Agnostic: full meaning

George Alvarez 01-06-2023
George Alvarez

We are all afraid of something, whether it is due to trauma or a negative idea formulated about what we fear. However, we must always seek knowledge and overcome adversity in order to live in society.

Therefore, in today's text, you will learn more about what it is to be Agnostic Its meaning, beliefs, and variants.

This way, in an objective way, we will break the paradigms and the erroneous locution about this, which enriches our society, culture and collective reason; so, follow our post and expand your knowledge!

What is the meaning of Agnostic?

This is a term coined in 1869 by Thomas Huxley. The word was created ironically as opposed to religious gnostic (knower). It is a derivation of agnostos (knowledge in Greek), formed with the prefix "a-" prefixed with "gnostos".

Thus, an agnostic individual neither believes in nor denies the existence of God, he seeks the meaning of life and the universe through evidence.

In short, the Agnostic is an adherent, or one who can be referred to, of agnosticism. However, it is necessary for us to understand a little more about where this denomination came from in order to formulate a rational opinion about it.

Where did Agnosticism come from?

Philosophy shows us that agnosticism is the "doctrine that declares the absolute or metaphysical questions inaccessible to the human spirit because they are not amenable to analysis by reason" (Priberam Dictionary).

This agnostic philosophy began in the 18th century with the studies of Immanuel Kant and David Hume, while the term agnosticism appeared in the 19th century, formulated by British biologist Thomas Henry Huxley, during a meeting held at the Metaphysical Society.

However, there is more than one strand of agnostic: the strict, who believes that understanding about supernatural entities is impossible; the empiricist who expects real evidence of the existence of the supernatural; and the apathetic, who doesn't care.

Strands of Agnosticism

There are specific types of agnosticism: theistic, atheistic, empirical, strong, weak, apathetic, ignostic, and model.

In summary, as described in the previous paragraph, the agnostic does not believe in claims that the existence of deities can be proven. Likewise, however, he does not deny the existence of God or gods.

However, two important characteristics about agnostics should be noted: one who does not believe in the existence of God (atheist) and one who is unaware of God's existence, but believes that there may be an answer for it (theist).

Theistic Agnostic

Agnostic theism encompasses belief in one or more deities. The agnostic theist accepts the existence of God, but has no way of explaining it.

There are numerous beliefs, which can be included in agnostic theism, such as fideism, however not all agnostic theists are fideists.

Finally, since agnosticism is a position on knowledge and does not forbid belief in a deity, then it is compatible with most theistic positions.

Atheistic Agnostic

Agnostic atheism, on the other hand, is the absence of belief in any god. The agnostic atheist does not accept, but also does not reject, the possibility of there being one (or more) gods.

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Thus, in the face of scientifically proven and tangible facts, totally in the light of human understanding, they are, in fact, relevant to the individual agnostic atheist.

Finally, it should be reported that Freud professed his atheism, but expressed great interest in the study of religious phenomena and made a serious effort to employ key elements of psychoanalytic theory to interpret the origins and nature of religion.

Freud and the Nature of Religion

He sought a metapsychological understanding of religious experience. Freud offered theoretical contributions that enable new forms of correlated theoretical constructions on psychoanalysis and religion.

Freud's thought is the most perpetually open to revision. In it, each notion has a life of its own. This is precisely what is called dialectic; what stands out is the subjectivity of the subject in his desires, in his relationship with his environment, with others, with life itself.

Finally, it is this conviction that motivates us to resume the reading of Freud's main texts on religion, because, besides the present criticism, we find in them new perspectives for a possible interdisciplinary dialogue between psychoanalysis and religion.

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The dialogue between psychoanalysis and religion

According to Freud, the fear that psychoanalysis, the first to discover that psychic acts and structures are invariably supradetermined, will be tempted to attribute to a single source the origin of something as complicated as religion, is unfounded.

If psychoanalysis is compelled and is, in fact, forced to place all the emphasis on a particular source, this does not mean that it is claiming that this source is the only one or that it ranks first among the numerous contributing factors.

It concludes that only when we can synthesize the findings of the different fields of research will it become possible to arrive at the relative importance of the role played in the genesis of religions.

The genesis of religions

Psychoanalysis highlights certain hypotheses for the explanation of the origins of religious feeling, because these hypotheses best match its goals and methods.

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In this way, it is worth pointing out that there are uncertainties and difficulties in any study that aims to show correlated facts, due to the greatness of the subject and the possible lack of human rational capacity in the face of such a study.

Finally, scientifically, there is no central, definitive, or dogmatic knowledge about the existence of a single, supreme being, bringing forth Atheistic Agnosticism.


In line with the above, it is necessary to highlight the difference between agnostic and atheist.

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Thus, it is clear that the agnostic, regardless of the variants presented, neither denies nor affirms the existence of a supreme being, but is not satisfied by emotional findings; he needs scientific evidence to convince himself.

On the other hand, atheism is the doctrine of spirit that categorically denies the existence of God, asserting the inconsistency of any directly or indirectly religious knowledge or feeling, even those based on faith or revelation.

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Society (especially good people) needs to be open to bilateral and interdisciplinary dialogues about agnostic We are all equal in rights and duties; therefore we deserve to have our choices respected.

The lack of social relationship turns common fears into real monsters in everyday life. We must be empathetic to each other, not reducing their existence or ignoring their difficulties.

Knowledge is the main weapon of a successful person in all areas of life, which is why it is important to seek emotional and rational empowerment in search of answers and a better life.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.