Meaning of Resilience: how to be resilient?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Table of contents

All of us must know meaning of resilience, After all, resilient people find within themselves the emotional security to deal with complex situations. So today we will understand what resilience is, what prevents you from developing it, and how to be resilient.

The 7 biggest mistakes people make who don't know what resilience means

At first, many people are unaware of meaning resilient Therefore, they commit attitudes that damage their emotional development, because they could better deal with problems. So, check out the seven most common mistakes of people who are not resilient.

1. not dealing with your own emotions

We should always strive to know our emotions, otherwise we will get stuck in the emotional conflicts that difficult situations create.

2. not valuing your achievements

Even if we should be more humble, it does not mean that we should diminish our victories. However, many people do not understand that, to be resilient, one must recognize one's own achievements Therefore, they reduce their own potential, because they don't value themselves enough.

3. not be responsible for your failures

People who take responsibility for their own faults are more aware of their own attitudes, so people who blame others for their actions will never develop resilience.

4. being an inflexible person

If you are an inflexible person, chances are you haven't developed your emotional resilience as you should. In this sense, people who don't adapt to situations have a hard time dealing with frustration. Therefore, they never prosper as they should.

5. not understanding how to deal with pressure

You certainly don't like to be pressured in your daily life. However, if you can't keep calm when facing stressful situations, you can't overcome them So calm people always find a solution to problems.

6. not using your mistakes to learn

People who don't learn from their own failures will never understand the meaning of resilience. All because they don't revisit their mistakes to understand what they should or should not do in the future. Therefore, we will have a better chance of personal success if we learn from the impacts of our failures.

7. not having a sense of purpose

Because of a lack of purpose many people become hostages of circumstances. They do not condition the way they react to problems and adversities. As a result, they cannot contain their emotions. In addition to negative thoughts and attitudes.

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The 3 reasons that are preventing you from having resilience

If a person is unaware of the meaning of resilience they are likely to do:

1. self-sabotage

Through self-sabotage we prevent ourselves from progressing, because we maintain old patterns. Thus, people who sabotage themselves become complacent with the situations in which they live, and do not confront the world around them. Therefore, they do not understand the meaning of resilience as an important part of their development.

2. get stuck in the past

Many people get stuck in the past because they want to avoid negative experiences. However, they can only feel bad because of the negative charge of these experiences. But even though we cannot change the past, we can change the way we react to it .

3. follow old patterns

According to scientists, we always revisit old situations to decide our future. As we grow up, we develop beliefs that define our behavior. As a consequence, we always act in the same way. Therefore, the same results are achieved. And these can be unpleasant.

The 3 people who gain from your failure

If you don't understand what resilience is, you will be vulnerable. After all, the way you react to the people around you influences your emotions, as well as your behavior and personal life. So these people will gain from your failure:

1. abusive partners

For you to have a great relationship you need to develop emotional resilience. That way, you will avoid emotional stress caused by conflicts in the relationship In addition, you will be protected from the toxic attitudes caused by an abusive partner.

2. friends

Our friends will not always be as nice as we expect, so much so that some people may create situations that hurt us greatly. In this sense, unless you learn how to be resilient, you will be manipulated by the attitudes of toxic friends.

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3. family

Just like friends, family also gains from your lack of resilience, for example, manipulating you and your emotions through blackmail. If you don't learn to deal with it, you will always be a victim of this harmful environment.

We may need to reorganize our lives to understand what resilience means, so even if it seems challenging, you will have the opportunity you need to be resilient once you start:

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1. new activities

People involved in different activities have the chance for experimentation and growth. In this way, they challenge themselves to look for new solutions, understanding better what they are capable of In this way, you will better understand how your emotions react to new challenges.

2. re-signifying experiences

Because of old traumas, we let the fear of making a mistake paralyze us. However, we must always turn old experiences into opportunities for growth. Therefore, we must give ourselves another chance and learn from the past.

