Accelerated metabolism: physical and psychological explanation

George Alvarez 30-10-2023
George Alvarez

Have the fast metabolism But do you really know what this is? Then, read our post to understand more about it.

What is accelerated metabolism?

To begin our post, let's talk about meaning of accelerated metabolism But first, let's clarify what metabolism is: it is responsible for the transformation of the nutrients we eat into the energy our body needs.

Incidentally, the metabolism plays an important role in burning the calories that are so necessary for our survival. However, if this function is out of balance, it can become either slow or accelerated.

When one's metabolism is accelerated, it influences the difficulty to gain weight. In other words, many people who have this type of metabolism are thinner, because it is easier to burn calories.

Does a person who has a fast metabolism lose weight faster?

As we have said before, people who have an accelerated metabolism are mostly thinner. Because of this ideal, many individuals seek to have this type of metabolism. Although there are various foods and exercises that people can adhere to, this is more of a genetic issue.

Moreover, while many people want to exercise in order to lose fat and lose weight, others have the opposite objectives. After all, the accelerated metabolism prevents the person from gaining weight in a healthy way and lives every day a fight against the scale.

What are the effects of an accelerated metabolism?

Many imagine that the effect of having an accelerated metabolism is to have difficulty gaining weight and muscle mass. However, this is not the only consequence, after all there are certain disadvantages to the person's organism Let's take a look at the next topics:

Weight loss for no reason

It is logical that one of the main signs of an accelerated metabolism is weight loss. After all, when the metabolism is active for a long period, the body needs a greater amount of calories to maintain its functions. Because of this, there is a greater caloric expenditure in the body.

Feeling of tiredness and fatigue

When eliminating so many calories, the body ends up feeling some effects if it is not supplied through a healthy diet. The consequence is fatigue, since the cells work with a low amount of nutrients, which causes damage to metabolic processes and to the body's main functions.

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The heartbeat speeds up

The more active metabolism requires a greater amount of oxygen, and because of this, the heart rate will increase. As the heart rate increases, other symptoms will arise, which will cause:

  • sweaters;
  • insomnia;
  • fatigue.

Muscle weakness

Another very common symptom is muscle weakness. This is because the body needs to consume both fat and muscle mass, as there is a loss of both fat mass and lean mass.

In fact, the reduction in muscle mass causes great weakness and difficulty in doing some day-to-day activities.


Finally, anemia is one of the symptoms of an accelerated metabolism, which, by the way, is quite serious. As we have already said, the high consumption of nutrients and calories brings some health problems if the replacement is not done in a healthy way.

The relationship between accelerated metabolism and psychology

People think that an accelerated metabolism is something that is more associated with the physical part, i.e. it is our body (such as genetics) that controls this. However, the psychological part also plays a role in the metabolism.

For example, a person who has anxiety may have an accelerated metabolism Just to remind you, this psychological disorder causes suffering to the people who have this problem. After all, it affects several aspects of their lives and brings damages, reaching the social, professional and sentimental sphere.

Besides such damages, the person's body is also affected, especially his weight, as he can either gain weight or lose weight. This is because anxiety influences the endocrine system, in which the person is afflicted with high levels of stress, and there is an increase in the production of cortisol.

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Accelerated metabolism: what to do?

As we have seen, an accelerated metabolism can bring some very serious consequences to people, such as anemia, so it is important to stay alert so as not to suffer from the uncontrolled effects.

In view of this, in order to slow down your metabolism and gain weight in a healthy way, it is important to adopt some habits. So, let's see in the next topics.


It is important to remember that it is not to eat as much as you want, thinking that this will solve the problem. So, it is important to eat in a fractionated manner, that is, to take short breaks between meals. This period can be between 2 and 4 hours.

In addition, it is necessary to eat healthy food Since eating snacks, soft drinks, stuffed cookies and pasta, for example, will generate pounds that will be bad for you in the future, it is necessary to bet on good sources of food:

  • complex carbohydrates (grains, whole grains, vegetables, etc);
  • good quality fats (olive oil, butter, coconut oil, etc);
  • proteins (pork, beef, chicken, fish, eggs);

Physical exercises

People think that physical activities are only for people who want to lose weight. However, this is not so. Exercises such as weight training and crossfit are indicated for people who want to gain mass.

After all, such physical activities are overload stimuli, in which the muscle must sustain a greater weight than it is used to As a result, hypertrophy occurs.

So, it is necessary to do physical activity for about 1 hour every day. But it is worth mentioning that you should seek a personal trainer for the expected effects, besides doing the activities properly.


Finally, it is necessary that we take care of our mind, because it has a connection with our metabolism. So, bet on meditation techniques (like yoga) and always take some time for yourself to reflect and rest your mind.

Final considerations about accelerated metabolism

As we have seen throughout this post, the fast metabolism makes the person burn calories faster. Although it is a dream of many people, this type of metabolism requires a little attention. After all, it can bring health consequences, such as anemia, which is the most serious.

So, to understand more about the causes of fast metabolism With our classes and the best teachers in the market, you will be able to work as a psychoanalyst. In addition, you will have access to great content that will help you enter your new journey of self-knowledge. So, sign up now and start today!

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.