Demonic possession: mystical and scientific meaning

George Alvarez 31-05-2023
George Alvarez

The present study seeks to weave some reflections on the subject of demonic possession, despite the title being too flashy or giving negative impressions to the reader, but the unknown has always caused certain interests or doubts based on the Aurélio dictionary, the word unknown has adjectives such as "Who is unknown - ignored", "Who has never been seen", "Where one has never walked", " What you've never heard of", unknown to whom and from what?

As we delve deeper into this theme, we will move from the stage of the unknown to the known in order to gain knowledge about the subject in question. There will also be approaches to the esoteric vision, in addition to psychological issues, but some cases that have already happened in history will be presented for the reader's reflection, the intent is not to show what is right and wrong , what this or that is, but rather to have a deepening of the reflections themselves.

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Table of Contents

  • Different views on demonic possession
    • The History of Demonic Possession
    • Second personality
  • Scientific view on demonic possession
    • Visions on Possession
  • Why are so many mental disorders related to possession?
    • Castration of thinking, for example?
  • Esoteric View on "being possessed by demons
    • About the machine
  • The Mystical Clairvoyance
    • Unconscious Clairvoyance and Demonic Possession
  • The Witches' Century and Demonic Possession
  • Conclusion on demonic possession
    • Bibliographic references

Different views on demonic possession

You have to empty the glass full to prepare yourself to embrace the new, because many people are attached to diplomas, certificates and specializations, but think they know the absolute truth. and discard new studies or thoughts and analysis.

"We live in a society full of fear and ignorance, always trying to find an external culprit for our pain and forgetting our inner self we have exposed the external culprit, accusing, hurting, even committing atrocities, repressing what others should not see, fear of what other people will think of our ideas or lifestyles, the question is, are we living for ourselves or for others?

On this key that we must beat all the time, we will see which reality we are living.

The History of Demonic Possession

We have thousands and thousands of cases of demonic possessions, as we don't know when it really started because not everything is documented, but we have extensive reports also in medieval times, but we will bring some of the most famous cases for us to analyze, that happened in the year 1974 to the DeFeo family who were killed in their sleep, Ronald DeFeo Jr was found guilty of the murder of six people, since he was a child he suffered abuse from his parents, being the oldest in the family and after he grew up and eventually developed personality problems.

He and his defense attorney William Weber mounted an insanity plea, claiming they heard voices in his head to carry out the murders, Psychiatrist Dr. Daniel Schwartz maintained in the defense alleging that DeFeo was also a heroin and LSD user and that he had antisocial personality disorder (trial and conviction, according to Wikipedia).

We also have a case that happened in France in 1634, which involved nuns claiming to be demon-possessed, having convulsions, abusive language. Father Jean Joseph Surin exorcised the demons and inviting them to enter his body to free the nuns, As a result, he lost his mental capacities, committed self-harm and attempted suicide.

Second personality

Claiming that she felt she had two souls as a second personality (Possession of the Nuns of Loudun). The focus here is not to show all the details but only to compare some accounts of demonic possessions, as we see that many cases are very similar, we can always see abusive language, aggressions, some situations where it involves the instinctive sexual part, murders, voices in the mind, etc?

Why does all this happen? Why are all cases very similar? When we watch horror movies for example, or when we hear about some case or even witness these situations , we can see that there is a lot of similarity.

Scientific view on demonic possession

We see in the acronym DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) that it was created by the American Psychiatric Association (APA), to standardize the diagnostic criteria for disorders that affect the mind and emotions. The first version appeared in 1952, as treatment for trauma and mental illness for World War II veterans. (Traumas of War, at: The number of conditions listed in DSM 5 exceeds 300 mental illnesses. Intensity of the behaviors are also considered in the diagnosis.

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According to DSM -5 (p .62 mental disorder), to define a mental disorder , it is characterized by disturbance in an individual's cognition and emotional regulation or behavior that reflects a dysfunction in underlying psychological, biological, or developmental processes to mental functioning, is associated with suffering or disability. Could the scientific view then explain that a demonic possession could be a mental disorder?

