychoanalysis. Thanks to it, you can understand how some disorders are born and ripple through our lives. The courseware provides the fundamental foundations of therapy and makes you comfortable navigating more contemporary and innovative methods.

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Don't waste any more time and enroll in the classes that are transforming individuals. Start your online Psychoanalysis course now and learn once and for all everything you need to know about 'testing inferiority complex'. Soon you will be able to teach these concepts to others. Moreover, you will know enough to apply these truths in your own personal life.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.