How to get over someone? 12 tips from psychology

George Alvarez 28-09-2023
George Alvarez

Maybe you or someone very close to you have already been through a difficult relationship. Many people still find it difficult to get over an old love and that's why we made a list to get over someone. Check out 12 tips on how to get over someone .

Tip 1: Cut off communication

The first tip we give on how to get over someone is that you cut off communication with your ex Many people ignore this step and may relapse, putting aside their emotional healing to win back their ex.

If the person does not cut off communication, he will hardly forget that love, even if the relationship hurts him. In addition, you need to get rid of the objects and gifts that he gave you and still cause commotion.

Tip 2: Avoid not thinking about him

Although it may sound confusing, making an effort not to think about your ex will make you think about him all the time. According to psychologists, when we make an effort to forget our ex, we achieve the opposite effect. That is, the more you don't try to think about him, the more your ex will appear in your mind.

Thinking about that person is a normal thing when we want to get over a relationship that didn't work out. Still, don't interpret a dream you had about him or her or a memory as a sign for relapse.

Tip 3: Pay attention to yourself

In the quest to understand how to get over a person an individual can develop addictions because of stress. In order to deal with fatigue and anxiety, if you are experiencing the situation, you should rest and relax. The end of a relationship is an important transition that must be made in a healthy and patient manner .

Tip 4: Talk to someone you trust

Talking with a trusted friend can help a person to overcome his or her insecurities. Talking is good for finding out how to get over someone completely because it makes it easier to understand the tensions and anxieties they have developed. Try to understand their feelings in order to see the moment from a different perspective.

Tip 5: Get inspiration from those who have overcome

Most of us will probably have some trouble getting over a relationship breakup. According to Dr. Kelly McGonigal, we should be inspired by people we admire who have been through a similar situation. In this way, we can feel motivated by understanding how such an individual overcame the breakup.

You can find references in:

  • Websites and blogs. There are channels created specifically for subscribers to learn how to have healthy relationships, including how to end them.
  • Videos or posts on networks. Being a fast means of communication, we will always have some tip from someone on how to get over someone
  • Advice from friends: If a close friend of yours has gone through the same situation, try to be inspired by their turnaround

Tip 6: Be patient with your pain

Even though it may not seem like it, you will overcome the pain you feel because of the breakup. In order to do so, it is necessary that you respect your pain and live this separation process calmly. While trying to get over someone, try to invest in pleasurable activities and seek support from close friends.

Furthermore, don't compare yourself to someone who got over your ex quickly Give your mind time to process the breakup in a mature and responsible way.

Tip 7: Focus on the present

The seventh tip on how to get over someone completely is not to imagine a future together or to cling to the past. A common mistake is to imagine realities that can't happen instead of focusing on the present and your maturing. Furthermore, you need to understand the reasons why you broke up by analyzing how you were no longer okay.

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Tip 8: Remember your ex's faults

You can avoid relapses or imagine a perfect relationship if you remember everything you didn't like about your ex. We don't make this point to make you hate him, but, yes, to reflect on how you don't fit together .

Tip 9: Tell your friends that you broke up

Talk to friends or relatives that you have ended the relationship. You don't have to expose anything on social networks. But, talking to other people in private is something that can help. This makes you materialize the ending of the relationship and commit to the idea that the relationship is over.

Tip 10: Don't think that you won't think any more

Don't think that you are thinking, nor think that you won't think about the person anymore. The best thing to do is not to fight with this thought. When the thought comes, tell yourself that it is "okay to think about the person". Accepting that this thought is in you right now without blaming yourself or suffering for it is a way of accepting that it will go away soon.

Tip 11: Invest in what you like

While your heart is healing you can keep your mind focused on activities you enjoy. For example, why don't you rescue old hobbies or find new activities that give you pleasure? Besides the feeling of conquest, those who want to get over someone can find new purposes and accomplishments that don't involve their ex. Among the most interesting tips are: reading, doing activitiesphysical, go to the movies, visit new places, see friends again, and make new friends.

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Tip 12: Don't blame yourself

A very common misconception among some people is that it is solely their fault that they are breaking up. We are human beings with natural flaws and ambitions, and therefore we are susceptible to error. In addition, incompatibilities in a relationship can naturally drive people apart.

So avoid taking all the blame for the breakup if the other person has caused you harm.

Extra tip: Meditation

In addition to sympathy, many individuals also resort to meditation to get over a person. Thus, the tendency is for body and mind to become more relaxed. In short, it is a mental exercise to remove affective ties with an ex-love from your routine. Put another way, it is a meditation for the person to get rid of the pain they feel while taking care of emotions and daily life.

Final thoughts on how to get over someone

Although it is complicated, finding out how to get over a person will be beneficial to an individual It is when we are apart that we can connect with ourselves and listen to our own desires. With a clearer mind we are able to counsel ourselves and mature as human beings.

If you are in this situation, never believe that this suffering will be eternal. Probably the first days of the breakup will be difficult, but soon you will find what you need to get over someone.

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George Alvarez

George Alvarez is a renowned psychoanalyst who has been practicing for over 20 years and is highly regarded in the field. He is a sought-after speaker and has conducted numerous workshops and training programs on psychoanalysis for professionals in the mental health industry. George is also an accomplished writer and has authored several books on psychoanalysis that have received critical acclaim. George Alvarez is dedicated to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others and has created a popular blog on Online Training Course in Psychoanalysis that is widely followed by mental health professionals and students around the world. His blog provides a comprehensive training course that covers all aspects of psychoanalysis, from theory to practical applications. George is passionate about helping others and is committed to making a positive difference in the lives of his clients and students.