In the 17th century Freud studied a case of a painter named Christoph Haizmann, who presented with convulsions and admitted to having made a pact with the devil, who had promised the devil that he would deliver his soul to Satan after nine years, we can observe that Christoph Haizmann in his life story , the painter lost his father and wished for a replacement father, the number nine is also related to the nine months of pregnancy.

Visions on Possession

In one of his visions, Haizmann reports that a citizen with a black hat, supported by a cane, appeared with a black dog in his right hand, Another reports a horrifying flying dragon, is it a religious superstition?

Another very intriguing vision was that the devil appeared with breasts? Why are there male and female attributes? According to some analyses the painter reports some female attitudes towards her father, who has the duty of carrying a child for 9 months , but we know it was 9 years in your account , The unconscious has its fantasies and doesn't usually distinguish time/space, so could it be that the father's death triggered a repressed fantasy?

Would a female attribute have any correlation in that in her childhood she did not have any competition with the woman for her father's love, so there is a kind of castration? This case was studied by the father of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud who called it "the demonic neurosis".

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Can we classify some of the cases shown as a mental disorder listed in DSM-5? How can we make a connection with the cases? In a basic analysis, they all have something in common in their origin, even though they are different situations, they are always caused by some lack and the victim uses something to supply your pain while, even if it is momentary.

A reflection, is that many cases in relation to demonic possession can be a repressed desire that we throw under the rug in order for it to disappear, in the first moments we can forget, but still the dirt is there to be cleaned, for example: repressing desires is somatization of future problems, Now to understand desire is to know that it is there and to know how it works, without there being anguish. Is society prepared for this reflection?

They manage to leave the dogmas that at the origin of the meaning is an indisputable belief, therefore, if we can't discuss something , To know its origin and how it was formed and only repress it for fear of being punished, wouldn't that be castration?

Castration of thinking, for example?

Being an article more focused on the analysis of present situations, the great negative part of the society itself is because it does not analyze the facts as it should be done, it has the achismo in very elevated degrees, it tries to explain the facts without thinking twice just to suppress that desire not to know what is going on, because when we face the unknown we get very afraid and to get out of this fear the mind always tries to come up with something more "palpable".

Before justifying or giving the final answer, we should ask ourselves, question ourselves, investigate the case, detail by detail, childhood, traumas, relations with parents etc... Just like Haizmann's case.

Esoteric View on "being possessed by demons

The esoteric vision usually teaches that there is the EGO, which would be a legion head, and the legion would be the sum of the psychological selves, therefore some selves can be conscious, but many remain hidden in the individual's unconscious and secretly manifesting. For example: the Individual having IRA ( Head, Commander) , will have the aggressiveness ( Soldier, one of the legion's selves). Therefore the Aggressive Self, the Cursed Self, etc...

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This would be the legion when a person supposedly possessed by the demon answers when asked his name. So do we have a connection with the esoteric vision together with the scientific one? For if we know that there are shadows that end up dominating the individual himself, and the esoteric one instead of shadows speaks of legion, so wouldn't it be the same thing but in a different language?

As well as a language spoken in Asian countries compared to those in the West? "The intellectual animal certainly is a machine controlled by several selves, When Samael says "Intellectual Animal", this represents man himself, giving importance only to the material world and forgetting the divine laws, using the intellectual to explain everything.

About the machine

Samael, we can understand that the human being is a machine full of Egos and always controlled by this legion. Now let's relate a case told by Waldemar, which happened in the city of San Miniato al Tedesco in Italy, where one of the parents had a daughter of only 15 years old who had many problems and her house always showed broken things and for some time in front of her parentspresented being possessed by an evil entity and despite her devotion to her faith in the divine, In the end, a priest helped to heal this entity, but looking deeper into the story it says that the girl was tormented by the Devil-self, who took the potential form of herself.

In the book Treatise on Endocrinology by Samael Aun Weor, the author exposes the case of a young woman who fell into a state of "raving madness" that she was hospitalized for six months, the young woman was writhing and foaming at the mouth and uttering various words and by the studies they did this symptom was caused by persecution delusions , psychotic , abnormal ideas .

But in his adolescence he did not present any of the problems that could have caused this, what could be the cause? As we have said before, it is all very similar to the other cases, the question is self-reflection.

