Opinion of Others: how to know when it (doesn't) matter?

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

As soon as we stopped caring about opinion of others, It is never easy, since we end up dealing with a lot of ignorance along the way. Nevertheless, if you want to be free of these chains, we will give you some tips on how to make this change more smoothly.

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Do you really need the approval of others?

Do you think the opinion of others is so relevant to your life? Some people will answer "yes", because they need the approval of others to fit in. However, we should avoid judging, since each person has a different life and experiences.

When you place too much value on others' opinions, you also put aside your own will and opinion. In addition, you become more anxious trying to find out what others will say about you. In other words, you become a hostage to others' comments because you fear being rejected or being alone.

Even if it is difficult, we must cut the influence of others on our attitudes. Otherwise, we will give up many things in order to please society. You need only your own opinion to get on with your life and build your happiness.

When they want to, people always say

Maybe you have given up doing some activity because you feared the opinion of others. Even if you have given up something, no doubt you have received negative comments about yourself. We say that if people want to, they will talk about us, for better or for worse.

In other words, it is possible that you will do something bad and be criticized, just as you will do something good and also be criticized. For example, a person who makes a donation may be questioned because he didn't take more donations. In this case, the people who criticized this attitude focused more on what was not being taken than on the good deed itself.

Therefore, you will learn in life that if someone wants to talk about you, all you have to do is breathe. You should never be afraid of being judged by what others think. This is because v ou should never let others' comments stop you from doing something positive for yourself .

How much does your happiness cost?

As you worry about the opinion of others, you drain your health and energy. It is as if you abandon yourself, so that your attitudes serve only to please others. Think: do you trust yourself to the point of believing that your opinion is the one that matters?

If you continue to care about other people's opinions, you will always feel stuck with others, and you won't be as happy as you deserve to be, because you won't please the person who really matters: yourself. So, try to take a more active posture, avoiding giving in to the concern of what they say .

Respect your history

How about you look for references in your own life path? Just like other people, you live and learn a lot from the experiences that build your history, it will be important for you to rely more on your experiences in order to strengthen your self-esteem .

Many people have the habit of looking for reference in the lives of people close to them or famous, so much so that they care a lot about other people's opinions instead of listening to themselves. Once they understand what they are capable of, they no longer care about other people's opinions.

See_also: Knowledge, Skill and Attitude: meanings and differences

As you discover your potential, you will understand that you don't need to think about how to listen to the opinion of others We advise you to also develop a sense of self-evaluation, since you will be your own critic. Above all, you will be more assertive about what you want, since you will have to please yourself.

Break your evaluation standards

In the following we will give you some tips on how not to desire others' opinions in psychology:

  1. Love yourself more by being who you really are: a person with incredible capabilities;
  2. Take inspiration from someone you admire, but only to understand how they initiated a personal change;
  3. Keep a journal and write down your desires, values, and goals in order to reassess yourself. In this way you will realize how much you have matured;
  4. Keep in mind that you don't need people to applaud everything you do;
  5. Remember that you will never please all the people by being who you really are, so avoid the stress of changing yourself to please someone else.
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It's not bad to ask for the opinion of acquaintances and friends, contact that you don't consider them absolute. The mistake some people make is to wait for others to tell them what to do. In this case it's important that they seek specialized advice from an analyst in order to develop their self-knowledge.

People who develop self-knowledge also gain more autonomy to think and act We can develop and strengthen our self-knowledge at any time of life. As soon as you develop this inner perception, you will discover what you are capable of achieving.


Our team has put together five tips for you to learn how not to care about other people's opinions. Even though we should respect other people's opinions, we need to value ours even more: That being the case:

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1. find out what matters

Know your values so you can understand what really matters in your life You will never allow external pressure to make you say "yes" to everything.

2. impose

You must stand up for yourself, but without appearing arrogant or haughty. Be honest with yourself and what you think.

3. surround yourself with self-confident people

Staying close to people who trust you more will serve as an example for you to have more autonomy.

4. list your fears

Make a list of your fears and the things you don't like. You will then challenge yourself to overcome the fears one by one to get out of your comfort zone.

For example, if you don't like public speaking, try attending small meetings. The important thing is that you try to overcome the situations that make you uncomfortable .

5. go out alone more often

How about you go out by yourself more often and experience your own company once in a while? Have a meal in a restaurant you like, go to the movies, visit the museum, or travel alone. You may feel uncomfortable at first, but you will understand more about yourself and your desires.

Concluding remarks about others' opinions

We must avoid letting the will and opinion of others control our lives It is normal to want advice, but you should not allow others to direct your life.

Also, you will never give up your will because of what people may say about you. Remember that if you do something right or wrong, people will comment on you in the same way, so your obligation is to do what makes you happy without worrying about what others think.

You will learn how not to care about the opinion of others With the help of our course you will have the necessary autonomy to develop self-knowledge and your full potential.

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.