Melancholic: what it is, characteristics, meaning

George Alvarez 03-10-2023
George Alvarez

Throughout one's life, it is very likely that one goes through bad times that can cause sadness. This feeling is normal, especially when a great loss occurs. Understand what it is melancholic in that article.

But what happens when this sadness begins to affect every area of your life over and over again? At this point, you run the risk of falling into melancholy. Finally, although this term may seem harmless, it can actually lead to serious psychological consequences.

What is it?

Melancholy is a mood disorder that intensifies negative emotions over positive ones.

It is a normal reflex that brings out the purest feelings of the human being when experiencing a sad situation. And it is so common that you will experience it often. But you can always learn to cope.

In addition, as common as melancholia is, it should always represent a warning sign, so when this feeling takes hold of a person for long periods of time, it affects the person's normal performance, as well as their day-to-day activities and their emotional and social relationships.

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Causes of melancholia

This mood disorder does not occur for any determined cause, but basically any difficult situation that one goes through is a trigger for it.

Many times, this feeling of downness or sadness is the result of a significant loss in the person's life, which in the first place is a response to the pain that this situation generates, but which is later aggravated by not being able to overcome the pain produced by that certain absence.

Some of the situations that act as causes of melancholy are:

  • death of a family member or loved one;
  • couple separations;
  • long periods of separation from loved ones;
  • economic losses and material goods;
  • frustrations from work or college;
  • unpleasant experiences
  • finally, ideological deceptions.

The normal thing before any of these events is for feelings of sadness to manifest until the loss is overcome. This occurs when it is not possible to accept what has happened and it becomes impossible to accept the absence.

Eventually, this situation sets in motion a scenario in which the person interprets the event as a personal matter, in which he does not accept the present at the expense of clinging to the past, seriously affecting his emotional balance.

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Changes produced

When a person is feeling melancholic, they are subject to very severe symptoms associated with their mood. Which may initially arouse no suspicion, but which over time become permanent. They may include the following changes:

  • Boredom and dissatisfaction. Anguish.

Low self-esteem and feelings of guilt.

Lack of energy. Physical discomfort.

Rejection of those stimuli that used to be pleasant. Decreased intellectual performance.

Shame to speak, involuntary crying.

Eating problems, such as weight loss. No sleep.

Delusions are always states of unconsciousness.

Rejection of life. Finally, suicidal thoughts and impulses.

Types of melancholy

Because of the different reactions to which the melancholic is subject, there is a broad classification of this disease, which includes, to a greater or lesser degree, the following types:

Simple Melancholy

In this type of melancholy, the patient usually shows no signs of guilt or personal responsibility for the reasons that cause it, but this same situation leads him to manifest strong physical exhaustion, which can culminate in psychomotor retardation.

General melancholy

Also called polymelancholia, it is the most complex type. Moreover, the sadness is perennial and affects every single space in which the patient operates, be it family, academic, work or social. It manifests a feeling of guilt that goes in every direction. In other words, wherever you go, you feel responsible for everything bad that can happen.

Nostalgic melancholy

It is one of the most common because it derives precisely from a feeling that could be the root of melancholia: nostalgia. Thus, the patient becomes excessively attached to the memories of the past, or to something specific that is missing. In addition, it produces extreme sadness.

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Amatory Melancholy

Finally, this type manifests itself when the patient develops melancholia due to a passionate and extreme desire for another person, which is unrequited. It is also known by the names erotic melancholia or amorous melancholia.

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Treatment of melancholia

Melancholia today is a disease that has been widely studied in all fields of psychology and psychiatry. Therefore, any professional in these areas is qualified to deal with this pathology, and furthermore, has the objective of improving the quality of life of the patients.

The most common alternative is psychotherapy, through which the patient has the opportunity to become aware of the problem that caused the melancholic state, and thus be able to create, under the psychologist's guidance, a strategy that allows for pain relief and acceptance.

In many occasions, psychological treatment must be combined with the use of medication to deal with the physical symptoms generated by melancholia. In the most severe cases, hospitalization and, in addition, drug treatment can be used.

Prevention and Overcoming

Melancholy is a state of mind that doesn't allow people to accept the reasons why they feel sad. That's why it's important for you to face sadness with positive thoughts, such as balancing negative and positive things. And that they don't prevent you from establishing reasons to smile all the time.

Many of the causes of melancholy are surprising. In addition, often no one expects the death of a family member or the accidental loss of a material possession.

These are the most difficult cases to overcome. But if the person is active, engages in playful activities every day, and always maintains a positive attitude, it will be less difficult to overcome these moments.

To combat the decline caused by melancholy, here are some tips:

*Practice relaxation exercises and breathing techniques. This helps the mind to avoid bad thoughts.

*Establishing an exercise routine or practicing a sport is another alternative to keep the mind clear. Also, physical activity allows the release of endorphins, known as happiness hormones.

*Define something fun to do often and turn it into a hobby. Whether it is reading books, listening to music, or watching movies. In this way, one occupies one's time and leaves no room for sadness.

Final considerations

In short, it is just a phase that will be overcome once what has happened is accepted. As long as the person remains focused and confident that they can move on, they will soon be able to resume their life.

Finally, learn more about our online clinical psychoanalysis course and get access to all the content similar to this article from melancholic So, the course gives all the necessary preparation to understand the most important aspects of this vast area that has a fundamental place in society.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.