The Mystical Clairvoyance

According to the author Samael Weor, there are two types of clairvoyance, negative and positive, the negative being seen as a way of the unconscious, which is what we will focus on in this article. Let's suppose that the individual has many insecurities, then he begins to create some images related to this insecurity and relives them in his own dream, then if you imagine that you have a friend who wants to kill you, We won't even be able to sleep properly because we will be afraid that at any moment someone will come through our bedroom door carrying some kind of weapon.

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We create this image and this friend begins to seem in our dreams to torment us, we wake up desperate and search for answers and when we see this friend, we will feel a very bad feeling about it. Some even resort to hallucinations, if it is a person who uses drugs or has some mental disorder they may even commit a wrongful murder. Does this contribute to a possible possession?

We can see that we are being controlled and not controlling the situation at hand, the big question is, were all the cases of demonic possessions then being dominated esoterically saying by "I's" (Psychological aggregates), by the Ego as we say in psychoanalysis? We can see that there are a multitude of cases, but all with some different accounts, one who hears a supposed voice that makes him want to kill everyone in his family, others have terrifying dreams, while others begin to see things, such as shadows and this and that, that suddenly enter the person.

Unconscious Clairvoyance and Demonic Possession

The author comments on a case of unconscious clairvoyance that caused a murder of a major Colombian politician, the authorities reported that he was a pink cross member but was expelled for having mental disorders, this individual then did a ritual with two candles in a mirror and saw supposed images of two people, one of these people was Simon Bolivar and Francisco de Paula Santander, he thought he was a reincarnation of bolivar and thought that Satander wanted to have killed him in a past life, but that now he had a way to get revenge, so how do we assume, he committed the murder.

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I(ego ) of clairvoyance acted and acted unconsciously without thinking twice about impacts it could cause. So we see that the esoteric view emphasizes that it is something of ours that we create and that comes to haunt us for more energy.

The Witches' Century and Demonic Possession

Since the 17th century, we have seen witch hunts or even pacts with demonic entities, being possessed by some evil entity that tries to kill each other, a big question is ... Since the medieval age people give some excuse to kill by saying that it was some evil entity that sent them? Is there a disorder, frustration, or castration on the part of the family that prevents the sexual desires of their children? Is there a mental disorder in this sense?

In fact, we see that it is not easy, we do not have the answers, only those who go through the situation know, we are not here to say that they are really entities or mental disorders, The human being is a universe, where there are many traumas and frustrations. What about the attacks on witches? According to author Michael Shermer in his book "Why People Believe in Strange Things".

That for example over the centuries, sociologists and anthropologists and theologians have launched some theories to explain the phenomena, the author states that we could discard the phenomenon of witch-hunting as a function of the church, Marion Starkey (1963) and John Demos (1982) from psychoanalytic references showing that the way people used scapegoating only to solve such conflicts and disagreements.

Conclusion on demonic possession

So was it all because of disagreements, envy, castration, jealousy or any kind of negative feelings to justify such actions? If we look at it, any kind of behavioral change at that time, Whether it was red hair, a different eye, or a dislike of belief, it was already a great cause for accusation.

So, is everything we have seen in the history of mankind related to witches, demons and covenants something real in itself or only real for those who are experiencing such sensations? Bouncing glasses, people changing their voices, acting in a totally opposite way, even in a sexual way, people being accused of witchcraft by others . Could it be that when we are accusing the other of something, it is what we see in ourselves?

If there is a pact, for example, like the one we report in the scientific view, would it be something related to covering something that our unconscious hides? Is possession really a psychological disorder in which we could classify DMS-5 or really an entity? In psychoanalysis we see that the process of projection is to attribute one's own ideas, feelings or attitudes to other people or objects.

Bibliographic references

DSM-5 (Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders). Freud, S. (1976a). The Stranger. In S. Freud. Brazilian Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud (J. Salomao, transl., Vol. 17, pp. 275-314). Rio de Janeiro: Imago. (Original work published in 1919). Michael Shermer. Why do people believe in strange things (P. 198). Samael Aun Weor. Treatise onendocrinology (page 100). Samael Aun Weor. ( Mystery of the Golden Blossom (Page 21, 22,23).

This article on demonic possession was written by Higor F. Weixter, a graduate of the psychoanalysis training course.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.