Pothole phobia: causes, symptoms, and how to treat

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

The feeling of fear is something that everyone feels at some point. But in this post we will talk about the phobia of holes So, check out our text to learn more.

What is pothole phobia?

Before we explain what it is, do you know how to call hole phobia The name is trypophobia, but in everyday life people may say fear of potholes.

This phobia is a psychological disorder that has as its characteristic the aversion or irrational fear of anything related to holes. This can be either in images or objects that have many holes, regardless of size.

That is, a person with this fear of potholes is annoyed when she sees it, for example:

  • sea sponge;
  • soap bubbles;
  • lotus seed;
  • some mushrooms;
  • pores of the plant leaves;
  • fruits (strawberry, pomegranate);
  • honeycombs;
  • crocheted towels.

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As much as this agony of holes Nowadays, trypophobia is being increasingly studied and gaining more visibility in the health field.

Some studies on phobia point out that this irrational fear is derived from the anxiety disorder, and that the person feels a lot of anguish and worry, which affects the person's daily life.

In the case of trypophobic people, they do not feel panic at the sight of holes, but a feeling of aversion or repulsion.

What are the causes of this agony of holes?

The reasons that cause this phobia have been the subject of several studies, each of which has had some different conclusions, however.

First study

Researchers at a British university conducted a study to find out why people have a phobia of holes. They found that people with this fear made an association between holes and dangerous situations.

Furthermore, they concluded that this phobia of too many holes together This aversion was most often associated with the skins of poisonous animals, for example.

According to the study

Another research study that was released in 2017 had a slightly different result. The researchers studied students from a preschool. They wanted to confirm whether the discomfort of seeing a picture with small holes was linked to fear of dangerous animals.

The scholars concluded that people who have the symptoms of trypophobia are not afraid of the poisonous animals, but of the way they look. So, people with phobia of small holes For example, they cannot differentiate between dangerous situations.

What are the main symptoms of trypophobia?

Now that we understand about the phobia of holes, let's talk about the symptoms. People with trypophobia have disorders that are very similar to an anxiety attack, so when they see an image of a hole, for example, they may feel it:

  • general malaise;
  • crying spells;
  • anguish;
  • sweats;
  • shivers and body tremors;
  • skin irritations;
  • Generalized itching and tingling;
  • discomfort in vision;
  • sensitivity in the hands;
  • increased heartbeat rate.
  • nausea or motion sickness;

However, in some more extreme cases, the person may suffer panic attacks and even fainting. Therefore, in these situations it is necessary to seek medical help in order to reduce these symptoms.


In any phobia, the diagnosis is made in a similar way, so trypophobia would be no different. The identification of the phobia of holes can be made by any health professional, but psychologists and psychiatrists have a more specialized training on the subject.

These professionals will investigate and analyze the symptoms that the person presents. In addition, they will take into account the patient's medical and psychiatric history.

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A phobia of holes is not considered a disease by the medical community, so there is no specific treatment. However, in severe cases the use of medication is recommended in order to control the anxiety.

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By the way, this treatment allied with psychotherapeutic accompaniment is a good way to deal with trypophobia .

Regardless of the treatment, the main concern is that the person does not develop other disorders, such as social anxiety disorder, generalized anxiety disorder, or major depressive disorder.

Exposure Therapy

One of the most widely used treatments and the one that has the most research with good results is exposure therapy. So, if a person has phobia of tiny holes For example, looking for a professional in this area is a good alternative.

Exposure therapy is a therapeutic process that helps a person gain greater control over their fear. In addition, it helps to change how they react to the images or objects that generate this phobia.

But here is our warning: it is very important that this psychotherapy be done with a psychologist, because he will be very careful in dealing with the treatment so that no further traumas are generated.

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The Process

In the first moment, the person is asked to observe objects or images that stimulate this phobia, but the psychologist will choose stimuli that do not generate so much aversion, and throughout the treatment, he will increase these levels until he reaches a level where the person is uncomfortable.

Once this level is reached, the therapist will teach the person some breathing and relaxation techniques, so that the trypophobe can learn to face this fear of holes.

As much as therapy helps a lot, it is very common to use medication to help in the treatment. But it is worth pointing out that self-medication is not recommended, so it is important to always seek medical help.

New habits for you who have a phobia of potholes

Because there are no conclusive studies about this phobia, there is no way to prevent the fear of holes:

  • relaxation techniques, such as deep breathing and the practice of yoga;
  • activity and physical exercise to reduce anxiety symptoms;
  • rest a lot;
  • to have a healthy, balanced diet.

But it is worth remembering that even following these tips, the most indicated treatment is therapy. So, if you have symptoms that hinder your daily life, seek the advice of a health professional, who will indicate the best treatment for your case.

Final remarks about the phobia of holes

As we can see in our post, fear of potholes can have various causes and the symptoms differ from person to person. In addition, we have brought the most commonly used treatment in this case. We hope that our post has helped you better understand trypophobia.

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Finally, we recommend our online course on Clinical Psychoanalysis. With it you will have access to a wealth of content, as well as understand more about phobia of holes So, don't miss your chance, because with our course you will be able to work in this area.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.