Love Relationship: 10 Psychology Tips

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Everyone will one day want one loving relationship But is there a secret to a perfect relationship? Then, check in this post 10 tips from psychology for this subject.

Relationship Psychology

The love relationships are challenges that everyone wants to face. Because being next to the person you love is priceless. However, finding and keeping a great love requires a lot of effort and dedication. That's why, the psychology of relationships can help this process.

For researcher Robert Sternberg from the University of Wyoming (USA), there are three main dimensions about love:

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  • intimacy - has as characteristics proximity, bonding, and connection;
  • passion - is made up of attraction, romance and sexuality;
  • commitment - is the decision to maintain the relationship.

Finally, relationship psychology also states that crises occur when the relationship departs from the pattern established by the couple. Moreover, these moments do not mean that the relationship is over, but that the two of them need to talk to solve the problems.

10 tips for a good love relationship

1 - Don't idealize your spouse and your relationship

Our first tip is quite difficult, because we all have a habit of imagining perfection for everything in our lives. This is why it is important to observe the qualities of the other whenever possible.

Also, don't compare your relationship with other people's, because, you know that old saying "the neighbor's grass will almost always look greener, except to your own neighbor"? It fits perfectly here.

So don't criticize the imperfections. Instead, try to look for beauty in your partner's attitudes. For, as the relationship progresses, the defects will be discovered, but the qualities will gain more space as well. In fact, this only depends on you paying attention to the right things in the relationship.

2 - Have some time alone

It is very common in a relationship for a couple to change their priorities, because the arrival of children and routine eventually culminate in this situation. So set aside one day or one weekend in the month for you to go back to the "dating days".

You can go to the movies or the park. In fact, do an activity that you both enjoy doing. This time together will help your relationship.

3 - Always talk to your partner

A broken relationship can be the result of many past hurts that have not been talked about. So always have a dialogue with your partner, because putting the things you are feeling can be a way to find a solution.

So if he or she has done something you don't like, speak up! Little everyday annoyances can turn into big disagreements in the future.

4 - Relieve whenever possible

The secret of a happy loving relationship is to overlook some situations in everyday life, because no one is perfect! So, does he or she have the habit of leaving the towel on the bed? This is no reason for a fight.

Many relationships can end because of conflicts that were not necessary. Also, in some situations you are stressed and take it out on your spouse, so before you want to argue, think very carefully.

It's worth pointing out that if there's something you don't like, you should talk about your dissatisfaction. But do it with care and affection, without using a harsh voice, so a simple "honey, I don't like you to do that because it hurts my feelings" will do.

5 - Say the "magic words

When we are children we learn the "magic words": "thank you, please" and "sorry". But, as the relationship goes on we lose this habit. Either because of routine or because we are used to the person's presence, we put aside this kindness.

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Therefore, only and your partner has done something you like, don't be ashamed to thank him. By the way, an attitude that goes very well in a loving relationship is to praise your beloved, so whenever possible tell her how special she is and how much you admire her.

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6 - Admit your mistakes

We know that it is very difficult to get over your pride and admit that you are wrong, but in a relationship it is important to have this attitude in order to build a relationship based on honesty.

So if you have done something wrong or that has hurt the other person, apologize. Seeking forgiveness from your partner makes it possible for a conflicting moment to be overcome.

7 - Don't get angry at the same time

In any relationship it is very common to get irritated with the other person, because we start to see their faults. But if both of you lose control at the same time, the situation can get very bad.

So our tip is to take a deep breath and calm your loved one down, by the way, avoid using irony. When tempers are calmer, sit down and talk about it. Finally, you will not go to sleep resenting each other.

8 - Give attention

With routine it is common to have mechanical attitudes and empty dialogues, so avoid lack of attention to your beloved. When you talk about your day, be interested in the subject. Remember: a love relationship is an exchange that requires interaction and complicity.

9 - Make surprises in the day to day

Have you ever wondered about how to innovate the love relationship? One of the biggest villains of a couple is routine, so when the kiss goodbye becomes just a "have to do", it is a big warning sign.

Also, make some small changes in your relationship, for example, make a candlelight dinner or start a series to watch together.

The most important thing about this tip is to get away from routine and do things together, leaving worries aside. So use your imagination to surprise your loved one.

10 - Seek help

The tips we have listed so far are very simple to put into practice, and their effects are felt almost immediately. However, not all couples will achieve this result because the relationship is worn down.

Therefore, it is important that you seek a relationship psychologist to help with this process. This professional will help the couple to better understand the problem and that together they can seek a solution.

How to deal with difficult people in love relationships?

First of all it is necessary to evaluate if this relationship is worth it. Partners who are aggressive, invasive, or manipulative can be harmful to you. Moreover, it is important to check for these actions early on in the love relationship.

After this check, signal the person and tell them that it is important to seek help from a psychologist. Then they will think about whether they can be or act in a different way. But in the end it is up to the two of you to decide whether or not to continue this relationship.

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See_also: The Case of Little Hans interpreted by Freud

Final considerations about the love relationship

Finally, if you liked the tips from loving relationship Being 100% online, it will help you understand human relations and develop your knowledge. Don't miss this chance!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.