Inferiority Complex: what is it, how to overcome it?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Did you know that inferiority complex In this article we are going to talk about this important subject and give you some tips on how to overcome this negative feeling about yourself. Don't miss it!

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What is inferiority complex?

Know that, in a nutshell, inferiority complex is a feeling that people have of seeing themselves in an inferior position compared to others It has to do with several areas of life such as appearance, health, career, social status, among others.

Usually, this negative feeling happens unconsciously and subjectively, because the feeling is created in the mind of the person who feels inferior.

Since this complex may have to do with other psychological problems, it is necessary to take a deeper look into disorders such as depression and anxiety, for example.

Understand better what inferiority complex means

Since mental disorders can have to do with the inferiority complex, it should also be noted that self-esteem can be negatively impacted. Low self-esteem causes not only discouragement, but calls into question a person's capabilities.

In this way, the person feels apathy to everything around him. Thus, he will not feel motivated to do even the simplest tasks, as well as those that challenge him. So, realize that he will find little sense of fulfillment, and thus will never be happy with himself.

In this process, the mind starts to compare everything and everyone around it. It can come to believe that it will never deserve the good things that can happen to it. Thus, the tendency of a person with an inferiority complex is to always be pessimistic.

Feeling of inferiority: an exaggerated sense of helplessness

To understand how the complex works, let's look at a few points. The person who feels inferior has a constant and excessive feeling of incapacity. This means that he never feels ready to do something of greater responsibility.

Imagine someone who has great potential to start her own business. She may use as an excuse the lack of necessary knowledge or say that she is never ready. People stop growing in their profession because they believe that other people can be better than them for certain functions.

We can even mention a person who would like to take ballet class, but doesn't think he or she has the capacity because he or she is not slim.

Inferiority complex symptoms

In addition to these, we can highlight other symptoms related to the inferiority complex. Since the person cannot see his potential, he may also be suffering from a lack of self-love.

So it's common for your mind to produce phrases about inferiority complexes, so it's common to have negative thoughts about yourself such as "I don't know", "I can't", "I'm not worthy", "I can't do this task", and "so-and-so is better than me". When someone tries to approach you, you act defensive and may even be arrogant.

After all, only she knows what she is going through, and her suffering is greater than that of others. In other words, she has as a symptom an extreme sensitivity to all possible situations. Not by chance, she lives in isolation, either by choice or because she pushes people away.

How to overcome inferiority complex

Thinking that this complex is related to emotional and psychological issues, the main alternative is to seek help from a specialist in psychoanalysis or psychology. An adequate professional will be able to guide the best treatments.

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The causes may be more complex than you think. The need for recognition and rejection may reflect traumas in childhood or earlier periods.

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Understand that it is only possible to identify such roots when the person opens up. Expressing your toxic feelings to the right person to listen to you is the way to overcome trauma. Don't feel intimidated or ashamed to seek help!

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Be careful with social networks

For those who suffer from an inferiority complex, social networks can be a breeding ground for harmful thoughts.

Following famous and rich people can only do you harm, because you will be all the time comparing yourself to a status in life that you can never achieve.

Not by chance, the term digital influencer has gained more and more relevance in the last years, so don't believe in this open happiness. The high number of followers, amazing trips, and the gifts received hardly show the scars that these people have.

Harmful Habits: Eating Disorders

Many people take out their frustrations on food, and it's no wonder that this complex is related to anxiety and self-esteem. Think about the following situation, if a person doesn't see himself fulfilled with his body two things can happen:

The first is that she will feel guilty, and in order to overcome her frustration, she will have bad habits with her eating. We can highlight both binge eating, anorexia and bulimia. The cycle is so dangerous because she can feel guilty for overeating or not eating enough.

If this condition is part of your routine, be sure to seek guidance from a professional specialist in gastroenterology to treat your health. In this sense, see that the help to overcome the inferiority complex can be interdisciplinary.

Concluding remarks on inferiority complex

In this article we bring you information to understand and overcome self-destructive thoughts. Understand that we all have our limitations and defects as well as qualities. Try to focus your energies and efforts on what you do best.

Understand that self-knowledge is essential to examine your mind and emotions. We all have our internal issues that deserve to be treated with respect and without prejudice.

To assist you in this process, do our online course in Clinical Psychoanalysis Thus, you will find tools to deal with and better understand about inferiority complex and other psychological disorders. Sign up as soon as possible!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.