The 30 Best Self Love Phrases

George Alvarez 30-05-2023
George Alvarez

Before anything else, we must give priority to ourselves and put ourselves before everything else. Even though it may seem narcissistic, it is necessary to focus on our own physical, mental and emotional well-being. To do so, check out this selection of the 12 best self-love phrases to raise your self-esteem.

"Don't tear yourself apart to keep others whole"

To begin with the self-love phrases, we indicate one that deals with unconditional giving to others . Whether by temperament or fear of displeasing someone, some people will do anything to others Even if this compromises his own health, people gain more relevance than he does.

Under no circumstances erase your relevance for the sake of others Even though they are important in your life, they must be emotionally self-sufficient. Be independent of them, and do the reverse work, so that they are also independent of you.

"I don't want to have you to fill my empty parts, I want to be full on my own"

Eventually, we carry the idea that we will only be complete if we have other people in our lives. The premise is that by loving someone else, it is possible to love ourselves. However, the correct way is just the opposite, loving ourselves above all else. When we do that, then we can be complete.

"If you're going to change, change for the only person worth changing: you."

We always carry the impression that we are not enough for others, unconsciously diminishing ourselves, and so we believe that we must change in order to become "adequate" for others. However, change should only start with the desire to improve one's own essence We should change in order to feel good about ourselves and only that.

"If you are looking for that person who will change your life, take a look in the mirror"

The key to change and improvement of life lies within you. Under no circumstances wait for someone or some gift to fall from heaven. Make your own way and create your own conditions On this basis, have confidence in your own abilities.

"How you love yourself is how you teach everyone else to love you"

Continuing the self-love phrases We have rescued one with an important lesson. You can't love anyone when you don't love yourself So, teach others to love you by loving yourself.

"Loneliness is not cured by the love of others, it is cured by self-love.

One of the f rases of self-love It may sound confusing, but when we feel lonely there is no point in leaning on someone. You have to work on your self-love in order to be satisfied with your own company Once we learn this lesson, we will be fine anywhere with anyone.

"The best outfit for today? Self-confidence"

One must believe in the value of one's own actions, words, and thoughts. It is through this personal confidence that we will be able to get on with the things we want. This makes it possible:

Read Also: Self Love Phrases: 9 Most Impactful

Excellence at work

Since you are confident in everything you do, you will certainly not feel insecure at work. Consequently, this allows for greater assertiveness, since you are less prone to make mistakes You become a reference just by having self-confidence.

Personal life

At this part, you become less dependent and indecisive about your partner. Knowing who you are and what you want for both of you, your goals become clearer. This allows for greater harmony between your choices and decisions together Nothing better than a couple that thinks about convergence, no?

"The blindly in love may forgive me, but self-love is key!"

One of the self-love phrases deals with the consequences of falling in love inconsequentially. Before giving yourself to another, you need to work on your internal emotional structure. This is because one must avoid emotional damage in order to protect one's image. Otherwise, one can:

  • Feeding expectations

Without self-love and expecting too much from others, we end up creating expectations based on our needs Note that there is no promise on the other side, but rather an idealization of what we wanted. If we loved ourselves before that, we would avoid this discomfort.

  • Create dependency

Dissatisfied with our own presence, we become more and more dependent on our partner, and even if we don't want to, we suffocate him, completely saturating any contact we may have. In order to avoid this, take more pleasure in spending time alone Only then dedicate yourself to the other.

"Be your biggest commitment. don't be late, and don't put yourself off for later. you are now!"

Never procrastinate in order to dedicate yourself to something or someone Your biggest project in life will be yourself, and this must be worked on properly, so avoid putting off until tomorrow what you can do for yourself now.

"A flower doesn't think about competing with the flower next to it, it just blooms"

Self-love is not about a competition to see who is bigger and better. It is an internal change in order to improve the world around you and your image Love yourself and the glow you long for will come naturally.

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"When your self-esteem is low, remember: love is a ladder"

Keep in mind that we won't always feel like the most amazing people in the world. Part of this comes from an emotional accommodation to some objects that end up interfering with how we see ourselves. Based on this, make the appropriate increasing movements to restore confidence in yourself .

"I didn't leave because I stopped loving you. I left because the more I stayed, the less I loved myself."

Never stay in a place or a relationship that makes you feel down. Even though you have the responsibility to fix it, you are not obliged to give up in favor of the other. Although you love him, you must love yourself first .

Bonus: 25 more sentences about self-love

Besides the 12 phrases commented above, we selected others 25 messages about self-love They are small beams of light in our psychic darkness, which will help us to understand ourselves better and accept ourselves better.

See_also: What is self-perception and how to develop it?
  • "Love yourself first, before expecting to be loved by others."
  • "You are solely responsible for your happiness."
  • "Self-love is the basis of all self-confidence."
  • "Accept yourself as you are, including your flaws and imperfections."
  • "Don't allow any negative comments to affect your self-esteem."
  • "You deserve love and respect, especially from yourself."
  • "Love yourself as you are, not as you would like to be."
  • "Don't allow the words of others to define you."
  • "Learn to give yourself credit for your own successes."
  • "Don't judge yourself by the standards set by society."
  • "Self-love is the basis for there to be love for others."
  • "Don't feel guilty for putting your needs first."
  • "Learn to see yourself as being a valuable person."
  • "Forgive yourself for the mistakes of the past and seek to move forward."
  • "Don't allow fear to stop you from truly being you."
  • "You are worthy of being happy, regardless of any circumstances."
  • "Learn to be kind and understanding to yourself."
  • "Celebrate your achievements, even the smallest ones."
  • "Learn to see your qualities and abilities, don't let insecurity hurt you."
  • "Self-love is the path to authenticity."
  • "Learn to love yourself first and foremost, and love for everything else will come naturally."
  • "Be kind and understanding to yourself, it makes a difference."
  • "Self-love is a constant process of self-assessment and self-healing."
  • "Don't compare your journey with other people's, each person has their own time."
  • "Learn to forgive yourself, just as you would forgive someone you love."
Read Also: Lack of love for self and others

Final comments: phrases of self-love

Self-love phrases come to remind us that self-esteem is a vital pillar to happiness It is through this that we build the confidence we need to live properly with ourselves first of all. Once we start loving ourselves, we can give ourselves to others and love them too.

Start believing in yourself and you won't have to expect anything from others Not that this makes you arrogant, not at all, but you become enough. This attitude toward yourself becomes a physical and emotional protection for you.

Get to know our Clinical Psychoanalysis course

In order to work better on your self-esteem, how about taking our online course on Clinical Psychoanalysis? Through it you can find the pieces you need to live well with yourself. The self-knowledge acquired will allow us to understand our own motivations and external interactions.

Since our course is online, you can learn from anywhere and anytime you like. Regardless of when you choose to study, you will always have the help of our teachers to work through the rich material for each module. Once you have finished, you will receive at home a certificate that is valid throughout the Brazilian territory.

Don't let the chance to be happy with yourself pass you by. More than learning about self-love phrases Take our Psychoanalysis course.

See_also: Bitter People: 10 characteristics and how to deal with them?

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.