Persecution Mania: Characteristics and Symptoms

George Alvarez 02-06-2023
George Alvarez

With so much information these days, it is necessary to broaden one's perception to pay attention to the flow of everyday life. The problem is that this state of alertness and care can go beyond the safe limit and lead to pathologies. Therefore, let's understand better about persecution mania Some fundamental characteristics and treatment.

What is persecution mania?

Persecution mania is a delusional condition in which the individual believes he is being persecuted In your mind the idea that harm is happening to you, or will happen very soon, is valid, but you are not sure what harm there is and who is behind it.

The problem of delirium of persecution is classified as a psychological disorder that interferes directly with quality of life. That is, from this point on, you create an exaggerated belief that you are being watched by everyone. It is as if the mind puts you in a position of believing that you are the center of the world.

Unfortunately, an exaggerated mistrust is fostered here that drives away any possibility of healthy relationships. Family, friends and partners find it difficult to have a normal routine with this individual.


Experts point out that low self-esteem has a direct influence on the appearance of persecution mania. The individual cannot have confidence in himself and ends up feeling that he is the cause of the world's tragedies, and everyone in his mind agrees with this and blames him too.

This is most evident in the work environment, where competition contributes to increased stress. However, trying to have their space, those who feel persecuted compare themselves excessively to others, and are even very self-critical.

Symptoms of persecution mania

Although it is easy to identify persecution mania, we stress that an official diagnosis must be made with the specialist. Even so, being aware of your posture and behavior can provide clarity about some hidden problem. Let's start with the symptoms:

Thinking you are being watched

His mind leads him to believe that he is being watched, ridiculed, or commented on by other people, and he becomes suspicious of all people, known or not.


The first symptom, and its consequence, causes you to leave your old relationships behind and drift away. This happens because of the fear of being judged for your behavior.

Low self-confidence

Another characteristic of persecution mania is low self-esteem and self-confidence. The individual is always too insecure about himself.


Even if it is none of your business, ends up feeling responsible for everyone's problems, feeling frequent anguish .


Your low self-esteem forces you to compare yourself with others, making heavy and destructive self-criticisms about yourself.


Even without an official diagnosis, persecution mania can be felt by others on a daily basis. For example, in its milder form it causes the carrier to appear shy in social settings Although you want to get away with it, this kind of posture usually makes a bad impression on some people.

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However, when the problem is severe, it can show itself as an indication of other major disorders, for example:

  • the panic syndrome;
  • schizophrenia;
  • or even depression.

In other words, regardless of the form, both are harmful and compromising to a common and healthy routine.


Note that the symptoms of persecution syndrome are compromising to your daily life and can get in the way of your activities. Citing isolation, thanks to obligations there is a constant need to interact with others, no matter how much you want to, you can't hide from the world and expect everything to be fine .

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Going further, there is a very large and unnecessary emotional expense in feeding your distrust. As said lines above, it becomes quite complicated to connect with someone because you don't trust them. Thus, you don't create an adequate emotional support to deal with the problem and get out of the conflict zone.

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Moreover, this kind of posture at work, even though it is about health, can be mistaken for negligence. Your performance here or in your studies can easily fall victim to mistaken impressions about the world.


Self-care is necessary at any time of life, but anything that is done in an exaggerated way can get in the way as well. When talking about persecution mania it is necessary to seek help to deal with the problem. Because of this that asking yourself some questions, guided by a professional, is recommended, starting with:

  • Do you feel that you are being looked at too much by the people close to you?
  • Do you suspect that people very close to you are trying to harm you?
  • Have you ever come across a group of random people laughing at something and thought you were the joke in question?
  • Can you believe that someone dislikes you even if for no apparent reason or having done something?

Treatments for persecution mania

The help of a qualified professional should be sought in order to deal appropriately with delusions of persecution He can determine the causes involved, define the scope of the characteristics, and indicate the treatment. Through mental and emotional analysis, the search for self-knowledge will start immediately. That is why it is important to treat.

By understanding the characteristics and source of the problem, you can revive your self-confidence. Getting busy with productive activities can help to gradually ease the discomfort of the problem. For example, doing sports activities of your choice can contribute to a balance in body and mind.

The purpose is to achieve a sense of tranquility and peace while relearning to value your relationships. Therefore, with therapeutic help you will have more support to refine your vision and separate what is real from the fantasy projection. You don't have to run away from the world, just understand how it works and how you feel about it.

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Final thoughts on persecution mania

The problem with persecution mania is the false projection of your mind onto the world That is, this enemy in question is just your mind aiming a worry about something non-existent and raising your fears, because this barrier is as strong as what you believe it to be.

In that sense, whether it is you or a knowledge, absorb the idea of being free to live with no one to hunt you down, furthermore don't allow your fears to direct how you should live and deprive you of freedom. Understand more about how you place yourself in the world and how that reflects on your health and well-being.

This can be easily achieved through our online course in Clinical Psychoanalysis. Besides working on your self-knowledge, which is fundamental here, you can create the pillars necessary for your strength and reach your potential. Therefore, the The reform you will gain in the course ensures resilience in your life, protecting you from things like persecution mania .

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.