Agrura: what it is, meaning and examples

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Agrura is the name for adverse situations, marked by difficulties and obstacles. These are those arduous situations, with obstacles to be faced. This word, unknown to some, has application in many aspects of our life.

In this article, besides bringing the meanings and examples in phrases, we will also talk about how to overcome the hardships of life with resilience and wisdom, without affecting our health, especially our mental health. Learning to deal with difficulties may not be an easy task, requiring resilience, wisdom, and courage. So, understand what hardship means and how to overcome it.

Table of Contents

  • What is hardship?
  • Examples of hardships
  • Meaning of harshness
  • How to face the hardships of life?
  • Tips to overcome hardships with resilience
    • Be adaptable
    • Learning from experiences
    • Self-confidence

What is hardship?

Hardship are situations marked by difficulties and obstacles that, to be overcome, require effort and deprivation. The term is used to express the tribulations of life that can cause physical and emotional suffering.

Under the material aspect, the word harshness means the rough, steep condition, bitter, sour or sour taste.

Examples of hardships

To better understand the meaning of harshness, here are some examples of practical application of the word :

  • "Even amidst the hardships and uncertainties of life I have a look that smiles; a smile that speaks; a talk that embraces and this huge heart dressed in gratitude." by Edna Frigato
  • "People who use the hardships of life to deceive, are merchants of counterfeit goods." by Dani Leão
  • "I do not let the hardships of life defeat me, because I am stronger than any event rejected by me." by Paola Rhoden
  • "Life is made of hardships, and love is made of pain." Nyll Mergello
  • "Hardships sometimes only happen so that the bonanza becomes even more pleasant.", by Fernando Portela
  • "Allow yourself joy at the height of any hardship." by Vantulio Gonçalves
  • "We are all travelers through the hardships of the world, and the best thing we can find in our travels is an honest friend." by Robert Louis Stevenson
  • "Sorrows, hardships, discouragement are essential tools for making adjustments in our lives." by Wanderllei Lingrun di arruba
  • "The heart is not always irrational, for there is no better way than love without the hardships of reason." by Patrícia Caetano Lima
  • "Military service is mandatory, and the hardships experienced by young recruits in a military barracks are familiar to American society. "Folha de S.Paulo, 04/03/2012
  • "They face the same hardships as people do, such as dealing with ups and downs in their jobs, bouts of depression, and problems relating to others. "Folha de S.Paulo, 04/01/2013

Meaning of harshness

In the etymology of the word, it comes from agro + ura, from Latin acrus It also means quality of that which is rough, steep. Figuratively speaking, the word bitterness has the following meanings :

  • feeling of bitterness;
  • heartbreak;
  • dissatisfaction;
  • very complicated situation;
  • arduous circumstance;
  • hindrance;
  • physical or emotional pain;
  • suffering.

How to face the hardships of life?

Many people make plans for their lives, as if it were a straight line, timed, that is, we create an ideal world in our heads. However, as time goes by, we see that this "line" can take a few twists and turns, in the face of difficulties and obstacles. These are hardships that happen that even make us think they are irremediable.

First of all, there is nothing in life that does not have a solution, even if it is not the solution you expected. Believe that it is the best one to get you "back on track", to stabilize your life. Think that life is a great mystery and, in fact, we never know tomorrow, so live the present, at its best .

In short, resilience is the ability of human beings to mature in the face of adversity, to keep going even though hardships may seem difficult to overcome.

Tips to overcome hardships with resilience

Applying resilience in practical life is not as difficult as it seems. Adapting to change is a characteristic developed by human beings. Even more, we are able to cope with hardships of life and come out even stronger. In other words, the every obstacle is a new experience A new learning.

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Although it may sound a bit cliché, it is the most pure truth: difficulties are nothing more than opportunities for self-knowledge and personal growth. Beforehand, know that resilience may not be innate to you, but your brain is capable of developing it, it is the scientific term called brain plasticity.

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Without a doubt, closing your eyes to your problems will cause them to grow, leading to a cycle of self-sabotage and low self-esteem. Facing adversity and following through will develop your self-knowledge and improve your self-esteem, making you resilient. Below are some tips that can help you with this:

Be adaptable

Resilient people are flexible In this way, being able to adapt to all situations is one of the main characteristics of a resilient person.

Learning from experiences

In short, resilience is the developed ability to, in the midst of life's bad experiences, learn a positive lesson In this sense, it is essential that: don't look for a culprit, find a solution; life is not unfair, but challenging.

That is, victimizing yourself will only make the problem bigger, and it won't be solved on its own just because you are the "victim". Therefore, resilient people usually care about learning from negative experiences so that if they happen again, they can have different attitudes.


Self-confidence and self-esteem are the key to being able to deal with life's hardships, because confidence in yourself will bring you courage, making you better and faster overcome the difficulties that life brings. For this, the main tips are: see your qualities, trust yourself Have self-love, respect and forgive yourself, and have plans in your life.

See_also: Vulnerability: meaning in the dictionary and psychology

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Therefore, the hardship In this sense, it is up to you to have the wisdom and resilience to face the problems and solve them, and also to learn from every experience, even the negative ones.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.