3. therapy and the meaning of resilience

With the help of a therapist, we will better deal with our emotions. In this way we can meet, reform and heal our pains in therapy As a result, we act more positively toward our dreams, beyond the everyday practices and challenges.

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The 7 effective attitudes of those who have managed to develop the meaning of resilience

One way for you to understand how to have resilience is to get to know the attitudes of resilient people. In this way, you create references of how to act in difficult situations that demand more of your emotions. So, how about we start with:

1. leave the past behind

We must understand that we will never change the things that have happened, so if we think too much about what we could change, we will only achieve frustration and suffering. Therefore, we need to leave the past in its place in order to build our future.

2. see failures as opportunities

Without the mistakes we have made, we would never be who we are. After all, we should perceive our failures as opportunities to make more assertive decisions Therefore, you must carefully evaluate your mistakes, so you can learn from them.

3. understand the need for change

You need to realize how your limiting beliefs and patterns hinder your development, so you may need to adopt a more flexible attitude in your daily life. This way you will be better able to adapt to challenges.

4. meaning of resilience: not comparing yourself

It is important that we have references of successful people to inspire us. However, we should never compare their success with ours. This way we avoid frustration. Therefore, understand that they are examples of value, not competitors.

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5. recognize your own emotions

Once you recognize your emotional flow, you will better deal with situations that wear you down. As a result, you will feel more self-confident in dealing with your emotions and attitudes. In this way, you will overcome your challenges without emotional wear.

6. recognize one's own potential

You should never be modest about yourself! So recognize your potential, that is, you will think clearly about what you are capable of achieving. That way you won't be ashamed to wish for great things in your life.

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7. being persistent: mastering the meaning of resilience

It's okay to make mistakes, and sometimes it's great that you do. That way you understand why you didn't get the results you wanted, and you understand how to get them now. To do so, you will persist until you get what you want.

The method revealed: the 5 steps for you to apply the meaning of resilience

After you understand what resilience means, it is time to learn how to develop it. According to psychologists, people will learn the meaning of resilience as soon as they follow these steps:

1. organize your own emotions

The first step is to organize your emotions. It is likely that you feel emotional wear and tear because of your everyday problems. However, if you organize your emotions, you will react more positively and without harm to the obstacles you face.

2. plan your own attitudes

After you have organized your emotions, it is time to plan your attitudes, because we tend to act impulsively in moments of crisis or pressure. Therefore, you will take a step back from the problem to understand how to solve it calmly.

3. adapt to changes

In other words, you should never resist the changes that happen to you. You will try to be more flexible in order to get more out of your comfort zone. Even if it seems like a risky attitude, you will learn by changing the way you react to the world.

4. know when to stop

Neither you nor anyone else is ready for a lot of pressure, so it's important to take a break, so you can lighten your emotional load. Then, once you're better and calmer, you'll be better able to come back and complete your tasks effectively.

5. believe in your own capabilities

You will always invest in yourself as a way to awaken your potential. Therefore, having self-confidence will help you to stand firm in complex and difficult situations Furthermore, you will discover how to overcome your insecurity and fear of trying.

The 5 reasons why you should develop the meaning of resilience now!

So, by understanding what resilience means, you will realize important changes in your life. Although it is a gradual transformation, you will soon be rewarded for your initiative. Therefore, the major benefits of understanding what resilience is are:

1. meaning of resilience and strengthened self-esteem

With strengthened self-esteem, you respect others and yourself. Thus, people who value themselves and recognize their own abilities are kinder to themselves. Furthermore, you will accept suggestions and constructive criticism without resenting the comments.

2. adaptive capacity

Resilient people tend to have more flexible thoughts and emotions, so they are comfortable if they need to change their attitudes. For example, you can be more playful while having to perform logical and intuitive actions.

3. has creativity

Through creativity you will develop different perspectives to solve the same problem In this way, you will always think of inventive solutions in order to solve a problem. So creative people always find the answers they are looking for.

