15 sentences about depression that you need to know

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

We know that the great evil of the century is depression. This condition is very complex, because it involves so many feelings, and is misinterpreted by many people. Therefore, we have listed 15 sentences about depression Check out our post.

Phrases about depression: know 15 messages

"Never despise depressed people.

Depression is the last stage of human pain" (Author: Augusto Cury)

The first message about depression is from Augusto Cury. The author managed to bring a reflection on how we should treat people with depression. Most people have the habit of not giving importance to this subject. However, it is necessary to give it special attention, after all it is a stage of much human pain.

"Don't think that all funny people have a happy life, a good laugh can be a cry in the soul." (Author: Unknown)

Although many people think that depression means that the person is always sad, this is not so.

"Depression is a very serious, continuous and complex thing. To be sad is to be self-conscious, to be disappointed with someone, with several people or with yourself, to be a little tired of certain repetitions, to discover yourself fragile on any given day, for no apparent reason - the reasons have this mania of being discreet." (Author: Martha Medeiros)

The author Martha Medeiros managed to convey in this message about depression what this condition is like. Furthermore, she brought a beautiful reflection that everyone should do.

"Depression is a prison in which you are both the prisoner and the cruel jailer." (Author: Dorthy Rowe)

Have you ever stopped to think what a person with depression feels like, in a simpler way? Dorthy Rowe knew how to translate this in a very poetic way, it is worth reflecting on how depression manifests itself in subjects.

"Antidepressants treat the pain of depression, but they do not cure guilt or the anguish of loneliness." (Author: Augusto Cury)

Another one from Augusto Cury for our list. His message draws a parallel between medicine and total cure for depression. After all, medicine has a purpose, while a person's recovery depends on many other factors.

"Not that I was sad, I just didn't understand what I was feeling" (Author: Caio Fernando Abreu)

What is the difference between sadness and depression? It is a very fine line, and that is why many people confuse it, which can compromise a lot in the treatment.

"Worry should lead us to action, not depression." (Author: Karen Horney)

With the hustle and bustle of everyday life and the challenges in all areas of life, it is not very difficult to get very worried about any situation. However, when it starts to get out of hand, it is essential to seek help.

"It's hard to get lost. It's so hard that I'll probably soon find a way to find myself, even if finding myself is again the lie that I live.

Clarice Lispector couldn't be out of form in our list of phrases, after all she knows how to put into words such distinct feelings. With the message above, she brought a very valid reflection about depression that all people should do.

"The important thing is not to win every day, but to always fight" (Author: Waldemar Valle Martins)

We are always charged daily to win at any cost, even depression. However, this is a situation that does not require us to always win, but to be ready to fight. This is what the message above points out.

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"Post-nothing depression: nothing happened to you, but you get depressed anyway" (Author: Caio Augusto Leite)

Most people with depression have this condition for no apparent reason. The causes are uncertain yet, but it is important to know that it exists and always be aware of it. After all, it can affect anyone regardless of sex, age group, social condition, etc.

"When words don't come out, tears speak for you" (Author: Lady Gaga)

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In a very poetic way, Lady Gaga demonstrates that our tears have a lot to say. Of course, depression is not synonymous with crying all the time, but our feelings need to be heard. Moreover, they need to be discussed, even if there are not enough words to be said.

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More sentences about depression

"One day, she discovered by herself that she was two! The one who suffers quickly, in the intense and atrocious rhythm of the night, and the one who looks at suffering from the top of sleep, from the top of everything, swaying in a sky of invisible stars, without any contact with the ground." (Author: Cecília Meireles)

"- Why do I get so depressed?

- Because you want to climb the stairs starting from the highest step" (Author: Alejandro Jodorowsky)

"If you are depressed,

You are living in the past;

If you are anxious,

You are living in the future;

If you are at peace

You are living in the present moment" (Author: Lao Tzu)

"It's the depression you feel when the world as it is, doesn't line up with the world as you think it should be."(Author: John Green)

What is Depression?

To finish our post about such an important subject, we want to make something very clear: depression is not coolness, laziness, or lack of faith! By reinforcing these ideas each time, the person disrespects someone who is suffering, besides reinforcing the low self-esteem of those who have depression.

So, depression (ICD 10 - F33) affects in a very negative way how a person feels, thinks and lives. But there are treatments, which generally involve therapy. Check out some of the symptoms of depression:

  • Anhedonia: the person feels no pleasure and no desire to perform the activities that used to give him or her great satisfaction;
  • Insomnia: there is difficulty falling asleep, and the person wakes up several times during the night; or the person wants to stay in bed all day;
  • Changes in appetite: the person may want to eat less, or desire to eat compulsively;
  • Low self-esteem: the subject thinks he/she is worthless, as if he/she were a burden to the world;
  • I cry easily and often.

It is worth remembering that to make the diagnosis of depression, it is necessary that these signs last at least two weeks. In addition, the persistence of these symptoms is the main difference between depression and sadness.

Final thoughts: phrases about depression

Finally, as we have seen, depression is a very serious matter and the phrases that we brought here had the intention to show that. Therefore, to understand more about the theme, it is important to be surrounded by good knowledge. With this in mind, we have a very special invitation for you.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.