Emotional stability: 6 tips for achieving it

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

A emotional stability is a much talked about subject nowadays and that has become essential. It is through emotional stability that people have been excelling in various areas.

In this article we will talk a bit about each concept that makes up the theme. And we will talk about emotional stability itself, about how to achieve it, about the reason for it, and we will bring you tips.

Let's go?

Definition of stability

According to the dictionary, stability is a feminine noun and originates from the Latin word stabilitas Among the definitions we can read:

  • Solidity and security ;
  • It is the quality of that which is stable For example, "the good stability of the bridge";
  • Emotional and family stability ;
  • Permanence or duration, something that does not change ;
  • In chemistry stability is the character of a composition that is difficult to decompose .
  • For physics, stability is the property of a body in equilibrium For example, the stability of the scale, which when deflected when weighing something, returns to its initial position;
  • In the legal sense it is the the circumstance in which a person is not at risk For example, it is the situation of a civil servant who entered by competitive examination and can only be dismissed by legal action.

Definition of emotional

If we look up "emotional" in the dictionary we will see that it is an adjective originating from the French word émotionnel Among its definitions are:

See_also: Types of anxiety: neurotic, real, and moralistic
  • Which produces emotion, intense or overwhelming feelings ;
  • What is easily moved; emotional: an emotional person;
  • Where there is emotion, or confusion, or commotion of feelings This form usually presents respiratory changes, circulatory changes, crying, etc.

What is emotional stability

When we think emotional stability The first thing we think of is harmony. Do you think about that too? This relationship we make is because emotional stability is the ability we have to be in harmony, that is, to be able to sustain the same state of emotion regardless of life's circumstances.

Emotions are the result of chemical reactions processed inside our brain. And that is why after the feeling of intense joy we feel anguish, a depression. This causes an instability and staying calm is difficult for many people. This instability affects all of our relationships, regardless of the area.

A emotional stability comes to be the management of this instability. It is only when we can control the ups and downs of our emotions that we succeed in our lives. Being well emotionally is the key to facing life's adversities and achieving our goals.

Why seek emotional stability

As we said up here, the emotional stability is fundamental to achieve our dreams.

It is directly related to the self-esteem, self-control, resilience, empathy, self-knowledge. When we deepen our understanding of these traits we are able to improve our individual development and our relationships. In other words, when we are able to develop our emotional stability we are able to control, analyze, understand, and express our emotions in a positive way.

Trying to be positive helps us to be better, more evolved and infectious to the world around us. This will reflect in all areas of our lives. emotional stability are essential.

Emotional stability in relationships

Being in a relationship requires us to learn to live with a person who is different from us. After all, no one is the same, but sometimes we relate to very different people. Have you ever experienced this?

Besides, no one comes into our lives alone. There is a network of friends, family, and households that become part of our routine. And this means that changes will start to happen. To change status, that is, to start dating, is to change. And this change, whether in relation to just the couple or to the people around them, causes moments of diversity. These situations are not always so positive.

However, you have to learn to live with it in a controlled way. There is no point in getting frustrated and angry all the time. It is necessary to learn to live with the pressures and differences. It is necessary to have emotional control and analyze our behaviors. Only then will the relationship be healthy. In other words, the emotional stability is important for a relationship to be lasting and healthy.

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Emotional stability at work

Today, terms emotional stability After all, building a successful career takes time and adversity along the way. For a long time, our success was measured by our technical knowledge, our logical reasoning, and cognitive and spatial abilities. In other words, our Intelligence Quotient.

However, since the 90's the psychologist Daniel Goleman brought the concept of Emotional Intelligence and this changed everything. This concept has come to be required as a characteristic that we must possess in order to reach our goals.

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In addition, the work environment is a place where we are evaluated all the time. This evaluation can come from our superiors, by colleagues, customers, and especially by ourselves. Because of all this, we cannot focus only on the execution of tasks, but have the stability to face diversities and pressures.

6 tips for achieving emotional stability

Achieving emotional stability It doesn't happen overnight, but we have some tips for you to achieve it. It must be said that These tips have to do with habits that if you cultivate in your life, you will be able to improve. Let's go?

Seek self-knowledge

To be able to maintain an emotional balance in the face of adversity we need to know ourselves.

We need to know who we are and what life relationships we are involved in. This knowledge helps us understand and analyze how we behave and feel in various situations. Understand? It is only when we understand our emotional reactions, that we can control them in a more rational way. Moreover, only when we value ourselves, our qualities and desires, can we be happy.

Differentiate the rational from the emotional

We have already told you up there that nobody is equal to anybody else. As much as people have similarities, we don't share everything. We can express our emotion in one way and other people can express it in other ways.

Understanding this, understanding oneself and the other, helps us not to charge ourselves and others in an unreasonable way. It is necessary to separate what is rational from what is just pure emotion. This helps us to have balance when facing situations that cause us strangeness. Whether this strangeness is motivated by anything.

Learn to respect the differences

This habit is intrinsically linked to the previous habit. When we recognize that the other is different and work rationality on top of that, we understand that it is okay to be different. This must be understood and respected.

It is about accepting who you are, your values, and it is also a matter of respecting who the other person and his/her values are. And respect does not mean that you want to live like him; it means that you respect the fact that he does not need and should not be like you. We need to understand that no one should force us to change what we believe and that we cannot force others to live as we live.

Difference is necessary and it can only exist with respect. To seek this respect is to seek harmony. This can only happen through emotional stability After all, adversity is not always easy to see, but control helps us to balance it out.


Motivated people find balance in the main areas of their life, are aware of their choices and their journey, know what factors motivate them and strive for them. Furthermore, they know their role and importance in the world, in the family environment, and in the professional sphere, and feel motivated to fulfill their purpose.

Be positive

The changes that come along in our lives are not always apparently good ones, we know that. But it is only when we look at those moments and try to draw from the positive that we are able to learn and move on.

Even when we face painful losses, or endings that were not planned, we need to face them in a positive way. After all, nothing is forever, and more than the end, we need to look at how great the whole journey was. And yes, it is painful to lose someone, for example, but what a great honor to have been able to live with someone special, isn't it?

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See_also: Aristotle's phrases on life, education, and happiness

The control of negative feelings and the change of perspective is only possible with the emotional stability . Being positive is not always easy, but it is essential for us to move forward and improve.

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Take care of yourself

Our emotional stability After all, who hasn't felt stressed because of a bad night's sleep? Or that irritability because they are eating poorly? Our health interferes with our emotions and that is why it is necessary to take care of ourselves.

Eat better, exercise, drink water, and sleep better. All this will help you to achieve emotional stability .

In conclusion

A emotional stability We hope that this article has helped you to have a better perspective on the subject and that our tips will help you. Also, our online Clinical Psychoanalysis course can help you to know more about the subject. Check it out!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.