Behavioral Psychology Books: Top 15

George Alvarez 18-10-2023
George Alvarez

Table of contents

In this article, we will show you the 15 best behavioral psychology books. Therefore, with our indications, you will have different strategies to change your life. So, read the text to the end so as not to miss any tips!

What is behavioral psychology?

Before talking about the books, we need to explain what behavioral psychology is. So, know this This is a branch that deals with the relationships between thoughts, emotions, and actions. Therefore, behavioral psychology is based on the idea that human behavior does not happen by itself.

In this sense, it is the mind that first receives the information. But, in a second stage, our feelings and emotions interpret the events. Finally, our attitudes are the result of these stimuli. Thus, all behavior has a motivation.

That is why our perceptions and sensations are also the focus of studies in behavioral psychology. Even because our mind learns and repeats certain patterns of situations. Therefore, it is necessary to understand how we react. In this way, we can better deal with our feelings, and, as a consequence, take positive attitudes.

It is important to say that:

  • a psychology depends on the professional's education in a course that takes 4 to 5 years, and behavioral psychology is one of the areas of practice;
  • a psychoanalysis addresses behaviors in an indirect, analytical way, the method can be learned in our Online Psychoanalysis Training Course, which qualifies you to perform.

See which are the best behavioral psychology books

Aiming to help you on your journey of self-knowledge, the recommended books are for everyone. So our idea is to share books that provide tips that are easy to understand and apply, so if you need more theoretical books, you may need other reading.

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1. mindset: the new psychology of success, by Carol S. Dweck

The author Carol S. Dweck is a psychologist and professor at Stanford University, in the U.S.A. Over the years, she has developed research and came up with the concept of mindset. According to Dweck, everything revolves around our beliefs and how they act in our lives, in a positive or negative way.

2. emotional intelligence: the revolutionary theory that redefines what it is to be intelligent, by Daniel Goleman

Psychologist Daniel Goleman is one of the leading experts on emotional intelligence. In this sense, the author defends the idea of learning our emotions. According to Goleman, schools should also teach children how to deal with their feelings. Thus, they would also form adults with more stable emotions.

3. the code of intelligence, by Augusto Cury

Augusto Cury is a Brazilian psychologist and renowned worldwide. In The Intelligence Code, the author explains different codes for a better management of our emotions. Some of the codes we learn are the managing self of the intellect, self-criticism, resilience, and debate of ideas, among others.

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4. breaking the habit of being yourself: how to rebuild your mind and create a new self, by Joe Dispenza

In this work, neuroscientist Joe Dispenza mixes different knowledge, and with this more complete approach, teaches us how to make changes in our lives. In this way, we are challenged to re-evaluate our beliefs and mindsets in order to apply the proposed teachings.

5. the body speaks: the silent language of nonverbal communication, by Pierre Weill & Roland Tompakow

This book is widely used in business and management courses. The authors show clearly, and by means of illustrations, the way our body reacts to certain situations.

The Ultimate Introduction to NLP: How to Build a Successful Life by Richard Bandler, Alessio Roberti & Owen Fitzpatrick

In this book, the author and one of the founders of the theory, Richard Bandler, introduces us to the main characteristics of NLP.

Handbook of Mindfulness and Self-Compassion: a guide to building inner strength and thriving in the art of being your best friend by Kristin Neff & Christopher Germer

Kristin Neff is a psychologist and professor at the University of Texas, U.S.A. In this book, the authors present a program for self-knowledge, as well as reflections on patterns and the cultivation of emotional well-being.

Learn about other books on behavioral psychology and productivity

Faced with everyday challenges, we may find it difficult to establish a routine. Not coincidentally, many people are horrified to hear about productivity. That is why we will indicate personal development books focused on organization. Check them out!

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8. the art of making it happen: the GTD method - Getting Things Done, by David Allen

In The Art of Making It Happen, author David Allen teaches about a method of time management. Allen prioritizes the idea of a free and clear mind for accomplishing tasks. So for people also interested in personal organization, the GTD method is worth getting to know.

9. essentialism: the disciplined search for less, by Greg McKeown

With the concept of essentialism, McKeown defends the idea of balance. Thus, the author prioritizes the need to identify what is vital. Therefore, essentialism is more than defining time management and productivity techniques. This is a daily exercise in reflection about doing the right things.

10. atomic habits: a proven, easy method for creating good habits and getting rid of bad ones, by James Clear

James Clear shows a method that mixes biology, psychology, and neuroscience, explaining through techniques how to make habits more efficient for everyday life. Furthermore, the author emphasizes that the method can be used for any goal.

11. focus: attention and its critical role for success, by Daniel Goleman

In this book, the author offers practical lessons on concentration on tasks. With the intention of valuing the present, Goleman offers tips on the importance of attention. Furthermore, the tips aim at success in different areas of life.

12. grit: the power of passion and perseverance, by Angela Duckworth

American psychologist Angela Duckworth studies courage and self-control. Her Ted Talks lecture on grit reached more than nine million views, but in the book, the author goes deeper into the subject, teaching about defeats in life.

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Working life and behavioral psychology books

13. fast and slow: two ways of thinking, by Daniel Kahneman

The Nobel laureate in economics uses psychology to address two applicable perspectives in business. Kahneman's goal is to instruct us at the moment of decision making. Thus, the reader helps us understand different insights and strategies for professional and personal life.

14. the power of habit: why we do what we do in life and in business, by Charles Duhigg

Author Charles Duhigg identifies patterns of successful habits, and to this end shows us different cases in which the transformation of habits brought surprising, positive results.

15. forbidden techniques of persuasion, manipulation and influence using language patterns and NLP techniques, by Steve Allen

The NLP method is widely used in the professional area. Therefore, this book by Steve Allen is necessary for improving your language at work. In addition, he teaches strategies to change other people's thinking or avoid negative emotional states.

Final considerations

In this article we show you the best behavioral psychology books! So, take the opportunity to learn about theories of the mind with our online Psychoanalysis course. In this way, you will understand the relationship between emotions and behavior. Sign up now!

George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.