Caffeine: what is it for and how to cut its effects?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

For many people, it is important to start the day, early in the morning, with a good dose of caffeine Therefore, today we will talk about this phytochemical, what it is used for, and how to cut down on its effects.

What is caffeine?

According to nutritionists, caffeine is a natural stimulant belonging to the xanthine group Thus, we can find and use this phytochemical in various plants and beverages. The main purpose is to stimulate our brain functions. In addition, athletes often use this substance to improve their physical performance. Still others use caffeine to lose weight.

According to historians, even before the B.C. period, there are records of people making caffeinated tea infusions. Furthermore, there is historical data where shepherds report the extra energy that goats showed when consuming caffeinated plants.

In this way, people changed their drinking habits, and caffeine was added to the composition of several beverages. In this sense, you can find caffeine in coffee, energy drinks, sodas, and even in chocolate drinks.

What is caffeine used for?

You can use caffeine to increase your physical and mental performance to accomplish your tasks. Since the substance has a stimulating effect, people who use drinks with this chemical feel more energized Therefore, people who ingest this substance become more active and productive throughout the day.

This is why people who feel tired or sleepy resort to coffee to keep themselves in a better mood. This way, they have more energy to work, are in a good mood, and are able to warm up better. Therefore, with technological advances, consumers can find caffeine in capsules, drinks, candies, gels, protein bars, and even in coffee-fortified supplements.

How does caffeine work?

As soon as a person consumes caffeine, his intestines absorb the substance, and the substance enters the bloodstream. The liver then transforms the caffeine into other compounds, which sensitize the functioning of the body. In this way neurotransmitters cause the brain to relax.

According to experts, adenosine, the substance that relaxes our brain, is abundant during the day. As a result, we feel physical and mental fatigue throughout the day because of it. So caffeine connects to the adenosine receptors, but does not activate them. In other words, it blocks their functions and reduces the fatigue that the neurotransmitter causes.

In addition, people who consume caffeine increase their levels of dopamine, adrenaline and norepinephrine. In other words, people become more alert and focused, something useful for those who go to work sleepy Finally, our glass feels the effects of the substance within 20 minutes after consumption.

Positive and negative effects

Next, we will present the effects of caffeine after consumption in drinks or supplements. According to experts, there is an increase in memorization and learning capacity; an increase in muscular strength and resistance, improving performance, and an increase in the feeling of well-being and mood.

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In this sense, there is a reduction in the feeling of tiredness and sleepiness; a decrease in the feeling of mental fatigue, a reduction in headaches and the sensation of pain. Therefore, consuming caffeine improves attention and concentration, and elevates good humor.

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As for the negative effects, if you consume too much caffeine you may experience: anxiety attacks; headaches; insomnia; irritability and nausea. There is also the possibility of the sensation of tremors in the extremities of the body, as well as tachycardia.

Therefore, we warn you: if you have problems with insomnia, irritability, cardiac arrhythmia, stomach and heart problems, are pregnant or breastfeeding, you should avoid this stimulant .

Caffeine in physical activities

Athletes who use caffeine 1 hour before training can increase their performance. The substance works while doing sports activities. People who practice basketball, cycling, or swimming, for example, benefit greatly from the effects of this substance.

The main benefits in the body are:

  • Endorphin: gives the feeling of well-being after training;
  • glycogen: decreases the use of carbohydrate stock and improves endurance;
  • epinephrine: increases performance and activates the "act or flight" instinct;
  • muscles: helps in the athlete's muscular activation;
  • fat burning;
  • nervous system: stimulates brain functions and decreases fatigue;
  • temperature: stimulates thermogenesis and increases heat production.
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Caffeine in capsule

To get the effects of caffeine quickly, consume the substance in capsules. Also, many caffeinated beverages contain ingredients that are harmful to your health. This is because they contain the dreaded sugars. Soon, if you take the capsule it facilitates the absorption of the substance in your body So if you are not in the habit of consuming caffeine, the 210mg capsules are probably the most appropriate.

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However, it is important to note that people react differently to the use of capsules, since each person has a different sensitization. In this sense, if you prefer to consume the stimulant through drinks, check out a list of caffeinated foods:

  • Espresso coffee, 240 to 720 mg;
  • strained coffee, from 80 to 200 mg;
  • mate tea, from 65 to 130 mg;
  • energy, from 50 to 160 mg;
  • infusions, from 40 to 120 mg;
  • soft drinks, from 20 to 40 mg;
  • decaffeinated coffee, from 3 to 12 mg;
  • cocoa derivatives and chocolate milk, from 2 to 7 mg.

How to cut the effect of caffeine?

Perhaps you or someone you know has overindulged in caffeine consumption. In view of this, it is important that you are quick to reduce the unwanted effects of the substance. So, try drinking water, because drinking water helps eliminate substances through urine .

If you want, you can drink green tea, black tea, or bitter chocolate in the morning. In addition, people who consume vitamin C ingest minerals that help well-being. Therefore, consume foods rich in vitamin C. Regarding fruit, prefer oranges, acerola, and papaya. In meals, opt for vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage.

Final considerations

As you read above, caffeine can help people be more productive in everyday life In the right dose, you have the support you need to keep your mind sharp and your body active. In addition, people who consume caffeinated products in the morning start the day in a good mood.

However, it is important that we don't overconsume caffeines. Remember that overconsumption of anything can cause harm over time, so we should never turn something that benefits us into something that harms us.

In addition to caffeine, you can also stimulate your life with our online Psychoanalysis course. Through it, you have an excellent tool for personal development. Thus, you improve your self-knowledge and inner potential. So, don't waste any time and sign up right now.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.