4. develops positive emotions in difficult times

Many people cope better with difficult situations if they develop positive emotions. Maybe you should ask yourself how to change the situation instead of letting it bring you down. We have the right to complain, but only complaining about a problem will not solve it.

5. meaning of resilience: knowing how to defend oneself

We will never know when attacks and aggression will come, so with the help of resilience we will understand how to defend ourselves, as well as respond to those attacks and find allies.

The 7 profiles of people who should most master the meaning of resilience

Below, check out a list of the seven profiles that need to have resilience.

1. emotional dependents: Through resilience emotional dependents are freed from abusive relationships;

2. emotional: Emotional people will cope better with difficult situations and negative emotions;

3. insecure: Self-confidence is necessary for people who are afraid to take initiative;

4. inflexible: We need to adapt to the problems, in order to better deal with them;

5. spiteful: to live in the present, it is necessary to overcome the faults and grudges of the past;

6. disorganized: because of thoughts, emotions and attitudes that we do not expect;

7. pessimists: people who feed negative thoughts need to focus on positive ideas.

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The 3 most inspiring cases of those who learned the meaning of resilience

You will better understand what resilience is through real, practical examples, so the following cases are of people who learned how to strengthen themselves while going through difficult situations, then observe how the change in attitude helped these people to thrive in life:

1. beyoncé and the meaning of resilience

Since childhood, singer Beyoncé has always shown a talent for singing and dancing. However, once her band got an audition on the Star Search program, the girls lost the competition. As a result, she and her band were shaken and saddened by the outcome.

However, Beyoncé learned a lot from this moment, because she always believed that she would win. Not only did she deal with frustration, but she also tried to improve her skills to perform her best. Although she has talent, it was her effort and dedication that made her a star.

2. Henry Cavill

Famous for playing Superman, actor Henry Cavill has not always been lucky. In fact, he was once considered the unluckiest actor in Hollywood because he lost several roles. Still, Henry Cavill never gave up on his dream.

Anyway, he landed one of the biggest roles of his career, so it is likely that most people would not have known his work if he had given up. Soon, Henry's determination and ability to handle challenges made him a household name in the film industry.

3. meaning of resilience and community reform

A young ballet dancer from Rio de Janeiro had a dream of teaching ballet to children in a community, but she did not have the resources to build the studio she needed. Even so, she sought partnerships and used her own hands to carry the construction materials.

As a result, several concerned people helped her to complete the studio. Besides her persistence, she gave us a valuable lesson: big dreams are possible to achieve.

The 10 questions to assess whether you are on the right track in developing resilience

Once we understand what resilience means, we need to evaluate how to develop this ability. Maybe we already have this power, but we don't know how to improve it yet. So, to evaluate your level of resilience, ask yourself these 10 questions:

  1. I can deal with anger and frustration whenever I don't meet a goal?
  2. Am I capable of transforming adversities into positive things?
  3. I can be creative while trying to solve problems?
  4. I am able to imagine some solutions when I face difficulties?
  5. I can keep my cool whenever difficulties arise?
  6. I am able to adapt to adversities by acting differently to solve them?
  7. I visualize my future without getting anxious or worried?
  8. do I try to do the same activities in a different way or do I try to innovate?
  9. I can come out of difficulties feeling better and stronger?
  10. I ask myself if I learn from the crises I experience?

If you answered "yes" to six questions or more, it is a sign that you handle challenges well. In this case, we recommend that you improve your strengths, as well as your personal skills. In this way you will always be strong and ready to overcome adversity.

If you answered "yes" to four questions or less, it may be that you need to develop resilience. In this case, you should evaluate your behavior every time you face difficulties. But don't worry: with the tips above you will emerge victorious from everyday challenges.

Final considerations about the meaning of resilience

In this article you have learned what resilience means. You can also understand how to come out of your difficulties stronger That's why resilient people make a habit of overcoming the pressure of challenges without giving up positive emotions. So by learning how to improve your resilience, you will know what your inner power is.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.