Concept of Flexibility: meaning and how to be flexible

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Although many use this term, the flexibility concept is much broader than we can imagine. Therefore, to understand more about this word, we invite you to read our post.

What is the definition of flexibility?

Then, what is flexibility? According to the online dictionary Dicio, the term is a feminine noun that refers to something flexible and malleable.

There are other senses of this word, such as a person's ability to understand or accept the opinions, thoughts or ideas of other individuals. In general, a person who is flexible in this sense, are considered diplomatic and docile.

Finally, another concept of flexibility that is used is related to human anatomy. This refers to the possibilities of joint movements that allow a greater range of motion of the body.

Concept of flexibility: synonyms

Some synonyms for flexibility are, for example:

  • agility;
  • elasticity;
  • docility;
  • malleability.

Flexibility at work

The term has gained more strength in this century, as new technologies have changed the traditional and organizational way of a company. The advent of the internet, for example, has made the physical presence of a certain professional in the workplace less essential.

In fact, in recent times, companies have begun to hire people who have "flexible schedules", that is, who have the freedom to choose the best time to develop their work activities.

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Besides this, flexibility in the professional environment has other aspects, such as the way of dressing and leisure places available to professionals.

Generally speaking, companies that adhere to this concept of flexibility believe that they are offering more flexible conditions to their professionals, and because of this, they will have a much higher performance in their respective positions.

Cognitive flexibility concept

Another very common concept of flexibility is related to the cognitive part. This ability refers to being able to interpret certain situations or information from various points of view and perspectives.

In general, a person can interpret something based on his personal experiences or on his already pre-established beliefs. Finally, cognitive flexibility is an activity in which a person can find alternative answers when faced with the same problem.

How to be flexible?

Now that we know meaning of flexibility Here are some tips on how to be a more flexible person.

1 - Empathy

One of the first steps in being flexible is to be a more empathetic person. In other words, to genuinely put yourself in the place of others. Because of this, one way to go is to always be aware of the thoughts and feelings of the people who are close to you.

After all, this is the only way you will be able to see the world through different eyes and understand the attitudes of others more easily. As a result, you will be a more flexible person.

2 - Gratitude

Be grateful, because then you will be more easily exercising your flexibility. So give special attention to the good things that happen to you. In fact, try not to think too much about the bad things that happen to you.

After all, what we focus on tends to grow, so focus on the positive and you will become a more positive person, attracting good opportunities.

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3 - Attention to listening

We know that in the rush of everyday life it does not allow us to listen carefully to others, but this is an experience we should have more often, so learn to really listen to the opinions and experiences of others.

Also, be aware of how to receive criticism from others and evaluate what has been said. It is worth pointing out, that you don't have to agree with everything, however, it is about good to do a good reflection will help you in this process.

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4 - Understanding

It is very important that you understand your expectations, since the more we have, the greater the chance of being frustrated. In fact, knowing what in fact drives your desires and ambitions is essential for you to visualize your other alternatives or means to achieve your goals.

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This process can help you even find out whether in fact that expectation is consistent with your ambitions.

5 - Courage

Don't be afraid to change! Although it sounds more like a social network motivational phrase, it carries an important message. In fact, you may have heard the expression "The only constant is change".

So it's important to accept that our world is always changing, which is fundamental to our survival. As scary as it sounds, that's the real beauty of life, which helps you to be more flexible.

6 - Reflection

To understand that not everything that happens by chance and that we have the possibility to change our reality through our thoughts is to be flexible. Therefore, always reflect on the situations in your life and observe what your thoughts are.

7 - Curiosity

Our seventh tip is: be curious! So, always research, study, and question. In fact, be suspicious, because this way you will be driven to find the answers. Finally, be open to the new and doubt the certainties of life.

8 - Imagination

It is important to give free rein to your imagination, because this will help you to be a flexible person. In addition, you will be a more creative person who will have the power of resolution. In other words, through new understandings, ways of thinking and acting it is quite possible to go much further in your flexibility.

9 - Flexible body and mind

As we have already said in our post about the concept of flexibility, this term is also related to the human body. In fact, to have a flexible body it is necessary to be stretching every day. This idea applies to the mind and, because of this, it is necessary to train in order to evolve.

One tip is to go to places you have never been, watch a series or a movie with a very different theme from what you are used to. Also, always be talking to unfamiliar people.

10 - Inner Value

Finally, our last tip for being a flexible person is: recognize your value! After all, being aware of your value will make it more difficult to be negatively affected by other people's opinions or actions. So, seek self-knowledge and understand what your principles and limits are.

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Final considerations about the concept of flexibility

If you liked our post about flexibility concept and want to understand more about this subject, we invite you to get to know our online course on Clinical Psychoanalysis. With our classes and the best teachers in the market, you will be able to work as a psychoanalyst. In fact, you will have access to great content that will help you enter your new journey of self-knowledge.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.