Film Her (2013): synopsis, summary and analysis

George Alvarez 05-06-2023
George Alvarez

The movie Ela (Her, 2013) was released in Brazil on February 14, 2014, the protagonist is a writer played by the great actor Joaquin Phoenix who has even won a best actor award at the Oscar festival, in this movie he is plunged into loneliness.

In this text, we will make a psychoanalytic analysis of the movie Her: Artificial Intelligence, Technology, and Psychoanalysis.

Table of Contents

  • Man and artificial intelligence in the film she
    • The accelerated contemporary society in the film she
    • Will the machines respect everyone's subjective and individual time?
  • Helplessness, loneliness, isolation and the technological machine in the film
    • Lack and psychoanalysis in the film Her (2013)
  • Conclusion
    • Bibliographic references

Man and artificial intelligence in the film she

Even in the midst of so many people in his daily life, he ends up buying a new computer operating system, gets emotionally close, and ends up falling in love with the voice of the program, from then on begins a loving relationship between man and machine Thus, making the viewer think about the relationship between human beings and technology.

In the film it is possible to observe where artificial intelligence can reach in terms of sophistication and intelligence as a crucial point to be brought up, how much machines become intelligent and autonomous as new updates are developed, in the society we live in they may become dangerous as they gain some control over humans? Today, however, the use of computers and virtual reality by the population is already quite evident.

We will therefore have to pay attention to the fact that this relationship has implications for the human being's identity and sense of self, which, as such, will affect the way we relate to others (plus computers can be seen as companions to the users.) (VON DOELLINGER, 2019, p. 60).

The accelerated contemporary society in the film she

Contemporary society is frenetic and accelerated. This acceleration can be observed through a very talked social symptom and that the cases are growing more and more, this would be anxiety, this one that does not affect only the lonely individual in his life hardships, but an unconscious collective in that it accelerates and needs everything today in a great immediacy with no room left to wait for what tomorrow holds. Patience has always been a virtue necessary for human survival, and one that today is increasingly rare to observe.

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Instantaneity has become a constancy in our daily perception of things, which has led the here to equal the now from a cognitive point of view and we have lost the ability to understand the before and the after (the becoming). We get stuck in a present, but in a present that is only presence. And we lose the notion of totality that is of the order of becoming, of what is to come, that is only possible to be thought from the understanding of what has already been, in an Aristotelian perspective of temporality.(DOS SANTOS, 2019, p. 69).

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In the everyday therapy sessions of the psychologist and the psychoanalyst, patience is a key factor, for without it, the therapeutic process is doomed to come to an end. It must occur respecting the patient's time, which is at stake is the time that is different from the chronological, this is the time of the unconscious that is timeless, happens in a subjective and singular way for each human being.

Will the machines respect everyone's subjective and individual time?

Without forgetting, however, and in view of current knowledge, that the complexity of the psychic (and not only cognitive) world of the human being is not translatable into the functional register of intelligent systems. These lack the significant and central relational world, which builds and modifies the identity of the human being. (VON DOELLINGER, 2019, p. 60).

Helplessness, loneliness, isolation and the technological machine in the film

In the movie She, a question is also posed that is current in society, the helplessness of human beings, leading to a certain isolation in their own world, where the social becomes immersed and forgotten, social interactions end up having less importance for human beings who run more and more, But they don't know what they are after, and they get nowhere.

This emptiness is tried to be filled through technology in a machine that responds to the main character's desires and behavioral needs, leaving no room for something that is fundamental to both human beings and their relationships, lack, this is the one that motivates the incessant search of neurotic humans for it and that one of the areas where it comes into existence is in the social sphere, because there is something missing both in us and in the other, which mobilizes us to look for something to try to partially fulfill it.

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Lack and psychoanalysis in the film Her (2013)

Absence, as psychoanalysis teaches, is structuring and organizing for the psychism of human beings, it teaches how to elaborate internal issues, provides time for one to reflect and motivates the search to achieve one's own desires, and ends up helping to deal with the frustrations provided in existence.

To those who are willing to face a clinic of the real, psychoanalysis proposes, at the end of the analysis, the confrontation with the lack, having to deal with the recognition of frustrations, losses, and their damages. After all, we are human beings, not machines and thus constitutively helpless due to our own condition of humanity.(DOS SANTOS, 2019, p. 72).

Analyzing the film, this lack ceases to exist, to the extent that the machine supplies all emotional needs, including affective ones, this separates him from the social life that is so necessary to human beings, but ends up leading to a different reality and separates him in some way from the real world.


Technology as an escape from living, being alive is awakened by lack, it awakens feelings, emotions, and even anguish, which makes us so special and unique the possibility of dealing with it all, of re-signifying it, If you feel something, it is because you are alive and the pulse of life pulses by existing.

Technology in excess becomes an escape from existing, from having to deal with what life provides, and this can generate uneasiness and considerable symptoms that damage the human being's mental health. It is important to pay attention to its use and what effect technology and its evolutions are causing in contemporary society.

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Bibliographic references

DOS SANTOS, Luciene.Psychoanalysis in the contemporary world.Reverso, v. 41, n. 77, p. 65-73, 2019.VON DOELLINGER, Orlando.Artificial intelligence and psychoanalysis: of the functional and the relational1, 2.Portuguese Journal of Psychoanalysis, v. 39, n. 1, p. 57-61, 2019.

This article was written by Bruno de Oliveira Martins, clinical psychologist, private CRP: 07/31615 and Zenklub online platform, therapeutic companion (TA), student of psychoanalysis at the Institute of Clinical Psychoanalysis (IBPC), WhatsApp contact: (054) 984066272, e-mail: [email protected].

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.