To dream that you are falling and wake up: what could it be?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

As diverse as humanity is, it has common behaviors among its members and connects them. This is reflected in sleep and dreams, as many individuals have identical experiences while resting. Find out what it may mean to dream that you are falling and wake up and how this reflects on you.


Depending on the routine and experiences a person has, this can be reflected in the way they sleep. Even if disconnected from the outside world, our body continues to work on its own. Sleep serves to rest the body and the mind to adapt. In short, it is the time when we process relevant information from our day .

Waking up abruptly, on the other hand, is an event that usually occurs within a few minutes after we lie down and fall asleep. The Sleep Unit at the Hospital de Madrid has identified that a decompensation in the body contributes to this. Because the body has not adapted correctly to the horizontal position, it receives a stimulus to wake up and change it.

However, this stimulus is not very pleasant, even if it is purposeful. The idea is that sleep is disturbed so that you wake up and take care of your sleep hygiene in order to sleep better. There is nothing better than to take this stability away with the sensation of a physical fall. Depending on how and where you are, you may actually fall during your rest.

Why does it happen?

According to research from the Sleep Unit of the Madrid Hospital in Spain, this happens because our body has not yet adapted to the horizontal position and, thus, there is an imbalance between the vestibular apparatus, responsible for maintaining our stability, and the kinesthetic system, which informs the relative positions of the body parts during movements.

Furthermore, many believe that dreaming of falling and waking up is influenced by external factors that interfere with us As mentioned above, the body processes during sleep everything we experience in our daily lives, so we can end up cultivating the impressions we carry in our dreams and direct them to the body. Such an event is associated with the:

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The negative charge that this generates directly impacts the quality of our sleep. Even if we try to relax, the fed tension ends up overloading our body and mind. Among the most diverse involuntary reactions that someone will have is to dream that he is falling and wake up.


Given the way the body and mind meet, they cannot connect properly. The individual, due to the fatigue he feels, is able to relax more easily than others. However, his physical signs, such as heartbeat, breathing, and pressure drop rather quickly. The mind thinks he is dying and takes action .


Anticipating events that may not even happen also harms your physical and mental health. Although you are in the present, your mind experiences conflicting situations in general. In order to prepare yourself, you also feed the uneasiness that these hypotheses may bring. Since you can't relax, you end up taking it out on the way you sleep.

Stress as a factor

As discussed above, stress has a negative influence on dreaming that you are falling and waking up. This stimulus ends up "exciting" the brain, causing it to interfere with the connections that aid sleep Thanks to this, the first phases of sleep are influenced by the decompensation between mind and body.

Because of this, we are showered with dreams of great anxiety and terror as well. There are cases where some people have consecutive episodes of dreaming that they are falling and waking up. This alone is enough to make them afraid to go back to sleep.

Medical Help

When it comes to dreaming of falling and waking up, it is easy to find accounts from acquaintances or not. Each person gives rich details about the event, even confirming the feeling of inherent gravity. Some get frustrated because of the event, since the "scare" makes them afraid to sleep again.

Even though this type of episode is quite unpleasant, we inform you that it is not a serious condition. As you read above, everything is influenced by external factors that affect your internal composition. Being a sensitive, yet vital mechanism, sleep proves to be one of the most affected by this. Still, it is not a reason to go to the doctor if it occurs sporadically .

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However, should this become increasingly common, the help of a medical board may be advisable. Even if the problem itself has no apparent cause, they can look for alternatives to minimize it. This may include sanitizing the physical, mental, and sleep itself.


The hypnic spasm, the name given to the event of dreaming that you are falling and waking up, can be minimized with simple care The idea is that you change your quality of life so that your sleep is directly and collaterally improved. In addition, this will reflect on the way you process information before and after you sleep. Start with:

Change your diet

Invest in foods that positively contribute to the quality of your sleep. Choose products that bring you well-being, such as bananas, yogurt, warm milk, salmon, oilseeds, rice, and chamomile tea. The latter is recognized for its natural ability to relax the body and mind in a natural way.

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Doing exercises

When you mention this topic, you can already imagine an extensive routine at the gym. The intention is that you move in an appropriate and balanced way so that your body releases beneficial substances. Therefore, a simple walk can be ideal to start this process Be constant and firm on this part.

Sanitize your sleep

Try to maintain a proper sleep routine in order to avoid any sleep problems. For example, try to always go to sleep at the same time and avoid external interference in this process. This includes unplugging yourself from any electronic devices or eating heavy food before bed. This will ensure a more peaceful night.

Final comments about dreaming that you are falling and waking up

Unfortunately, not even while sleeping does a group of people achieve adequate quiet. Influenced by the state they are in, an individual may dream that they are falling and wake up quite frightened. While this is terrible for some, the nature of the event is not as evil as one might think.

However, as with anything that affects your routine, you need to work on this problem so that it doesn't happen again. As stated above, try to optimize the components that can help improve the quality of your sleep If it happens too often, it is necessary to seek the help of physicians to better evaluate the event.

A great way to contribute to this is by enrolling in our 100% EAD course in Psychoanalysis. With your deepening in the theories involved, you feed your self-knowledge and understand the catalyst of some behaviors such as to dream that you are falling and wake up With this, you can find out what stresses you, makes you anxious. In this way, you can work against these factors.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.